Why do I despise Rudy
Go to the other place. Read HD's thread. The one titled "This makes me sick"
I don't despise everyone who is against gay marriage. My own Father believes in me being extended all the same civil rights as straight people but he doesn't want it called marriage. Fair enough. But he isn't a huge motherfucker about it the same way Rudy is.
FTR: Rudy gives Michelle the creeps. She said that he looks like a Chester the Molestor and she wouldn't be surprised if all of his rants are just a disguise for something.
Yep, Rudy is an arrogant and ignorant asshole. I'm not afraid to say it.
I don't despise everyone who is against gay marriage. My own Father believes in me being extended all the same civil rights as straight people but he doesn't want it called marriage. Fair enough. But he isn't a huge motherfucker about it the same way Rudy is.
FTR: Rudy gives Michelle the creeps. She said that he looks like a Chester the Molestor and she wouldn't be surprised if all of his rants are just a disguise for something.
Yep, Rudy is an arrogant and ignorant asshole. I'm not afraid to say it.
I'm sorry you (and we) have to put up with people like that. Like I said in arkie's blog, I want to pity him but instead I feel so angry at him. I don't what else to say. I'm just so sorry that there are people who think like that.
He's one of the main reasons I only read about 10% (maybe 5%) of the boards.
Re: Michelle's thoughts on Rudy - Well, he *does* bring up incest & bestiality quite often. I think he's the one who is always first to go there.
*shakes head* I honestly cannot understand how he can be so obtuse.
He's an asshole.
He's a repulsive man. I wish he would go away.
I've said my piece. Maybe I'll say more later.
I *heart* MM, Glowie, Arkie, Breezy, Schnookie, and Momma. I *heart* Carey most of all.
I can't even put my contempt for Rudy into words. What a fucking asshole! What an ignorant prick.
I agree with Michelle.
Have you seen the photos? OMG! Scary, scary looking man. Perfect for Halloween.
Since I got mad and left in July (or whenever it was) I rarely look at OT - maybe a couple of times a week because I still like and care about many people there. I read probably less than 1% of threads. Mostly, I just open a few threads based on what I can see from the subject page. I don't open or read Rudy threads and/or comments. BTDT for too many years, lol!
I will go and look for threads that are discussed in blogs, however. And locked threads. Does that make me a lurker? I feel more like an alumni.
Ok, now that I've seen his ignorance and repugnance first hand, I can't believe that I ever, ever met him in person. Breezy- I'm so sorry to have put you through that. Good thing he sat at the other end of that table.
I guess some are born gay, some straight, some bi, and some ignorant, discriminative, hateful idiots.
ah. I feel better now.
(and I finally figured out what "worms up your ass" meant. I felt so out of the loop!)
*smooches* I'm so sorry that there are people in this world with such small scope of humanity as a whole.
Rose, I so wondered about that when the peep meet thread was posted. "What the hell are these people thinking?" "How did he get himself invited to that?" My head was spinning. I could not sit down for a meal and be pleasant to him. I couldn't even shake his hand. He jsut maes me *shudder.* One of my favorite OT moments was when he offered to have a beer to celebrate with Carey if gay marriage ever became legal --- and she told him in no uncertain terms that she would not enjoy having a beer with him regardless of the circumstances.
looking back, he invited himself. He pm'd me and said he'd be in the area and wondered if he could come.
Me, never having been in the deep end before, said sure!
Once again- sorry breezy.
I hope that people understand that I don't hate him because he is opposed to gay marriage. I do understand that some people, because of their religious upbringing oppose it. I accept that just as I want to be accepted. With Rudy, it is his approach, it is the ignorance in which he argues, it is his inability to admit that he is a bigot. And I hate how he tries to make it all nice with smiley faces. I want to choke his smiley faces and shove them up his ass.
For instance, Adriacharlie (sp?) is against his church doing marriages but is for civil unions. I totally respect that and the way he worded things just comes across with much more class.
Swami, it's okay for you to lurk. You dfinitely are an alumni. *smooch*
Rose, I'm glad that you got to finally see first hand what a prick he is. I felt bad that Breezy had to meet him because she already knew. But you had to make up your mind on your own. *smooch*
That was one of my favorite moments, HD. When I told him there would be no way that he and I would ever sit down and have a beer together. *snort*
That probably hurt him a lot --- because he has all those gay friends, you know. Yada yada yada with the gay friends. "It's OK that I'm closeminded because my gay friends agree with me that they don't deserve the same rights." Aaaagh!
Carey - To comment on your clarification about your feelings about Rudy, I agree. To argue a position is one thing, but he is just plain mean-spirited and seems to derive glee from exercising his "right" in the voting majority to put those homos in their place --- and women too, if you read his opinions in the abortion thread. He's all about social control --- as long as it is him and his ilk doing the controlling of others.
*smooch* It's ok Rose. I just turned during the whole dinner and had fun with you and your family. *smooch*
I would not be terribly surprised if he was molested by family members as a child. I know that not everyone who gets molested acts the way he does but he seems to have such contempt and hatred that it really points to something like that. I almost want to ask him but I know he wouldn't be honest if I did.
Let me get this straight.
He's pro-choice, but defames gay rights?
If he believes that ALL fetuses have a right to become babies, and all babies deserve love- than wouldn't it be a simple extension to say that all babies who grow to adults deserve respect?
Because that is what I see gay rights as: respect.
There. I wish I had the balls to post that over there. But, alas, I'm a wuss. And I have already been warned once.
Rose, that's exactly what it boils down to. Pure and simple respect for your fellow humans, regardless of sexual orientation, religion or color/race/ethnicity.
He is NOT pro choice. He is Pro life. Or as he says it he is Anti baby murdering.
I have no problem saying anything to him. But I have since backed out of that thread.
There is no reasoning with him, Rose. He is set in his ways and thoughts and will never change.
Why did you get a warning?
Yeah, Rose. Spill it. Tell us about your warning. I have 2.5 warnings.
I have one formal warning and it was posted out in public. *grin* I was so damn proud of that moment.
I called that person who posted 50 times in the Top Model forum an idiot. I think it was top model.... anyways I quote:
"You're an idiot"
that wasn't that smooth.
smoothness isn't my strong point.
(and I totally meant to type "Pro Life", but I was so fired up, that I screwed it all up. you knew what I meant, right?)
LMAO. I think it's funny that you called someone an idiot. LOL
My favorite ever warnable offense was when WandaCal told ConsiderThis that she was a complete looneytune!
*snort* yes, that was a hoot.And if I remember correctly, she didn't even get a warning for it. LOL
I've never gotten a warning.
*slinks away from cool kids table*
Well, Wanda made the comment during the period that the moderator f the other place was absent for so long. She might have been among the Notorious Nine who received warnings after the shutdown. Only five or six peeps every conformed to me that they were among the Nine.
She confirmed to me that she was NOT one of the nine.
Okay, not to get pissy again, but I was just reading the entire thresd and noticed ante. Am I confused or did she go from one of the biggest bigots to sucking up to Carey?????
Maybe I've got ante confused w/ DL, but I'm not sure....
DL was the bigot. Ante is not a bigot but she likes to argue with EVERYBODY. I called her out on it yesterday in that thread because she was being counterproductive to OUR cause.
Screw him!
DL? Did I miss something?
HD, if you'll read the archives...
Sorry - I couldn't resist. DonnaLynn = DL
Duh! I should have been able to figure that out. If she had actually posted in that thread, I would have known immediately. I think that she has been OT-free for a while now, confining herself to the show forums.
And I really should have known because I posted pics of her ugly little dogs on my own blog!
Thank you for clearing that up for me. If you'll notice from my blog- I am quite obviously moderately retarded.
I think we scared DL away from OT.
We're tough damnit it.
Rose, it's okay. On occasion I ride the short bus too. *grin*
There aren't even enough bad words for me to describe how I feel about Rudy, so I'm not going to try.
I've been here a half-dozen time already today. I keep typing and then deleting.
He is a jerk. He needs to be ignored more, so that he won't be asked to clarify his line of reasoning.
However, I would like to know how, say, the freedom of assembly right is based on an immutable condition. I think all the rights are based on non-immutable conditions. The right to vote is based on being over 18, I guess. The right to remain silent? The right to an attorney? Really, if people who get arrested just didn't do crimes (or meet the description of people who do crimes) then there's no problem. Besides, those people are totally in the minority. I don't commit crimes, so that's a right I don't need, right?
Incidentally, that "Christian Case for Gay Marriage" book had a chapter devoted to research on homosexuality, including some possible correlations with birth order and homosexuality in animals (not *with* animals). The references the authors used could be useful. I don't remember exactly, but an unusally high percentage of rams prefer other rams. Rams.
Anyway, sorry to go on. If it hadn't been for the I *heart* Knockers thread, I wouldn't have read that other one at all.
Did someone get banned? I'm not logged in over there anymore.
Somebody got banned. I had to re login.
Hoping against hope......
I wondered what happened.
Now I'm all curious, because I haven't been in since I posted this morning, and then I only read Momma's post.
Banned from this sight or yalls other one?
No probs here.
I'll just have to wait until tonight to read about the worms.
HD, I so agree with you about how great it was when Carey shot RR down when he mentioned having a beer with her. I was cheering her on big time for that one.
Carey sweetie ... *SAMOOOOOOOOCH* you were my biggest hero that day (you still are actually).
And you peeps that had to meet RR ... ICKY POOPOO YUCKY! Y'all have RR cooties now *grin*
Seana, I think my chinese horoscope is a horse. *snort*
Thank you, Nookie. *BIG SAAAAMOOOCH*
And, I'm sorry if there are peeps reading this that actually like the guy but I have to add that I dispise him so much that I refuse to respond to anything he posts. I will never ever open up any thread that he starts. If he's asking for sympathy, he won't be getting it from me. I may be cold hearted but I don't give out my sympathies or caring to bigotted, hurtful, hateful, people.
Phew! So nice to get that off my chest :-)
Don't apologize in my blog for that. If I worried about his allies, I wouldn't have posted this at all. Birds of a feather, Nookie. If anyone thinks the same way that Rudy does, I do not consider them my friend and I do not worry about their feelings. Because they abviously don't care about mine.
AGAIN: I want to make not that this does not mean that I hate everyone who is anti gay marriage. It is all in his presentation and his spewing of bigotry and then denying his bigotry that I despise so much.
LOL Carey!
Schnookie: Same here - I don't open his threads, offer encouragement or respond to his posts. At least not since his daughter got hurt. It's not her fault who her parents are.
I never respond to any of his threads. But I do respond in threads when he starts his bigoted spews. I just can't help myself.
You are so right. Everyone doesn't have to agree with each other 100%,but you can be open minded and respect other peoples opinion and even agree to disagree. On "Rudy" I agree with you 100%.
*big hug*
Oh, that's fine Carey! Respond if you want! I just felt the need to say that, because it's not easy to notice someone constantly *not* responding. That's all.
Believe me, I wish I could NOT respond to him all the time. I even tried to do that. But then I get so mad at his ignorance that I can't help it. If I had any self control I would never ever respond to anything he ever writes.
I would love to see him get no responses at all. I wish that would happen, then he'd have no opportunuty to spew his hate.
I agree with you mm. We all know he isn't going to change his views anytime soon.
Out of the loop again. What happened to Rudy's daughter? Who got banned?
I forget what happened to his daughter. She was sick or something.
We don't know who got banned. Breezy suggested probably another Starting Over poster. I would tend to agree with her on that.
OK! Last stupid question. Jen and Sonya look familiar ... but I can't quite place them. Do they have other names I might recognize? Hee hee. I am so blonde today!
Jen is SilverStar and Sonya is a friend of Mommas but doesn't post at the other place.
Hi, HD! Yes, momma brought me into the blog world, but I don't even know the other place. Sometimes I wish I did, cuz I feel left out, but oh well. Hard enough to just keep up with this place.
*hand out ready to shake for introduction*
Hi Sonya! Nice to officially meet you.
I was right about Jen --- but I didn't want to assume.
You know what they say when you assume? It makes an ass out of you and me.
I assume way to often and it bites me in the ass.
I was thinking that as I typed it!
You're welcome to join us in that other place any time you like. Of course, I envy you that you've never had the horror of being exposed that little pustule of hatred called Rudy.
Pustule is such a great word LOL.
From what I have heard, I wouldn't like this RUDY character. Yall are my new friends and no one messes with my friends. That makes me mad.
RR's DD had some kind of traumatic brain injury.
Pustule *is* a great word.
Hi HD. *waves*
My friend just sent me a link to MSN news about 2 cheerleaders for N.C. Panters being caught in a bathroom stall having sex and got arrested. Did anyone else see this?
I didn't realize that about his daughter. I'll refrain from making a snide comment out of respect for her. Is it possible that situation makes him feel helpless and frustrated and that is why he so vehemently lashes out at others? Of course, he's been that way for a long, long time.
Rudy's daughter had fallen and hit her head, twice. The second time, it caused severe amnesia and she didn't even know who she was let alone know who her parents were or anything else. I guess once the swelling went down, she regained her memory and made a full recovery.
Bigoted idiot, definitely. I imagine he's also fairly racist but tempers that somewhat.
I have no warnings. I'm a wuss, what can I say? Who did we think Ante was? One of those who shall not be named? And you have no idea how many times I wanted to say to her "Do you have to be such a bitch ALL of the time?" Although she did offer to buy me a beer when I figured out her Halloween costume but rather than acknowledge that, I chose to get all hot and bothered with Carey, which is always the way to go. Augie wanted to hose us off :)
Man, I love blogs. We can talk about all the stuff that we're thinking over there but no allowed to say.
Carey- I owe you an e-mail but OT keeps timing out on me to pm you back :( *smooches*
Hi Jen! I figured I knew who you were. I see that one of the guys from my harem made it into your sig pic. He's so yummy!
I'll get hot and bothered and hosed off with you any day of the week, TK. *grin*
You can email me. It's my username over there @sbcglobal.net
Yay! Everybody spam Carey!!!
LMAO, you gotta say who you are though because I just delete any email that I get that I don't recognize. *grin*
But I would recognize anything that comes from TK. *swoon*
You just like me cause you have to share Alstott with me. That and judging from my wedding photo, you can tell I have a really nice rack. Ha! Swoon backatcha!
You say that like they are bad things. *grin*
Ok, completely off topic here, but is anyone else noticing the enormous log in time over there?
HD, normally I would whack you for saying Jake is a part of your harem. He's mine! But since I just read an article that says he is probably bi and/or gay, I guess I might have to let you borrow him. *wink*
I gave up over there because it was taking too long.
Everyone flash *oobies*
(just wanted to see TK's big rack)
Very slow, I just gave up trying to get in.
Heh, most everyone here has already seen my oobies.
You can always show us again. *grin*
*giggle* Just look on your camera, ya goof.
Will Breezy let you post these pics?
Just kidding.
This is what we were talking about the other day with sending your DH the pics. They can come back and haunt you.
There. I finally went over there and said something. It was just eating at me not to.
I feel mildly better.
So it's your fault Rose that no one else can get in there?
Yes I can, Breezy. I haven't deleted them. *grin*
Waaaah, I want to get in to see what Rose said.
It's faster now.
Rose, dear, did you look at HD's post #187? *grin*
I don't have oobies to flash. Sorry Sonya.
Jen, I had not heard that about Jake. Now I'm really drooling. If he's bi, we could go get him and make him the meat in a Jake sandwich.
Rose, you lime-helmet-headed goofus!
HD + Jen + Jake
*fans self* Is it warm in here?
Oh almost forgot ...
DRINKS ON ME!!!!!!!!!
It *is* hot in here, Nookie.
Mmmm, Jake sammich. Mmmm.
*takes cold shower*
What's in a Boobie shot? Does it have vodka? I'll take 3. *grin*
3 oobies would be a slight deformation. I prefer two or in some cases four. *grin*
Rudy is an ass and I agree with the Chester the Molester comparison, he just gives me the creeps.
Michelle asked me to never show her his picture again because she seriously got the creeps. Not because he may or may not be unattractive, that wasn't her issue. She said that she got a creepy vibe from him though.
Well, at least I know I'm on an educational par w/ you HD....
(I posted that when the site was so long to load. I really didn't just copy and paste...)
Oh for Cod's sake, nobody invited me to the Rudy bash. I kind of just bashed him in the other place. If I get banned I guess I will call it my noble act of the week. (I had to say *something*. His comments were making me sick and I was holding my baby-- I cannot have my baby raised in a world that condones hate.)
Speaking of the little cherub, he is almost rolling over. He is almost there. He just gets frustrated and gives up. It is so cute.
OMG!!! Monsty's remark about Rudy in post #206 made me spew soda all over. Wow!
I must try to get in to read.
I heart ya'll. *grin*
Rudy can feel proud. I can pretty much tune out ignorance most of the time, but today, he just really vexed me. He is vile.
*flash again*
(Just wanted to lighten things up in here)
You go girls. You did good.
You did that just to annoy me, didn't you Carebear? :P
I like "vile." Can we add it to some of the other words that peeps have suggested? "Rudy is a repulsive and vile little oozing pustule of bigotry and ignorance."
The new RIP sig pic=repulsive ignorant pustule
Yes, Jen. I did. *giggle*
I think we should make Rudy an anagram.
R = replusive
Help me with the rest. 4:30 is Dr Suess ABC time.
You know. I almost always end up crying after reading something he's written. It really saddens me knowing there are people who think like him in this world.
Repulsive Ignorant Pustule.
I like that.
No. I don't like it. Not enough oomph!
So can we all steal the little RIP things to use with our siggies? *grin*
D = Dickwad?
OMH! I LOVE the RIP! I wanna use it somehow, somewhere...
and it was very good Jen, but too obvious to use over there. Here though? Perfect!
Dickwad is pretty good. :)
Or Detestable.
The U and the Y are tough ones. I even went to thesaurus.com to see if they had any suggestions. LOL.
As far as I'm concerned, RIP siggies are available to anybody. For a while, Carey, Syren, Skye, and I were the only ones who had them, but I don't mind shring if the rest don't either.
I shall steal it then. *grin*
The old meaning of it is wonderful, but this new one is pretty good too. Heh.
I don't mind sharing it either.
Don't cry, Nookie. He isn't worth it. He really isn't worth it. I know it's easy to get mad at him. I do it all the time but don't let him get to you that way. *hugs*
*smooches to all*
Hey guys! What's up? *grin*
Crap! I missed the Rudy Bashing Party. I hate when that happens.
Anway, despite my absence, you all did a great job! I am so proud of everyone. *sniff*
I missed it too..just catching up after a yucky day.
Nice anagram, toots.
There are times when I won't open a thread at all. All I have to see under the expanded thread option are more than one post by someone I already know who makes me see red. Not worth the high blood pressure and plus I know someone else will say what I want to in a much more diplomatic and eloquent way. I should thank you all for that. You're keeping me out of CCU :)
Heh, the funny thing is, when I opened that, I knew that he was going to show up.
I love all of you! Each and every one of you!
I'm sorry I missed this whole thing, but I need to send out props to all of my homies here! *smooch*
I do not even open those threads!
Asshole is like a vampire! He only comes out after dark!
I will not tolerate all of you people mocking my good friend Ru...
Naw. I can't do it. Not even as a joke. Sickass dogfucking motherfucker.
Did I say that outloud?
HD, you really shouldn't compare Rudy to vampires. I mean, after all, what did the vampires ever do to deserve that?
Well here's another one for you, PM.
Woo Hoo. You are a wonderful, wonderful addition to my blog. *grin*
I've lurked on yours but you never updated so I don't check it everyday. *smooch*
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