Is dead to me. As of this moment I no longer know of anyone named Augie. She used to be a sistah of mine but she did something so unforgivable to me that I don't know that I can ever feel the same way about her again. She is supposed to be a sistah. A friend. A confidant. A mentor. Someone I look up to. Instead, she took a weakness of mine and turned it into a joke. And now? she is dead to me.
*running off to find out what evil Augie did to poor sweet innocent Knockers*
or is that the other way around?
Sometimes I get confuzzed
So Star is a weakness of yours? Do you mean like chocolate and cheesecake are weaknesses of mine? That kind of weakness?
Shall I combine Arkie and Augie's eulogies together for you Knockers? Or do you want them seperate?
What did Augie do now?
Or what did you to do Augie first to make her do this untold evil thing?
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Sorry! That was me *points up*.
I was trying to link the "Kill an OTer" thread on OT, but the entire string wouldn't post.
So, go to the "Kill and OTer" thread on OT.
Also! If I knew how to post a picture here, I would.
Bob, why would I need a eulogy? I was just asking a question. That's all. I'm just trying to understand what exactly Carey means.
You bitches will pay. I have been nice to everybody lately and this is the fucking payback?
Just you wait. the all of you. Just wait.
Now I have to go finish dinner for my lovely wife who treats me with respect.
You should all take a lesson from her.
*snort* there's some funny stuff in there.
Breezy, Momma and Bob can stay. Yuse other two can piss off. *evil eye*
Aekie, I'm Knockers knows you really, truely were just looking for clarification and not rubbing it in at all.
*busy trying to rhyme dead and unicorn*
*points up*
Arkie, not Aekie.
Bob, no matter how hard you try, I don't think "dead" and "unicorn" are ever going to rhyme.
Carey, I am so hurt. I ask a question so I can understand, and ya tell me to piss off.
*runs out of blog, crying*
And I suppose the prairie picture just got on OT by itself?
I think the bitch got my password. That's it! The bitch got my password, and she posted it.
Eulogy de Arkie
A unicorn in a pool of red
Lying on the ground still and dead
A gruesome , brutal saddening scene
Beaten to death with People magazine
It really must have took ages
Star Jones smiles from the glossy pages
Pull up a chainsaw, Lightsy. You are my favorite. *smooch*
*starts chainsaw*
*rips through the offending thread*
Is that better sweetie?
lights <---- crazy chainsaw lady
Bob, the next time they have a writing competion on OT, you have GOT to enter that one!
I didn't notice that there was a snuff poem category.
I just saw Bravie in a prairie dress.
Yes, she first showed that a few months ago on OT. I thrilled me.
It is a pretty funny picture, you know. I mean, really.
But the pictures of the cow? were enough to make me almost revisit my dinner. Uck. That's just .... there are no words.
You thrilled me, too.
That's right, my dear! You should be mad! You go ahead and pulverize them to pieces with that chainsaw!
...and then? we can eat all the cheesecake in the land so they won't have any! *evil grin*
Carey? Bad news...I tried to find a Star Jones Fan Club to give you a surprise membership because I know you love her so much, but (brace yourself) there isn't one.
Not one Star Jones Fan Club anywhere! It's outrageous I tell you. Un-frickin'-believable! A travesty.
*gets all indignant and stuff*
So, after I got over my shock, I thought maybe you would want to start one for her. I'll help you.
What do you say?
That is all. Nice work ladies!
Dude! I clicked on your profile by accident and saw that you have over 1400 views.
You are one blog ho! I have to go check everyone's profiles now.
*waves to the nice people*
*spits at the people who are dead to me*
Did I just get spit on?
Can't we all just kiss and make-up?
It was a pretty funny joke, though.
Anyone who does not bad talk the big fat cow is on my bad list.
Love the yewgoogalie Bob LOL.
Nookie <--- hopes some peeps saw Zoolander.
*rattles chains*
If I'm dead, but still here, I must be a ghost.
*acts all ghostly*
Calls Ghostbusters.
You're going to make me grovel or some shit, aren't you?
I'm not even sure that is going to work this time. I will have to think of a punishment. And it won't be pleasurable.
Have I told you lately how much I admire you? You are one of the funniest, no, THE funniest person I know. And you are so hot!!!! You top the list of women I would switch for. You are so very smart, which is why I always come to you for advice.
*stops to reapply chapstick*
Love you, sweetie! *smooch*
*breathes a big sigh of relief*
Arkie has been forgiven. At least the picture she posted wasn't of Star Fatcow.
See? *I* had nothing to do with it and this is why Carey loves me.
*smooch* That's right Tkit. I have nothing but love for you. You know how to treat me. *big smooch*
Does this mean I have to return the prairie skirt I bought?
No, send it to Augie. She can wear it when she is hanging out with her boyfriend Tom Cruise.
AHEM! *clears throat*
Why are you not following the rules, Missy? Haven't you heard a word I've said all morning in my blog? Sheesh. Why doesn't anyone listen to me?
Duh, Momma... you haven't said it fifty bejillion times yet. *grin*
*rolls eyes*
Thanks Breezy.
What did you say, Momma? *looks around* Did someone hear something?
*sticks tongue out at Carey*
Carey pooted! Carey pooted! Carey pooted! Carey pooted! Carey pooted!
Smells like roses. *grin*
Smells like roses
...with just a hint of lavender and rain on a cool summer day...
suckup says whut?
*sniffs Tkit* Mmmmmmmm, very nice.
Tkit, you keep that up and I'm going to have queso all over my monitor.
Just tryin' to do my job of lovin' on Miss Carey.
*unlike some other Star Jones pic posting peeps*
That's my girl, Tkit. Many more smooches to you. *grin*
Sorry I haven't been around much. Work has been really busy and with The Enemy Employee coming on Friday...*shudder*
Can I just say how much I hate it when ATF refers a gun case to us because FBI was late on their NICS notification for violations of 18 U.S.C. Section 922 (g)(9) and then I have to file the civil complaint on the case!! Make FBI do it! They are the ones who effed up!
*deep breath*
Awwwwwwww, my poor Tkit. *smooches*
You need a good all over body massage to relieve this stress. And a real drink.
*slobbery drool*
A massage and a real drink? Sign. Me.Up.
In all honesty, I had a real drink on Saturday, actually 2. Bourbon and Diet and man, did I have a buzz after that. Whew!
*gives Tkit a nice massage and hands her a drink*
Here, have a margarita, or four. *smirk*
*moans softly with eyes closed*
Mmmmmm. That's nice.
*sip* The drink's nice too.
And? I left post 69 open for you. *smooch*
Just tell me if you want me to massage softer or harder or slower or faster. *grin*
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interupt.
Nice timing for that last post.
You aren't interrupting. I think we both agreed that we have no problem with anyone watching. *evil grin*
*rolls her eyes*
You should rename your blog to: "Is it a hotel or motel?"
I thought YOU would enjoy this. Seeing as how you are all into peep shows and all. *grin*
It's HOtel, Nookie. Motels are kind of seedy, in opinion. ;-)
Carey just a little more pressure right...about...oooh yes. That's nice.
right here?
*applies a little more pressure*
LOL at Carey and T'kit.
*quietly shuts the blog door on her way out*
*falls on floor laughing so hard*
Star! Carey swoons over you!
That was either the work of Augie before she left or Monsty. Either way they are both dead to me.
How do we get this blog to come up when someone googles "Star Jones Fan club"?
Do we have to keep mentioning Star Jones Fan Club?
Or does Star Jones Fan Club need to be a title?
That's right. I would have to title it. And that aint gonna happen. *evil eye*
Carey? What is your password?
my password is 49erfan
But don't tell anyone.
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