Happy Anniversary to me
I just noticed the date. January 9th. I fully came out to my parents 14 years ago today.
Previous to this date they had known about a relationship that I had with a female but "we" all decided it was a phase. I then went back to dating men for a few years. Then once I started seeing women again I just sort of kept that to myself and did not come out to my parents. Because of certain circumstances after I got toegther with Michelle, I was forced to come out to my parents 100%. And that was 14 years ago today. Happy Anniversary to me. Probably not my parent's happiest day. *smirk*
Previous to this date they had known about a relationship that I had with a female but "we" all decided it was a phase. I then went back to dating men for a few years. Then once I started seeing women again I just sort of kept that to myself and did not come out to my parents. Because of certain circumstances after I got toegther with Michelle, I was forced to come out to my parents 100%. And that was 14 years ago today. Happy Anniversary to me. Probably not my parent's happiest day. *smirk*
From what I hear about your parents I am sure now looking back it was a happy day for them!
This is the day you could truly be yourself with them and be happy. I can't imagine a parent out there that would not want their child to be completey happy!
Best wishes to you!
By "out" you mean telling them you are gay right?
Not that you were going "out" to the mall for the first time to get a pretzel.
Those pretzels, those can be very dangerous, all twisted and stuff.
I don't blame your parents for being concerned about pretzels eatage.
Well, I'm still pretty sure that if my Dad could choose, I would go back into the closet. But he has come a long way.
Coming out as a pretzel buyer is a big deal in one's life. I had to explain that I like the ones with salt and mustard. It was not an easy day.
Happy Big Gay Anniversary! *grin*
I'm going to first give you a *hug* and then ask you a very personal question (which of course, you could choose to ignore):
So with those guys you dated for awhile, what kinds of reasons did you give for breaking up? Or did they realize something wasn't quite clicking & broke it off first?
I'm totally intrigued with people's relationships. Just ask Nick & Jessica.
Kim, I am pretty open about my relationships and sexuality so feel free to ask anything.
As far as breaking up with guys:
I consider myself to be bi-sexual (just non practicing because of Michelle) so it was never a question of not clicking or weirdness. Usually we broke up because I was a cheater. I'll spare you the long story but because of a previous relationship I made myself emotionally unavailable to anyone. Male or female. I was just unable to remain faithful to anyone.
If Michelle and I broke up, it would not be set in stone that I would only date women. As much as I love Michelle, I do miss being with men sometimes.
Happy Anniversary!
...or maybe we should call it:
Happy Freedom Day???
It's Happy Homo day. *grin*
So drinks for today would be the Beaverlick and the WoodWasher?
Slippery Nipples. *grin*
Happy Homo Day!
*smooch* Thanks, Seana.
I think some of the gay stores have cards for these occasions. I'll have to check again. *grin*
Happy Homo Day.
Does Hallmark make a card for this? What about a Yahoo Greeting?
And watch out for pretzels. You don't want to be all over the news like W for choking.
Happy Homo Day!
Oh! OK then...
Happy Homo Day!!! *smooches*
Happy Anniversary, Carey.
I came here straight from looking at photos of Philippe so that was the kind of "coming out" I was oriented to. So I'm thinking - what do you mean, you're 14 years old!
Evidently on Mondays I am even more of an idiot than on other days...
I only eat pretzel sticks; I must not be bi material.
*waits for a slippery nipple*
Oh believe me Swami, if you ever met me in person and saw how I behave, you would think I was 14. And a boy. *grin*
*passes out the slippery nipples*
Did someone say slippery nipples? I'll take two!
Happy Anniversary Carey. That must have been a tough day. I guess your Dad and my Dad could have something in common. *wink*
During one of our more heated discussions I asked him if he'd love me or my son any less if one of us said we were gay. He seemed genuinely concerned that I was about to tell him something that he didn't want to hear. *giggle*
As far as the pretzel debate goes, I've been told that I better stay with the pretzel sticks with a tongue as short as mine.
I have a blast hanging out with my 14 yr old nephew. Are you saying it would be like that hanging around with you Carey?
It would be, Lights. I am a 13 year old boy stuck in a 39 year old lesbian's body. *grin*
As for coming out to my Dad. It was pretty icky for awhile. It wasn't until I made a stand against him one year on Thanksgiving and he truly thought he was going to lose me that he started to be better about it. I still give him credit for coming as far as he is with both me and my brother.
So the next time that Matt comes to spend the weekend I'll give you a call. *grin*
I can only imagine how difficult it must have been. It makes me sad just thinking about it. Let's hope that someday it won't be like that, it will be like announcing which hockey team you're gonna cheer for. Well maybe that isn't such a good example cause my Dad get's pretty disgusted with me when I cheer for Toronto, but you know what I mean. *wink*
Yay. We can burp and fart and talk about girl's oobies together. *grin*
I would be more upset if my child rooted for the Oakland Raiders than I would about anything else. I can not love THAT unconditionally. *grin*
Happy Boobie Squeezers Day!
Oh, hey!! I like that one much better. I think it should be celebrated by doing just that. *grin* *smooch*
There is a kids show on one of the channels here that uses hands with eyeballs on them to make little puppet things. The show is named after a character called "Oobi" and I can't watch it without laughing.
'Watch Oobi every day at 11:30!'
'Click here for more Oobi!'
Hee hee hee...
*squeezes Carey's boobies*
Hmmm, soft yet with just the right amount of firmness. Nice!
Do mine! Do mine!
LOL @ Seana. That's way too much for me not to giggle.
*feels TK's oobies*
Oh my, most most nice. *big grin*
I wanna do it again.
Thanks for indulging my curiosity, Carey. You must have really gone through (and maybe still do go through) some extremely difficult emotional times.
So, like, you should get a show on the new cable channel. :-)
Weeeeeeeeeee! Carey's feeling me up!
My husband likes to refere to the "volume to firmness ratio". He wants the most volume he can get while still retaining some firmness. *I* fit the bill nicely ;-)
No problem, Kim. Happy to indulge.
Ooooh, "On the couch with Carey"
that could be the title of my show. *grin*
*SWOON* You always know the perfect things to say. *grin*
Speaking of oobie squeezing, I went to watch a friend of mine play in a Texas Hold'em tournament on Saturday. His wife and I were standing there talking when her BIL came over to talk to us. While we were standing there talking to him, this chick that he knows only casually comes up to him wearing a VERY revealing lace-up, curve-hugging, low-cut shirt. She moved right up close to him and stuck them quite proudly in his view and said, "Go ahead, squeeze them, you know you want to." He was completely speachless, which is not a normal occurance.
I was abnormally silent myself, but I was thinking, "Wow. Carey really should have been here." *grin*
LOL @ the volume to firmness ratio. I'll have to run that one by mr lights.
*smoooches T-kitty* Hey you!
*snort* I need to take up playing Texas HOLDEM. Not the card game. *grin*
As long as you're just holding them and not folding, because oobies that can be folded are just wrong. Actually, they belong on the Groundhog Day celebrations because mr lights calls them "beavertail tits".
*snort* beavertail tits. LMAO
Happy Homo Day, Carey!
If you DO break up with Michelle in the distant future, I know a guy who may be available in about six years.
Um, I have it on good authority that he will want to be the dominant one in the relationship, though. ;-)
Ack!! That dominant part could be a problem. Maybe we could share those responsibilities. *grin*
The volume v. firmness ratio is a tried and true practice. Take it from Mr. TK. He's a true blue boob man.
*smooches for Lights and Mr. Lights and um, well since I am at it, um...smooches for Lights, Jr. cuz he's like, really hot. Johnny Moseley hot.*
Michelle is a boob girl. Me? I am more of an ass girl. But feet and eyebrows mean a lot to me too. *giggle*
1 and 2 and 3....
*does squats to improve gluts*
Don't mind me. Just trying *huff* to get into shape *puff* for our inevitable peep meet.
*collapses on the floor panting*
*giggle* I can't wait to see the look on his face when I tell him one of Mommy's internet friends thinks he's hot.
Just one question? Who is Johnny Moseley? Baseball? Football? Pretty sure he's not a hockey player or a NASCAR driver. *grin*
Olympic skier
Go here.
and then scroll over the pictures, 3 row down all the way to the right and tell me that's not your kid. Total hottie.
*waits in excitment for TK peep meet*
This thought gave me a big grin. Woo Hoo.
Lights, Johnny is a pro snow ski jumper. He was in the Olympics and created some fancy jump that is named after him. He is pretty yummy. As long as he keeps his mouth shut. Not a brain surgeon is he.
BTW - I left you a second something in my blog. *grin*
This is truly a gay day today! Have fun celebrating.
You're an eyebrow girl? How come I never knew this? I know about the ass and foot thing, but eyebrow?
Now I am self-conscious about my eyebrows. Did they pass muster?
I don't know, Augie. I was staring at your ass.
*snort* I did not just say that. *giggle*
So. Did my ass pass muster?
Happy Homo Day!
I'm technically a day late. Sorry. I got busy today and had no time to play.
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