Color me nervous. I have a job interview on Monday. A much more stable company than where I am now. A LOT more money, better benefits, closer to home. All kinds of yummy goodness. I would be doing basically what I do now but they do have different equipment and capabilities than what I am used to dealing with. But I have 13 years experience in my current position and what I do now would be a part of what I would do there. I feel super confident in what I know and based on that I feel confident that I would pick up the new stuff rather quickly.
I just have to keep reminding myself that I have the qualifications and I would be an asset. And if I don't get the job, I still have a job so it's okay. Waaaaaaaaaaaaah. I skeert.
I just have to keep reminding myself that I have the qualifications and I would be an asset. And if I don't get the job, I still have a job so it's okay. Waaaaaaaaaaaaah. I skeert.
You go get 'em!!!!
*gets out box of crayons* What color is for nervous, anyway?
This sounds like a wonderful opportunity for you. If this other company has any sense, they will snap you up immediately.
Good luck, sweetie!
*crosses fingers*
Go Knockers!
Good luck!
Skeeeert is understandable. I always get skeeeert when it comes time to pull the trigger.
But you can do it. And this will be better for you in the long run.
*keeping fingers and toes crossed*
Congrats! An interview is a very, very, very good sign! Yes, you need to keep remembering you'd be an asset to them. You need to remind them THEY need YOU.
Remember to think of some good questions to ask them. Professional development opportunities, collaborative environment, and those kinds of things are good things to ask about. They not only give you a picture of how supportive the environment is, but it also shows you are interested in things that will help the company.
My Dad helped me yesterday. He was telling me what to and not to say and what to and not to ask on the first interview.
I know that one of the questions the guy asked me on the phone was sort of a test. He asked why I wanted to leave a company that I had been at for 13 years. I told him (this is not verbatim) basically that it's family owned business that is being run by one family member who has just had her first grandchild (in Pennsylvania) and that her children have no desire to take over the business. I told him that I am looking down the line at my job security and the fact that the business will not be taken over by their children is a sign that the company probably will not be around until I am ready to retire and that I am looking at my future in terms of long term. I told him that based on the fact that their company has 71 locations throughout 27 states made me feel confident in the companies security and that is what I am looking for. Like I said, I didn't say it exactly like that but that was the message.
So my Dad spent some time just going over some interview basics with me since it's been 13 years since I have had to go on an interview.
My Mom told me to just be myself but not to be the snarky me and we both agreed that asking the interviewer to pull my finger probably was not a great strategy. *snort*
Oh - lots of luck, Bravie! I sure hope you get the job! It sounds like it has a lot to offer to you.
I think you should ask if they mind you staying logged on to the internet all day. :)
Is this a stealth interview so far as your current job is concerned?
Go Bravie!
Go Bravie!
Yay for Dad! And good answer about leaving. Very good answer.
Oh, and since Monsty isn't here, I should remind you to have the chain on your wallet match the rest of your accessories for the interview.
Yee-haw! Erm, I mean, arrr, matey, ye be well done by.
the gods, they be shinin' on ye or I shall have them keelhauled and fed to the fishies.
You will do great!
Best of luck today!
Good luck, Bravie! I'm thinking of you this morning!
Good luck, Bravie. I'm sending you positive vibes.
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