Updating blog
This is my big update:
I have nothing to update.
ETA: Augie is trying to get me banned from that other place. *evil eye*
I have nothing to update.
ETA: Augie is trying to get me banned from that other place. *evil eye*
Hey!!! I'm mean. Deal with it.
Heh! Very interesting *grin*
Well. Isn't that something.
it is actually rather post-moderne, in the spirit of Beckett, i think. "nohing to say, no desire left to say it", and yet all along, expressing and conveying an urging notion.
oh. and augie is mean.
Augie is mean? No she is not. Augie is the nicest one of the bunch. In fact, Augie is so nice everyone should send her cheesecake. Lots and lots of cheesecake.
Monsty, on the other hand, is a troublemaker.
Where is Augie trying to get you banned? I can see nothing of the sort happening.
Speaking of Monsty, does anyone know who Goopy is? Its sounding kinda like she's named Nathaniel's dirty...umm...diapers.
Thank you. *smooch*
Augie is egging me on behind the scenes. That's what makes her sneaky. I think she may be Chinese.
No problem, Breezy.
Well, that's where everyone is ... playing at the OTHER place, while I can't! *harumph*
P.S. *SNORT* at the Chinese comment :-)
TK said I was her favorite poster. *BIG GRIN*
My day has been made. *happy sigh*
I'm turning Japanese, I think I'm turning Japanese, I really think so....
At work?
Carey & T-Kit, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G *giggle*
*checks website*
I was thinking about getting you in trouble, but I didn't have your permission. I really wanted to reply to one of Augie's posts, but I didn't want to get you in trouble because you are one of my favorites. Ooops, I mean, you are my favorite.
What are you all talking about?
*stamps feeet and sits in corner*
Well if you get banned we get more of you in blog world and I'm greedy and I would love me some more Carey.
Just can't get enough Carey.
Way to flirt with Ayak today.
TK sent me a PM saying that *I* was really her favorite poster. Did she send you one, too?
Okay, really, she didn't. But I think she probably will, once she thinks about it.
I thought so too, Monsty.
Thank you, Sonya. *smooch*
Nope, MM. She psoted it right there on OT in front of the world. *grin*
yeah, yeah, I saw it. *rolls eyes*
(The love she has for me has to be kept under wraps, we don't want to make anyone jealous)
Carey has run out of things to update about? What the hell is the (bloggy) world coming to??? *wink*
Augie loves you. Sheesh.
Oh, I hate Beckett. Just thought you should know.
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