Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I made a decision

While Michelle is gone, I am going to go as peopless as possible. I think it is necessary for me to regroup, alone for a bit. Hmmmm, possible rant ahead...
I think I need to take some time to be alone. I can tell that the stress is getting to me. I want to choke half of the newbies on OT and it's gotten to a point where my judgement is clouded. I'm ready to pounce and I shouldn't feel that way. This is the first time that a group of newbies have gotten on my nerves like this. I don't want to be one of those "old timers" that hates all the newbies. I've never been that way before and I think that maybe some of my frustration is being misguided.
Poor Monsty. she called me this morning for our morning chat session and all I did was bitch and complain and then had to hang up. Our morning phone calls are something that I enjoy and I would prefer that she enjoy them too.
I think I may have been the same with Glow on the phone too. And we don't get to talk on the phone as much as we used to.*sigh*
And for the life of me, I can't seem to be nice to Breezy this week. And not our normal sibling bickering. I'm pretty sure that I have been straight up rude with her. Not a nice way to treat a friend.
Then after work today, I accidentally cut someone off because I thought their blinker was on to turn. Well, oops, they didn't turn and I totally cut him off. My fault 100%. I pulled into my bank and around the back alley where the drive through is and he followed me. He turned around to say something to me and I quickly apologized for cutting me off. He then called me a bitch. AFTER i APOLOGIZED AND TOOK RESPONSIBILITY FOR CUTTING HIM OFF. That really pissed me off so i followed him into the Verizon store. I tapped him on the shoulder and said "I really want to apologize for cutting you off. It was my fault and I'm sorry". He told me to get the fuck out of his face. Then his GF started to yell at me. Fucking idiots. I was nice and said sorry, forget it now. So I of course called him a pansy ass mother fucker and told him that if Verizon was selling class, he should buy double. His GF got in my face after that. I told her if she took one more step towards me that her next step would be her last. He then threatened me and I told him to take his pansy ass outside and he could show me what would happen if I didn't get out of his face. Of course he did not. I have to laugh though because he was over 6 feet tall and he was literally shaking. I'm sure out of anger but it was funny to watch him shaking. anyhow, I left the store, he called me a pussy, I told him you are what you eat and I went about my business. BUT...the entire way home, I wanted to turn around and go beat the shit of him and his GF.
Anyhow, with all of this buildup with anger, I think it's time for Carey to take a step back for a bit so that she can find Bravie again. I'm sure I will be online here and there. I can never stay away. Too curious, too codependent, too something. But I think I will spend the next few days holed up in my house doing things that relax me. Read, listen to some music, download some CDs onto my iTunes, kick it in the pool (weather permitting), maybe watching some old movies that I haven't seen in awhile. Just being away from real people for a bit. Because I'm ready to strangle someone. Soon.
Of course, I have to get through work tomorrow and a funeral for one of my best friend's grandpa. Friday night I am going out with Sharnina. Sunday to the Giants game with my Mom. so the rest of the time, it will just be me, myself and I, trying to regroup if possible. I think I've lost my ability to be nice.
Sorry for the long post if you made it this far.


Blogger yvonne said...

I totally understand the need to regroup. I also totally understand how the newbies are getting on your nerves, because they are on my nerves too. If One.More.Person. makes a snide comment about the archives (like agman did AGAIN today) I might blow a gasket. But! This is about you, and not about me and my issues. *snort*

I'm sorry that asswipe was a jerk to you. What a putz.

*big hugs*

5/23/2007 3:51 PM  
Blogger yvonne said...

Oh! And is your email back to normal, or still wonky?

5/23/2007 3:52 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

I responded to your email about 5 minutes ago. So if you didn't receive it, I guess it's still wonky.

I really need to get over the thing with this guy at Verizon. I am obsessing about it and wishing that I had punched him in his ugly face.
And yes, I saw where Agman referenced it AGAIN. He is also bumping 4 year old threads in the show forums and then once bumped, he is just responding to himself to build up his DAW count. It really should not be a big deal to me if he is so desperate to be a DAW. But it does bug me. I need it not to bug me.
As Monsty so eloquently said to me "These people are just pixels on your computer. You shouldn't let them get you worked up"
And she is 100% correct. As usual.

5/23/2007 3:58 PM  
Blogger yvonne said...

Yes, they shouldn't bother us, but I've been thinking about it and I think the reason it is annoying is because we do feel like RTVW is a home. A cyber, pretend home, but a home nonetheless. And when people blow in and treat it like it's "just a message board" and dont' give a shit about our history (even though it really IS just a message board) it's annoying to those of us who have built relationships there.

But, in the long run they really are just pixels. Which is why I too need to take breaks from it at times. Just like I need to take breaks from my family after too much togetherness.

But not while Big Brother is on. I have to have my BB daily fix. *grin*

5/23/2007 5:24 PM  
Blogger mtw said...

I just have to say:

Poor Sharnina! :(

*said with love* ;-)

5/23/2007 5:34 PM  
Blogger MM said...


Take it easy and enjoy your alone time. Everything will be here when you get back. :)

5/23/2007 11:49 PM  
Blogger sharnina said...

ahem... I don't know if I should be worried now or not. I promise, here and now, not to mention anything archive related. Pinky swear.

5/24/2007 12:45 AM  
Blogger ~Nutz said...

I definitely think you need to unwind a bit. Your plan sounds like just what you need. Rest & regroup.


5/24/2007 4:44 AM  
Blogger Breezy said...

*hug* I love you, you dork.

I'm this || close to posting "grow up" to all and any newbies that says anything about the archives. I wanted to beat agman with a ballpeen hammer this morning.

5/24/2007 5:20 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Thank you everyone. *smooches*

Sharnina? You are safe. You may have a seat. /ryan seacrest voice

I had to laugh at Agman bumping threads that had not been posted on in since 2003. My favorite was this reply..."no". That was it. He just posted the word no. And then I believe he responded to himself with "lol".
*rolls eyes*

5/24/2007 5:25 AM  
Blogger arkie said...

*smooch* Love you.

btw, I keep reading "peopless" as "poopless". Just thought you'd like to know.

5/24/2007 6:28 AM  
Blogger thndrkttn said...

Enjoy your alone time. I love the idea of floating in the pool. :)

And shame on that dude for not accepting your apology and continuing to be an effing DB. He is a CLASSIC example of an effing DB.

5/24/2007 6:33 AM  
Blogger Glowie said...

totally understand the regroup thing. Monsty is absolutely right and I believe I've said as much once or a billion times.

Dude and his bitch at the Verizon store sound like they are total idiots. Take that high road.

I love Carey. Carey has a very special place with me.

And? you were fine with me on the phone. I mean, as fine as you could be... I am stealing your wife afterall.

5/24/2007 6:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See, you so could have used a Hummer for this situation.

I am very proud of you for taking time to yourself. I was laughing as I was writing my post about your house and how our dinner really took me back because those were the days when I could escape and sometimes, darnit, you just need that. Those were the days you could call my house and get this as the answering machine greeting:

Hi, this is Boo. I am either taking a nap or really just don't feel like talking right now. If you want to leave a message, go ahead. If not, that's fine too.

And I would turn all the ringers off and turn the volume to the machine down.

Maybe I should go fuck with Agman. I really haven't been over there much.

5/24/2007 6:58 AM  
Blogger frodis said...

I hope you enjoy your peopleless weekend. I know how you feel - I get people overload, too, and need time to myself to regroup and re-nice myself. I used to look forward to time alone in my hotel room when I'd travel to do just that. And, to order room service dessert.

So, my advice is to eat some dessert while floating in your pool.

I also stew for way too long after nasty people encounters, like in traffic. I have to say, you're a badass - I wouldn't have followed him into the store. Honestly, you went above and beyond by apologizing, so if he's enough of a jerk to get THAT mad about being cut-off, then he's not worth you agonizing over. He must spend a lot of time angry.

On the other end of the spectrum, your friends love you even when you are rude. Concentrate on them and let Verizon guy go to hell.

5/24/2007 7:01 AM  
Blogger Swami said...

"you are what you eat"

*drools coffee from an open mouth*

Oh, I love that line!

When I need to escape I usually read because that's more soothing to me than TV.

Right now I am reading a Robin Cook. I don't know why I like his books, but I do. Even if it has been the same basic plot ever since 'Coma' 20+ years ago, and his female protagonists (they're always female) are a bit off. I just like 'em.

5/24/2007 8:01 AM  
Blogger mtw said...

Hey, any bets on whether agman posts his own milestone thread when he hits 1,000 in the next day or two?

5/24/2007 10:22 AM  
Blogger yvonne said...


I bet he will. *snort*

On a different subject, I now have poison ivy on my right ear lobe, front and back. Geez, I look pathetic.

5/24/2007 2:36 PM  
Blogger Schnookie said...

Stepping away for a while always works for me.

What an asshat that guy was. You went out of your way to apologize. Sheesh. What is wrong with peeps in this world?


Chilling out in your pool reading a book sounds just perfect. Enjoy!!

5/24/2007 6:14 PM  
Blogger Puffy said...

I've been reading "peopleless" as "peoples ass."

It's hard to "let go" of a confrontation like that. I'd keep re-living it and thinking of other things I could have said or done.

I hope you have a good weekend and an even better reunion when Michelle returns.

5/24/2007 11:30 PM  
Blogger momma said...


5/25/2007 6:34 AM  
Blogger Kimmah said...

what? you find newbies irritating? seriously? you must be a really bad person. **i** would never be snide, snarky, bitchy or otherwise old-timerish.

hey, if you want to really fire them up, use the phrase "quality vs. quantity."

5/25/2007 11:37 AM  
Blogger Kimmah said...

I have no idea what you're talking about, btw. I guess I'm going to have to nap and then go search out this agman and see what's going on. I've not pissed a newbie off in awhile...I'm sort of out of practice and that is a terrible skill to lose.

Enjoy your peopleless time--I've been in that mode off and on for over a year. It's good sometimes.

5/25/2007 11:43 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Kim, I keep giggling over being so annoyed by the newbies. Now I know how you felt when I first came around. I remember we once had a little "quality vs. quantity" debate in a PM. *giggle*
While you're looking up Agman, have a look at Jbug and Maggie as well. that should stir up some of those feelings about newbies. *grin*
And? you look great. Great picture of you.

5/25/2007 12:50 PM  
Blogger momma said...


Where the hell have YOU been all day, missy?

5/25/2007 1:27 PM  
Blogger Debcapsfan said...

Funny, cause I think all the newbies are stupid and annoying too.
I believe I said to Jason yesterday that they aren't funny, and add nothing of value.
Monsty is right. Enjoy your relaxing weekend.

5/25/2007 1:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She's been with me, Momma. We've been talking about you.

5/25/2007 1:50 PM  
Blogger momma said...

*evil glare*

You shouldn't be talking about me. I didn't do anything. This time. Sort of.

5/25/2007 2:05 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

I was banished to the land of no internet at work today. Waaaah

5/25/2007 3:00 PM  

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