Friday, August 04, 2006

What an afternoon

After work, I went to the grocery store to get the stuff for my chili. When I went to pull into MY carport, there was a car parked there. This is not something that I appreciate in the least bit. Especially not on a Friday when I am ready for a beer. FTR, I have never come home to have somebody parked there. It is a carport attached to my garage. I thought it might be one of the neighbor's guests but it still pissed me off. I look up and some kid is going up the stairway that I share with my neightbor that leads to our front doors. Then two teenage boys come down the stairs. At first I was going to be a bitch about this (in hindsight, I wish I would have) and I wasn't going to move my car which was preventing them from moving. I was going to bring in my garbage can and take my time. Then one of the boys in a soft voice asked me nicely if I could move because he had to go. I said yes but not before I told him that this is not a public parking lot and that if he parked there again I would have him towed. I then moved my car, let him go and I parked in my spot.
I gathered up my groceries and headed up the stairs to my front door. I walk in, go to the countertop and put down my groceries. Then it dawned on me. *head tilt* Why did he back into my spot instead of just pull straight in? Odd. And why was he visiting my neighbors in the middle of the day but not parking in their driveway? Something in my gut suddenly doesn't feel right. (No, it's not gas) Before I had a chance to put my groceries away, my body just sort of starting walking to my front door. Almost as if my gut was leading it there. I walked outside and next door to my neighbors house. The front door is wide open so I continue to walk over there to see if the neighbors are home. I rang the door bell, knocked, rang the bell again and then called into to my neighbors. Silence. I repeat the routine. Silence. Hmmm, well, I'll just close their front door for them and let them know when they get home that they left their door open or unlocked or something. As I grab the doornob I notice that the deadbolt is sort of hanging and as I swing the door closer to the doorjam I see that there is no doorjam left.
FUCK!!!! OH FUCK!!! Those little fuckers weren't friends, they were dirty rotten little gangster fucks who just broke into my neighbor's house. Those fucking little fucking bastards. Fuck. *runs entire scenario through my head again so that I can identify them and their car when I call the cops*...Shit. I didn't get the plate. It didn't even occur to me to get the plate because I thought they were just rude kids visiting the neighbors. Okay...two about 5"11, thin build, black male, about 18 yrs old, wearing a black doorag and a white jacket, voice sort of sounded like Michael Jackson...2nd male, shorter, around 5'6", dark skin but unable to tell what race. He was the lookout guy.
I called the police and called Michelle. Then both of us starting making calls trying to track down the owner of that unit so that he could get in touch with his tenants. We don't have the neighbor's phone number. I decided that I better wait outside for the police because I didn't want to leave the neighbors door just wide open for anybody else to come in. A half an hour went by and still no police. So I called them back and they said units were on the way. Then I called my Dad to see if this was normal. To wait over a half hour for a burglary. I told him that I didn't know if someone is in the house in need of medical attention but I wasn't going in. My Dad said to call the city manager of my city and mention who my Dad was and who I was and see if he would do something to get the cops out there. I called the city manager's office and right as I was about to wind up the call, the cops showed up so we hung up.
In the meantime, my neighbor was contacted by the landord and now she was home. As it turns out, these little fuckers rummaged through their entire upstairs and made a total mess of the place. I guess they were trying to steal the karaoke machine and that is when I pulled up so they just dropped near the front door.
Fuck...why didn't I get the license plate number. I'm really pissed at myself for that. Really pissed. And surprised because I'm usually right on that kind of shit. Michelle said she was shocked that I didn't get it because it is like me to remember those kinds of things when something is off. My Mom said that today I sorta sucked at private investigating and that's pretty bad since I went to school for that. *snort* We decided that I sucked at PI work today and she sucks at picking house paint.
Anyhow...Nothing that she could tell was missing from the house. All of the jewelry, although thrown about, was still there. All of the CDs and movies and whatever was all still there. They figured that they were just punks looking for money and booze for a fun Friday night. Michelle has finally agreed, after 9 years in this house, to look into a security system. Finally. *rolls eyes*.
We'll have to come to a compromise though. Because to her, security is an alarm system and to me, security is a Winchester.
*sips vodka drink*
So how was your Friday afternoon?


Blogger momma said...

My Friday evening sucked. And still sucks. Stupid effing loveable cat.

I tend to agree with both you and Michelle. See, the Winchester won't do much good at securing the premises if the operators aren't home. However, the security system will.

8/04/2006 8:25 PM  
Blogger ~Nutz said...

OMG! Thank goodness they didn't choose your place to do that to. I hope you had several of those vodka drinks after that!

...and I agree with momma about the security issue.

8/05/2006 4:45 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

yeah yeah yeah. I know. I don't get to play with guns anymore. *pouts*
But I would have had a perfect shot at these little bastards. Well, had I known they were robbing my neighbor.
We talked about it and may invest the $40 or whatever per month to have the house alarmed. My biggest fear is not my posessions. It's my cats. If some dickhead breaks in to my house and leaves my front door open, the cats would go outside and they are not permitted to do so. They can go out on the balcony and the patio but not out the front door. My street is way too busy for that. So if I came home and my front door was open, my heart would hit the floor and I would first check my cats before my stuff.
So, I guess we are going to look into this alarm system.

I'm sorry that your Friday sucked, Momma. *hugs*
*head tilt* stupid loveable cat? Uh oh. *runs to Momma's blog*

8/05/2006 6:12 AM  
Blogger Jen said...

Yikes. That could've turned into a really bad situation. I'm glad you're ok, and that none of the neighbor's stuff was stolen. That's pretty amazing, that they broke in and didn't bother to take anything. All they wanted was a karaoke machine? *snort*

I'm glad you're investing in an alarm system. Like Momma said, a gun would do nothing to protect you if you aren't home to shoot it. And I don't like guns anyway. I agree with Michelle.

Sorry you had such a sucky day. Poor Carey. Heeehee. :)


8/05/2006 8:18 AM  
Blogger Swami said...

What a rotten ending to your Friday, Carey! I'd be furious that idiot robbers were thisclose to my place, and like you mad at myself for not being more suspicious. Altho - maybe it was a good thing that you weren't suspicious considering that they were nervy enough to confront you! I mean, they could have bashed you on the head or something if they thought you were suspicious of them.

*brief pause to cherish Carey*

The problem with guns is, if the guys had broke into your house they would have had the gun when you arrived home - and not you!

I would want an alarm system after something like that too.

8/05/2006 8:28 AM  
Blogger Aislinn Sirk said...

You need to train the cats to use the gun.

8/05/2006 1:11 PM  
Blogger Puffy said...

Bob! That's what I was going to say! Teach the cats how to use the Winchester.

Scary situation; you handled it well.

8/06/2006 12:48 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

All of my cats start their gun safety program next week. :)

Luckily for the rest of the free world, I will not be buying a gun.

8/06/2006 8:22 AM  
Blogger mm said...

How awful! I just saw a commercial about *blanking* well, something...and anyways, the girl was walking up stairs to her place and passing a couple guys who were carrying TV's and stuff, and when she gets to her appartment, she realizes they were thiefs. Totally thought of you!

8/06/2006 5:50 PM  
Blogger Seana said...

Holy heck! That's really bizarre.

Too bad you have to get a security system now. :-( You wouldn't want thieves breaking in and stealing all your wine. Boxes are very portable.

8/06/2006 8:00 PM  
Blogger Silvergirl said...

Eeek! I'm glad you are safe after that episode.

8/06/2006 11:59 PM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

Ack! Secretly, although it was a dangerous situation, I think it's exciting you had to deal with this. How out of the ordinary! Glad you didn't get hurt and the neighbors stuff was safe! You did just fine, sweetie, don't beat yourself up.

And yes, call ADT or whomever today! And start those kitties in a self defense class. :-)

I would be similarly worried about the cats getting out first. They really do have us wrapped around their paws, don't they?

8/07/2006 7:03 AM  
Blogger Schnookie said...

Yikes! Thankfully they didn't take anything and more importantly, thank goodness they didn't hurt you! *HUGS*

Agree with everyone on the security system.

I also think Kim's a nutbar for thinking it was exciting LOL.

8/07/2006 9:16 AM  
Blogger Glowie said...

eeek. Security system. Yes. I tend to agree with Michelle on that. (surprise) Guns are bad for most people. You not being an exception. I love you tremendously but I would.not. want you to own a gun. I'm so glad that didn't go horribly wrong. *hug*

8/07/2006 12:48 PM  
Blogger Puffy said...

Carey, check out post #66 in the "Janey is wearing the POV" in the BB Spoilers forum. Someone who shall remain nameless mentioned you. LOL...thought you were a guy.

8/07/2006 4:19 PM  
Blogger Dave Clapper said...

Eek! Hope they catch the guys. My weekend was fun: went to Canada with E and the kids and visited another family we know up there and swam and got drunk. Good times!

Now... can I just say, regarding a few threads elsewhere, because I absolutely will not say it there...

Smooth, meet Sophie. Sophie, meet Smooth.

8/07/2006 4:24 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

LMAO, Dave. I said the exact same thing to Breezy and Augie last week. *snort*

I saw that, Puffy. and LMAO over it.

8/07/2006 4:26 PM  
Blogger Puffy said...

Let's introduce Smooth to Sophie!

8/07/2006 5:48 PM  
Blogger Dave Clapper said...

Seriously, can you even begin to imagine the drama? I think I'd vomit on my monitor once a day.

8/07/2006 8:27 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

I can't begin to tell you how I am being tested today. I have been so good about not responding to the freak in the BB forums and it's killing me. I have gone to type out "Hey Smooth, I think you and Sophie would be a match made in heaven" but then I keep deleting it.
I hate rules. More than that, I hate following rules.

8/07/2006 8:31 PM  

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