Our National Anthem
Makes me tear up. Every single time. Except for when Roseanne Barr sang it. Then maybe, but for different reasons.
I have no idea why this song makes me get all choked up. I know all the words but honestly, I don't think I really know what they all mean as a collective gathering of words. I suppose it's just the idea of being proud that gets to me.
*wipes tear* after hearing Leann Rhymes sing it for The Rose Bowl.
Okay. Cookies in Coco's blog. Carry on.
I have no idea why this song makes me get all choked up. I know all the words but honestly, I don't think I really know what they all mean as a collective gathering of words. I suppose it's just the idea of being proud that gets to me.
*wipes tear* after hearing Leann Rhymes sing it for The Rose Bowl.
Okay. Cookies in Coco's blog. Carry on.
You know that song is about a fight that we won, right?
Yes. But our flag was still there.
Doesn't she have a great voice.
Those Longhorns need a few Trojans on top of them. A little safe sex.
LOL @ Puffy.
We are down by 4 right now, but I hope for the best.
I love the national anthem too. :-) I always get chills when I hear it on Sundays, before a race starts.
I hear ya Carey. It does it to me.
And btw - obviously you are not a cold hearted bitch. It just takes different things to make you cry than other individuals. *grin*
Does anyone else sing it when they sing it at the games? I do... I get goosebumps "la-and of the Freeeeeeee....."
I love it too, Carey. I have additional pride because it was written about a battle that took place in Baltimore, and it was written by a Marylander.
*shines up Maryland birth certificate*
And Coco? You may have won the battle, but we won the war. *grin*
And why haven't you had that baby yet? *rolls eyes*
And Mikki? I sing it also (very badly, I must admit) but I sing it with pride.
I love Leann Rimes. Why didn't you tell me she was singing the anthem?
Feh! It's ok *grin*
We Canucks have a better one. It's bilingual :-)
I love our anthem.
and the guy who always come on after it with the really loud suit. He's great.
Ohhhhh Canadaaaaa,
our home and native laaaand.
True patriot love....
Oops, got carried away there for a second. Carry on.
I can sing the American one too, I know all the words.
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