Michelle is the one with the weird obsession with midgets. That aside, MikkiD, none of us have actually met Monsty in person so we aren't sure she is who she says she is. I have come to the conclusion that she is a Chinese midget.
Is this her first? Why did I think she had another one awhile back?
Carey, Did you catch the L Word last night? I'm so excited it is back on. Also, you need to check out the following blog. If you scroll down to archieve there is major boob (clevage only) shots and even a wet t-shirt boob shot. It is a friend of mine and cracking me up.
mulletgalore.com? *SNORT*
May I suggest minger.com?
Midgets with mullets? *snort*
I had no idea a lunch date with Nookie could cause so much bitterness.
Oh. And did I mention, we are having coffee too.
Oh. My.
How high up do you think the net is?
Is this where we guess which one you did in highschool?
I thought the answer was "both."
Perhaps I wasn't clear.
I believe I have found the real picture of Monsty. She's the one with the ball.
Oooooo I'm tellin Michelle! what is your obsession with the Midgets lady?
BTW, Alysia had a baby shower yesterday. She's having a boy due in Feb.
Well, HD took my response with a *speechless*. So, I guess I will just
Michelle is the one with the weird obsession with midgets. That aside, MikkiD, none of us have actually met Monsty in person so we aren't sure she is who she says she is. I have come to the conclusion that she is a Chinese midget.
Is this her first? Why did I think she had another one awhile back?
*that's all I got*
Whisch one is wearing the wax coat?
Damn, they changed up that website. Before you could flip through the gallery without signing up.
Correction: it's mingers.com
(that photo is slightly strange....)
But where is the beautiful hair?
Dibs on the cute one!
Glad to see I haven't been missing much around here.
I just want to know what you were searching for when you found this pic. LOL!
LOL @ Zombs. *I* want the cute one, damnit!
Carey, Did you catch the L Word last night? I'm so excited it is back on. Also, you need to check out the following blog. If you scroll down to archieve there is major boob (clevage only) shots and even a wet t-shirt boob shot. It is a friend of mine and cracking me up.
I nominate this as the weirdest blog post of 2006. And 2007. 2008, 2009, and I'm gonna go out on a limb here, but also include 2010.
I worry about you Carey. A lot.
drunken smut alert at my place.
There- everyone has been warned. Since everyone always comes to see Carey- None of you can say you were suprised.
Stay away if you're scared of drunken TMI!
Oh, and smooch to carey's crazy midget mullets!
*agrees with Augie*
I don't understand what is so disturbing about this post. *snort*
Sonya, I didn't really dig the last episode of the L Word too much. I was "disturbed".
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