A gnat just flew up my nose. And I mean way up my nose. I tried to blow it out but I don't know where it went. It made me sneeze. It's very bothersome, I have to say. So either A) I have a bug flying around the inside of my head or B) It could have been an ash.
*snort* Someone's ass flew up your nose? *snort*
I had to go back and read that to make sure I didn't really put the word ass. *evil eye*
I hear they have fetish websites for that.
For gnats?
Why did you put the ! in sh!t? I'm sure I've seen you swear before. Is this self-censorship a new thing?
Also, it's pretty funny that a bug flew up your nose.
Quick! Get some Preperation H!
Ha!!! I have no clue why I didn't spell shit. LMAO
I know an old lady who snorted a gnat, imagine that! She snorted a gnat. She snorted a spider to catch the gnat...
Oh hell, you all now how the song goes.
Don't worry Carey, I hear that gnats rarely lay their eggs in noses.
Maybe you can throw it up out of your nose?
Can you feel it moving around? Is it eating your brain?
Why is there no one to play with me? Where is everyone?
My tummy hurts.
I just ate some cream puffs.
That's not why my tummy hurts though. It was hurting before that. *sigh*
Isn't Jake pretty? I love seeing him all in a row like this.
'Course that means that I have nothing better to do with my life than post so I can see my Jake chain. Oh well. I never claimed to be exciting.
I guess I'll go to bed now. *sigh*
silly woman...I am drunk and playing in your blog! *smooch*
*waves* to carey impersonating buggy.
You know, you could just wear a ladybug costume, instead of putting bugs in all your orifices.
Ack!!! Only one orafice, thank you. And I think it's still there. *pout*
When Dominic had the flu last time, he threw up (many times, but on this one occasion) some came out his nose.
It was very gross.
So are you suggesting I barf out of my nose to rid myself of the bug?
That is very extreme.
LOL @ Jen and Buggy.
Poor Dominou. DS has done that before scared him. Poor little guy.
I think I hear the car. My hour of quiet alone 'me' time is ovah. :-(
I asked DH to take the kids out of the house while I watch Glow get married. Yay! Can't wait. That is all.
Oh and Jen? You are a dork.
Like buggy said, it is very, very rare that the gnats lay eggs in the brain stem and then when the little baby gnats hatch they chew away at you brain before flying out the ears.
Very rare indeed
I thought Airborne would prevent something like this from happening?
It is five-thirty. I have been descended upon by inlaws, none of whom will understand if I talk about an Internet Date.
Anyone watching Glowie say I do on Sunday?
The wedding party is on! Come join us! *throws confetti*
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