Tuesday, May 20, 2008

From High to Low.

I swear if I am happy for more than two days in a row, the powers that be are ordered to come and take it away from me. It's certainly frustrating.
My boss calls me into the office and wanted to know when I started with my new hours. Huh? New hours? I've been working these hours for over 5 years. She told me that wasn't true and that in fact, I came to her asking to cut my hours and therefore would only work from 7-2pm everyday. Um, why on earth would I do that? Are you fucking kidding me? I would never ask to cut my hours. She told me that I specifically asked for less hours and that based on that, I am to cut my hours back. she flat out called me a liar. She wasn't even here for two of the past five years. she swears that I never started at 6am and that I just recently started to do this on my own and that it's to stop. I swear that sometimes I must live in a different universe.
In the middle of all of this, Michelle calls to tell me that on her way back to work from the dentist, her car died. Not her main her. Her other car. The one that she just made a verbal agreement with to sell for $4000. Dead. No sale. Oh, and why was she at the dentist? Because she was finding out that 1. She has to have gum surgery and 2. she has to have all of her front teeth (caps and bridges) replaced. At a cost of about $8000 out of her pocket because her insurance doesn't cover it.
At least I have my good friends to stand by me and support me when I'm down.
It sucks to live in my house today. *sigh*


Blogger kim (weltek) said...

Oh wow. When it rains it pours. WTF is up with the work thing? The other things are kind of those sh!tty facts of life (cars dying at important times and exhorberant dental expenses), but the work hour thing is nuts. Seriously.


What did the ghost say to the bee?

5/20/2008 1:38 PM  
Blogger kevingrout said...

Ok? Your boss? Delusional.

Do you have anyone who can back you up on your hours claim? Just tell her that there is nothing in writing about reducing your hours (or you agreeing to it) and until there is, she can go f*ck herself.

*hugs* and *hugs* to Michelle. That sounds painful (both for the mouth, and for the wallet).


5/20/2008 1:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WTF is right. So sorry. Would it help if I showed her some of my emails that I have gotten from you at 5 a.m. your time? She is a crazy psycho bitch. And I agree with Meemo.

*hugs* to you and Michelle.

5/20/2008 1:58 PM  
Blogger Jen said...


So sorry. That is crazy about your boss. If she wanted to cut your hours, why not just do it? Why make up a lie, and not even a good one. Obviously you know what hours you've worked! Do you guys have any time keeping system there?

Maybe it's just the battery in the car or something else that can easily be fixed? I hope so.

5/20/2008 2:09 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

BooBee. *giggle* right, Kim? right?

Boss is most definitely delusional. I told my Mom that it isn't even worth arguing with the boss anymore just so I can see how crazy she can get.
Yes, I can provide absolute proof of my hours for the past 12 years. But I sort of felt like it wasn't worth it. She is a liar, she knows it, I know it. Good enough for me. She has to live with herself.
I agree that it was an excuse to cut my hours and she doesn't have the balls to come out and just say it.
In the long run, no matter what happens here, I win. I don't lie like she does, I don't fuck with people's lives the way she does and you know what? I have a lot of great friends and great family who love me. That is enough revenge for me.
Her? her husband left her for a younger woman, her children have moved as far away as they can (one in NY, one in FL, one in San Diego). She has no friends left. She has had to stoop to closing management doors and talking to the other boss about her personal life because she has nobody else. And it's because she is a miserable, controlling bitch.
When our doors finally close, and they will, she is going to be left standing with nothing but her lies and her misery. Too bad because she could have had the world at her fingertips. Miserable old fucking cow that she is.

5/20/2008 4:06 PM  
Blogger Asrai said...

What a fvcking psychotic cow! I can't believe she even thought she could get away with lying like that about/to you. *boggle*

That really sucks about Mich and her car. I wish her the bestest with her dental adventure. Maybe the car stuff won't be so bad and it'll all fall into place! *crosses fingers*

5/20/2008 5:19 PM  
Blogger Breezy said...

Unreal, that fat cow needs to go on a long trip far far away.

Maybe the car just had a wire come loose? Maybe? *hugs for Michelle* I hate dentist bills.

5/20/2008 6:03 PM  
Blogger Swami said...

Zheesh! Everything is happening at once!

*hugs Bravie while simultaneously ass-kicking the stupid boss lady*

I would still give her a copy of your time sheets or whatever it is you use to officially track your hours - just as a 'friendly reminder'. Even though you all know she is lying, it's just what I would do.

Massive dental work utterly sucks.
I hope the car is a quick, easy fix.

5/21/2008 8:08 AM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

See, nobody can deny a smile when they say Boobee. :-)

So, any diagnoses on the car today?

Diagnosis of boss lady is still that she's still a delusional, miserable fvcking cow, I assume.

Chris just realized Gordon Ramsay liked to call people "cows."

Make up some alternate lyrics about your boss to "I am Cow." It will make you smile.

5/21/2008 8:15 AM  
Blogger thndrkttn said...

A great way to prove your hours is to have your IT person print out your log in times on your computer. Can't be logging in if you're not there. Or how do you enter your building? Swipe card? That log could be pulled too. TEE was lying about working overtime and I pulled her swipe card to show that she indeed was showing up 1-2 two hours later than she said she had. You could prove that you are there every morning at 6:00am. (Or you could point her to OT...well maybe not that. ha.)

Nothing, and I mean NADA infuriates me more that being accused of lying when I am completely innocent. My mother used to do it me all the time when I was younger. We ended up fistfighting over it.

So sorry you're having to deal with of all that. And 8 grand for dental work makes me hurt!

5/21/2008 8:16 AM  
Blogger dragonflies said...

I'm so sorry hon. *hugs*

5/21/2008 8:18 AM  
Blogger Puffy said...

*backs out of blog and grasps onto lucky rabbit's foot*

All these at once are unreal. So sorry.

5/23/2008 3:43 PM  

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