Happy 2006
Old resolution: Be more positive.
New resolution: Be more positive that a positive attitude is just a set up for more frustration.
Go back to old motto: Expect the worst, then you're prepared.
p.s. things are not as bad as I am making it seem. A string of very petty things all adding up. 2006 definately did not start with the wonderful bang that I had set myself up for. As a matter of fact I didn't even get to countdown to 2006 because that was ruined by a bunch of bullshit.
Old resolution: Be more positive.
New resolution: Be more positive that a positive attitude is just a set up for more frustration.
Go back to old motto: Expect the worst, then you're prepared.
p.s. things are not as bad as I am making it seem. A string of very petty things all adding up. 2006 definately did not start with the wonderful bang that I had set myself up for. As a matter of fact I didn't even get to countdown to 2006 because that was ruined by a bunch of bullshit.
I *heart* you.
I bet lots of other people *heart* you too.
Who, seana? *looks around* ;-)
Carey, I'm sorry you had a less than fantastic start to the year. It's only the 2nd (3rd now), things will look up.
I love you but I LOATHE your cable connetion problem.
cage fight, cage fight..
Tell me about it, sweetie. I think this is one of the reasons I really hate New Years Eve, and all the hoopla people assign to it, and all the expectations they place on it and themselves.
Jan 1st always dawns as one big disappointment. *sigh*
This is why I like my birthday to be my New Years. I don't have to share it with everyone else, and I can make resolutions without the added pressure of everyone asking about them, and everyone ready to let you know when you've broken them.
*hugs* to Carey
I *heart* you too.
I bet your bullshit is resolved now, yes?
If not, drink a Tom Collins and hope that Karma has a good year on everyone who makes everyone else miserable.
I know, I'm naturally a total beyatch.
I despise New Year's (and Valantines Day). I hate every single aspect about it. My commitment to be a better person than the day before is an every day thing. New Year's day is the anthesis of one day at a time.
I agree with Monsty, for once.
I hope you're feeling better and that you have let the bullshit go.
(or at least shellacked it and made it into a nice clock. My aunt did that for Christmas gifts once and they looked really neat.)
*stands in line with the Carey *hearters**
It has to get better, right?
Carey-no more travelling where there is copious amounts of uncontrolled water!
Sorry you had a carpy New Year's
:( *smooches*
Thanks for sticking up for me elsewhere. The hypocrisy of the whole matter was truly laughable.
You have mentioned the lack of a countdown twice now. I hope it is nothing serious. {{{HUGS}}}
*smooches* to everybody. I'm just feeling a little cranky. *sigh* It will go away. All of your niceness definately helps. *smooch*
Oh, T-kit, I meant to ask you if you could email me those recipes after all. Not only do I want them, but my MIL is harassing me for them. She loved the cherry cookies especially.
*gratuitous Carey lvoeing*
Want me to make you a pretty journal? *giggle*
Carey all New Years is doing is passing from December to January. One month to another. Or even one day to another. We could have another countdown February 2nd if you want. I find the Groundhog has many cleansing qualities about him.
I agree with Monsty. I hate New Years, never do anything. I hate Valentines Day, never do anything really either. Just a day made up by media and such.
All my attention goes to the Groundhog now. Remember the Groundhog...he/she will set you free.
Coco, it's on it's way. Those cherry covered cookies are fabulous.
I always make those for the guy across the street that is kind enough to plow us out if it snows a lot while we are at work. Sometimes, I think he plows us just to get the cookies. Even trade if you ask me.
And to take part in the discussion, I normally hate New Year's but I had a particularly nice one this year. Anything to make up for the horror that was Christmas. *shudder*
Tkit= so efficient.
Okay, I'm going shopping now. Pray for my water to break in the mall, someone.
I love you.
Coco, your aunt shellacked bullshit for clocks?!?!?
And...I agree with Monsty too.
I'm looking forward to Groundhog's Day. *grin*
Coco is not kidding about the clock.
I just thought you would all want to know that.
New Year's is one of those holidays I don't vest much of myself in. Sometimes we party & have the expected fun, a few times we have just slept through it.
In Ecuador, for New Year's they make a life size 'Old Man' effigy, dress him in old clothes and stuff and then burn him at midnight. I kind of like that tradition. You can be happy, sad, mad or whatever while you light up the old guy and watch him burn.
Of course I am a pyromaniac. Part time.
Or you could shellac some gifts and set them on fire. Shellac burns well, I think.
Oops. I forgot to heart you.
I like that idea, Swami. Maybe I'll go home and burn something tonight. Hopefully not dinner.
Yes Breezy, a pretty journal might be helpful. *smooch*
And a *smooch* for Tkit. Just because I want to keep the Tkit mojo going. *grin*
I think Breezy should make everyone pretty journals.
Me first, me first, me first.
*smooches backatch*
The mojo will never die!
"Go back to old motto: Expect the worst, then you're prepared."
I completely agree with this statement, especially given the upcoming work situation. The evil employee? Will be transferring to my office Feb. 3rd. Life is going to SUCK!!!
You can always come out to California. We won't allow you to have any evil coworkers. *grin*
Can't I just ship her overseas somewhere? I just keep reminding myself that it's not forever. I will not have to work with this woman forever.
Have I told you today how much I *heart* you? And I am going to get an early jump on Valentine's Day and ask you to be mine. Pretty please?
Of course I will. *big grin*
*school girl giggle*
Hi Swami!
Any plans for next New years?
We could go..uh..blow things up and watch them burn?
YAY! I have dibs on Carey for Valentine's Day!
DH is pretty good humored about you and I tease him pretty regularly but when I told him we share the title of Mrs.Alstott, umm, not so funny anymore. *giggle*
That's funny because Michelle and I got into a real argument recently over me calling him my husband. *snort*
HA! You too? *gigglesnort*
What is it about him? My ex wouldn't even let me watch the Bucs play, he was so jealous.
Yep. She wanted to know how I could call him my husband when I don't believe in marriage. LOL
I had to explain the whole "just a fantasy" thing to her. *giggle*
*pinches Arkies tongue*
You will too share damnit.
*smooch* That's my motto, and I'm not sharing! *sticks tongue out*
Why are my posts posting out of order the last couple of days. It's weird.
Um. In case anybody was wondering or even cares, I somehow managed to accidently delete my entire blog. It is gone.
And ya'll pick on me for being blonde. *snort*
I did that once. I accidentally deleted all three of the blogs that I had going on at the time. Very upsetting.
I was wondering why you didn't exist Monsty.
I had assumed it had just crashed for a while.
2005 ended with a bang and started with a bang. *wink* That's a thing we like to do. heh.
I love January, btw. It is my favorite month.
You do? Would that be the same reason that Augie loves the month of August? *grin*
*2006 started with a bang, I mean.
Same reason Augie likes August? No, not at all. She likes August because it's hot. I like January because it's cold and it's the start of a new year.
Okay then.
GLOWIE! You came out of hiding!
Monsty, I was wondering where you went.
No! I like August because all the "cool people" like August.
Augie <--- just kidding
Monsty! Your blog is gone!
Did you do that on purpose to get rid of Coco's baby pool? Are you trying to revise?
NO!!! Not Monsty's blog!
I *hearts* me some Carey. I hope that your new year improves. In the middle of everything else, at least you still have your blog.
{finding silver linings since ... today}
Doing my best to work out of the funk and find the silver lining.
*smooches to all*
Tkit didn't hurt my mood though. *grin*
Monsty's blog is gone?
I leave you unsupervised to go shopping and this is what happens?
Carey, lookie what I found on airbornehealth.com
AIRBORNE Rebate Information
Thank you for your purchase. Please return 6 Proof of Purchase panels from the bottom of the box along with the store receipts to:
PO BOX 2884
Carmel, CA 93921
Please include your complete legible mailing address
Please allow 15- 18 weeks for receipt of FREE tube.
Clubs, groups and organizations are not eligible. Void if all requirements not fulfilled. Duplication or copy not acceptable.
How YOU doin'?
(you see? that made you smile. or, actually it probably made you cringe.)
Ooooooooooooooh. Both of those last two posts made me smile.
There is no doubt that I have purchased 6 tubes. 10 times over.
Coco, Monsty had a very blonde moment. *rolls eyes*
Oooh! You can order Airborne on their website in bulk packs!
Oh good lord. that just spells trouble for me. I'm trying to save money this year.
*HUGS* I love you Carey. That is all. I can't compete with T-Kit loving *giggle*
But see, you can save money by buying in bulk. Plus, it will save you money in doctor's bills. Right?
Ask Breezy, I'm the master at justifying damn near any shopping trip :)
Nookie, it's Tkit-mojo. Big difference. *grin*
I'm not allowed to go to the doctor, Momma. The doctor thinks I'm a hypochondriac. *snort*
Tkit-mojo... Right. Can't beat that. *grin*
Silly, silly Monsty.
And she thinks I don't care.
*squinty eyes* Nookie are you making fun of the Mojo? *poke*
No way. She knows better. Or I'll have to squinty eye with you.
I had thought about it but wanted to see who would swoop in my blog. *grin*
Me make fun of the Mojo? Never! I think I've been affected by the T-Kit Mojo *giggle*
T-kit poked me *swoon*
Hey!!! i don't care if you're a sistah or not. You just back the hell up. That Tkit-mojo is mine.
Look up there. She asked me to be her Valentine. So you just step away from the Tkit-mojo, now.
Oh, stop that! Yur jus makin' fun and that's no fair.
*poke poke pokity poke*
We can "take it to the cage, take it to the cage" Miss Nookie.
Bring it on girl ... Bring it on!
*runs and hides behind Bruiser*
Oh no you didn't!!!!!!!
*rolls up sleeves*
The Tkit-mojo is mine.
*pokes a needle into Bruiser*
*gasp* You killed Bruiser! WAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
*flings the limp banana at Carey*
You killed Bruiser. You tried to mess with my Tkit-mojo and then hd behind Bruiser. You knew I would fight dirty right off the bat. I blame you for the death of Bruiser.
I can fix it, but only if you back off.
How are you possibly going to fix it? Carey-Mojo?
Happy New Year!
I still *heart* you.
Thank you Boo. *smooch*
I do in fact have Carey-Mojo, Nookie. I have mojo and know how to use it. *snort* okay, not really. *giggle* But I can fix it.
Oh I know all about your Mojo! I've been affected by it since the first day I met you :-)
Carey Mojo can fix any and all things.
*applies patch to Bruiser*
*cancels transfer of unwanted enemy employee*
*restores The Lobstah Cam*
I could go on and on...BUT, I have to be at the gym in 35 minutes.
*wuzzles all*
I think we have both just been Tkit-mojoed, Nookie. *THUD*
I can't even get mad at you for that swoon. That was pretty swoonworthy.
OMH you are right. Your posts are posting out of whack. Bizarre *twilight zone music*
It's the weirdest thing.
Poor bruiser.
Would somebody please think about the fruit!
It's Nookie's fault. She should have known better.
I *heart* you Carey!!!! Happy New Year! I am glad to hear that you liked the cookies...I was afraid they were not going to be very good after spending so much time in the mail.
Off to see if I can work some magic for Lobstah Cam!
Thank Iggy. My BIL tried to steal them all. I had to slap his hand and ration him. *grin*
Gah! The magic of internet archives does not work for blogs!!! Waaaaah!
Well, as long as someone other than me liked them, I guess it is okay. *smoooches*
Nope. I tried the recovery thing too when I lost mine too.
You people scare me.
Enough to give birth?
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