Not much to update
Nothing to update. Nothing new and witty. Glow wanted an update so I guess she was tired of the other post being there. *pout* But I have nothing new to discuss today.
Except for the fact that my boys are lagging at work. No half n half for my coffee this morning. I'm not so much fully awake yet.
Except for the fact that my boys are lagging at work. No half n half for my coffee this morning. I'm not so much fully awake yet.
hey hey...good morning! I see you were drinking in my blog this weekend! Where the hell was I? I am on a drinking hiatus...for at least another week.
I need to update about my reunion...lots of drunken madness.
I hate to post and run but...
*runs out*
*runs back*
*runs out again*
Bitch. *grin*
I left you a hottie over at my place. She seems to have lost her top though...
*hands* Carey some French Vanilla creamer...
What a coincidence. I have nothing to say either.
*runs off to Rose's place*
Thank you, honey. I get crabby without my morning coffee.
I'm still mad at you Jen for trying to steal my joke. *stomps off*
You can have that joke. It was offensive to women... and doctors... and MONKIES! *giggle*
Thank you.
You don't get it, do you. I'm a Doctor and I had a monkey. *snort*
the cheesecake episode was on Friday. I just love that one.
Anytime, Glow.
Did somebody say "cheesecake"?
I love cheesecake.
Who said cheesecake?
Where's the cheesecake?
Is there any bread left? I want some toast. *yawn*
Did somebody say monkey?
No, I said cookies. And bread. I left some crumbs at your place Breezy. Got a broom? *smirk*
Are you calling me a witch? *evil eye*
*giggle* I just asked if you had a broom. *innocent look*
Ladies, ladies, ladies. No fighting. There's plenty of Dweeze to go around.
*pushes Dweeze into the pudding pool*
*jumps into the pudding*
Oh, is that what that big lump of brown stuff is? I thought someone had an accident. *looks at Krazy*
Ewww Jen! I was having a great time in all this pudding with Dweeze and you had to go and say that. Yuck.
*licks pudding off fingers*
Morning! (I'm serious, I haven't had a chance to get online since forever.)
And should the fact that "Dweeze" rhymes with "feeze" be telling me something?
*ignores Jen's gross comment* (although it was a good one*
Are you sure you are licking pudding, MM?
I like it, Coco. I would love to feeze the Dweeze.
Augie ate cheese on a stick this weekend, Momma. Is that the same?
Dweeze said it was pudding. But he also said it was his finger...
Hee hee hee.. if you fell for the "It's my finger" thing, Dweeze is the one with the problem.
Carey, I was hoping not to have to ask what "feeze" meant. *hint hint*
To seduce.
Carey! You didn't give me the credit! You were supposed to tell her why "feeze" is even used at all.
And no Coco, Dweeze has no problem. *grin*
Damn, did I miss the pudding?
I was going to let you tell it. Although I'm not sue that I would admit that I was so bored that I would google a typo. LMAO
Okay, *gets all comfy to tell the story* Once upon a time, long, long ago in a blog not so very far from here, there was a young woman name Syren. She wanted to have a sleepover with some of her princess friends (we may as well be royalty, right?).
The most beloved princess of all wanted to make the night unforgettable for the other more normal princesses, so she decided to freeze the bra of the first one who fell asleep. In order to amuse the simple minded girls, she wrote feeze instead of freeze. She knew it was the perfect word for them and that they would enjoy the pretend typo.
But the mean princesses made fun of her and thought it was an accident. But it really wasn't. Since then, all the other princesses have been using the brilliant word that the very witty princess came up with on purpose. She just never got credit for using it in the first place. And she is not bitter about it, she just practices her selfless, unconditional love, long suffering and patience despite being completely ridiculed.
And? She lived happily ever after.
And? One of the more normal, plain princesses became a hypochondriac who regularly consumes her drink out of a box.
The End.
I ate cheesecake on a stick this weekend, however there was a vendor at the Festival who sold macaroni and cheese on a stick. I did not try it, but heard it's yummy.
Carey --- did you dress up as a wench in honor of me going to the renaissance festival?
Augie, how do they keep the mac & cheese on the stick?
LMAO. And I don't even remember who's bra got fozen first. *grin*
Very nice, MM. Very nice indeed. Even though you called me names.
Cheese, cheesecake, same thing. I was in a hurry.
I'm with Arkie, Mac n Cheese on a stick? You damn Marylanders, Marylandites? Marylandians? What DO you people call yourselves.
The macaroni and cheese on a stick looked like little triangle shaped patties of breaded mac & cheese deep fried, then stuck on a stick. Looked to be about 6 triangles on a stick to an order.
Marylanders, Carey. We call ourselves Marylanders. Sheesh. Ya wench.
Augie is mean. *pout*
Thank-you for the explanation MM. Henceforth, should I use the word "feeze", I will be sure to add a little TM or C if I can figure out how.
TM is done by holding ALT while pushing 0153
See ™
As for the C...I haven't a clue
Oh! And the R for Registered?
Alt and 0174
See? ®
Momma <-- smaht
Wow, I sorta want to feeze Momma now for being so darn smart. *swoon*
I did a pumpkin! Go look!
MM will like it!
You did a pumpkin? I've heard of beastiality but what is it called when you do a vegetable?
I think I may want to marry it.
Only if you move to Iowa, or is it Utah? I know you can marry potatoes in Idaho and corn in Oklahoma and oranges in Florida but I'm not sure about Pumpkins.
WooHoo! I saw it and I loved it, Zombie!
After reading these comments first I was almost afraid to look, and coming from you I thought for sure it would be something sexual. LOL!
I was trying to make a weiner mobile out of the pumpkin but it was too hard.
Maybe I should have had Bigfoot holding one.
Or a walnut pumpkin looking at a bigfoot holding the weinermobile...
I wish I weren't mildly slow because a weiner pumpking would be erfect. Or a pooting pumpking. LMAO
Thank-you momma! You are very smaht™ indeed.
I just re-learned all the stupid alt codes. I used to know them, but we had iMacs at work so I didn't need them. Now I have a PC and I have to figure it all out again. é è ç
Carey, I fixed it. No more comments that hurt you so deeply.
And yes, do a pooting weinermobile, please.
Thank you, *sniff* It was hurting my eyes. *grin*
I don't know how to draw a weiner and a poot. :(
I bet you are wonderful doing weiners. And I can't help you with the poot, it's not my area of expertise.
What was hurting your eyes?
LMAO! (don't go look)
*drive-by feeze*
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