Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day

Is the dumbest made up holiday ever. Yeah, so I'm not a romantic. I hate V-Day. To make it worse, Michelle likes it. I hate it because I am forced to celebrate it. I'm supposed to appreciate my significant other and blah blah blah. Isn't that what anniversaries are for? I like being romantic and showing my love on MY terms. Not Hallmark's terms.
Plus, it makes more people unhappy than happy. Single people feel bad because they have nobody. Old married couples feel pressure to celebrate even if they don't want to. New relationships aren't sure if they should or shouldn't celebrate. Hallmark gets rich, gets rich. I just really don't like this day. Yet I am forced to put on a smile, buy a card, some candy, a gift and act like I enjoy the day.
I did all of this a couple of weeks ago, just because I felt like it. Not because I was expected to.
Anyhow, after all of that...Happy Valentines' Day. *snort*


Blogger Aislinn Sirk said...

Will you be my Valentine?

2/14/2007 6:30 AM  
Blogger Aislinn Sirk said...

OK, seriously, I agree with you.

But then I might agree just because Mr Bob is a bit of a mushball and I don't need a Hallmark day.

However, we are going out for a very nice dinner tommorrow as a combo V-day and celebrate Mr Bob's offer day.

2/14/2007 6:32 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

See? A Mr. Bob's offer day seems like much more fun to celebrate.

2/14/2007 6:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I pretty much agree with you. But I still enjoy the flowers and the chocolate and the cards. Today I got a card that whistles at me. Can't beat that.

Plus I now get to do it through Conner's eyes, and that makes it different.

2/14/2007 6:50 AM  
Blogger Swami said...

Tom gave me my Valentine gifts & chocolate on Monday, because that's when he felt like doing it (and that way he didn't have to worry about hiding the stuff for a couple of days, lol.)

It's also my wedding anniversary so I think it's kind of nice that all the stores and malls decorate with hearts and flowers just for me and Tom! Really sweet.

I remember a few despirate Valentines Days when I was single but now it's my favorite holiday after Christmas.

2/14/2007 7:34 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Happy Anniversary, Swami. I suppose if it were my anniversary, I would probably feel differently about today.

2/14/2007 7:36 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

And Boo, Michelle buys me flowers about once a month as it is and I don't really have a sweet tooth.
this year, she bought me an excercise bike that I have been asking for. she got two sweatshirts that have skulls on them and a new pair of black tennis shoes that she has been wanting. How's that for romance? *snort*

2/14/2007 7:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps you could set the mood tonight with a little AC/DC or Metallica.

That reminds me. Years ago when that bitch Pam (not your friend Pam, but my ex-friend Pam) stole my boyfriend right from under my illegal age-innapropriate jailbait nose, she made Michael (my first love, not my current husband) buy these matching sweatshirts that had their names on them in these little hearts. I thought they were goofy as shit then, and I still do. And the thought of the two of them walking around with those shirts on gives me gigglefits to this very day.

2/14/2007 7:43 AM  
Blogger HistoryDetective said...

Can I go out to dinner with Michelle and shower her with gifts while you and boyfriend stay home and watch a movie? He likes VD about as much as you do.

Actually, we have something pretty low-key planned: dinner at a local gay-friendly restaurant. I refuse to buy flowers for VD and I absolutley refuse to buy anything from Hallmark, ever, purely on principle. I did, however, buy a card from 10% Productions. It shows two men kissing but it's not a VD card; the inside is blank so I wrote my own message and added a Shakespeare quote about kissing. I bought him a DVD of his favorite movie and I'm going to have his favorite dessert at home after dinner. I don't think that I went overboard, but I liked doing these nice things for him. Of course, I try to do something nice for him every time I see him.

I am torn about celebrating at all. In past years VD has not been my favorite day, not at all, but I am choosing to have fun with it this year and celebrate the promise of a new relationship that seems to be going so very well so far. I do not want to make others unhappy or uncomfortable, but I cannot disguise my own excitement about getting to spend time with him either. At the same time, I know that this excitement will last long after VD ends.

2/14/2007 7:44 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Michelle's plans for this evening involve us going to our kickboxing class. Probably because she knows that today irritates me.
But I bet she might be willing to do a romantic evening with a gay man while I stayed home with his boyfriend. *snort*

Boo, you confuse me with all of these people who have the same name. "This is my boyfriend Michael and his brother Michael and my husband Michael and their sister Pam"
*grin* All very Hartford Inn like.

2/14/2007 7:50 AM  
Blogger Lasann said...

OH, I agree and am ignoring it. But if we weren't in a.n.o.t.h.e.r argument, I might be pulled into it because of no reason.

I like how the commercials are all about buying me jewelry. And we all know I like jewelry.

But I feel bah humbag about all holidays, except Thanksgiving. That's the one I choose to celebrate.

Isn't another useless holdiay coming soon!

2/14/2007 7:56 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Heh, well I'm with you, Lasann. We just happen to be in a bit of an argument at the time too. :(

2/14/2007 7:59 AM  
Blogger HistoryDetective said...

Here's some interesting takes on VD:


The fifth one down is my, umm, favorite. Ewww...

2/14/2007 8:35 AM  
Blogger Breezy said...

LMAO at Boo's ACDC remark.

Bah humbug! Humbug I say!

2/14/2007 9:08 AM  
Blogger mm said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

2/14/2007 10:12 AM  
Blogger mm said...

HD, the second one down reminds me of someone on OT. *grin*

And FTR, I don't love VD because of the mushy love stuff, I love it because frankly, the Hallmark store looks so pretty in all the pink and red.

(sorry Carey, when you see the original message I wrote, you'll understand why I needed to delete it and start over)

2/14/2007 10:14 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Mark asked me to post this for him:

MTW can't access his blog from work today, so he asked me to post this for him: I want to wish all of my bloggy lady friends (and Denny too!) a very Happy Valentine's Day with *smooches* for all of you, and extra *smooches* for my special valentine (you know who you are, but don't tell!). *sly smile*

2/14/2007 10:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well of course it's me, duh.

2/14/2007 10:41 AM  
Blogger Jen said...

So, what I hear you saying is that you coupled people are out doing nice things for each other all the fugging time. So I should be depressed and sad every fugging day, not just today. Yeah, I can probably work that out, though I like the idea of it just being one day. Damn you, Carey.

*wishes I had some chocolates to eat*

2/14/2007 11:59 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

That isn't at all what I said. What I am saying is that I don't want to be told or expected to be nice on some made up holiday. I'm rarely nice. I just want to be able to pick and choose when I am nice. Not told by Hallmark.

2/14/2007 12:04 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

I was just joking. I know what you meant.


2/14/2007 12:14 PM  
Blogger Swami said...

I don't like the abbreviation VD. Isn't that a sexually transmitted disease?

2/14/2007 12:31 PM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

Fine, then I guess I WON'T share any of my valentine's day goodies with you.

Wait...I don't have any valentine's day goodies.

*gives carey a big ol smooch anyway*

2/14/2007 1:09 PM  
Blogger yvonne said...

Valentine's Day is a bogus holiday and I despise it. Love should be celebrated every day of the year, not just the 14th of February.

Bah humbug!

2/14/2007 1:21 PM  
Blogger momma said...

*sits with Carey, Augie and all the others who just don't give a damn about Valentine's Day*

Apparently, though, my husband took the "I don't want to celebrate Valentine's" a bit not too seriously. I had a rose, some chocolates, and two monkeys that smooch and say I love you. It was cute. However, I feel like crap because I didn't do shit for him. Of course, he's working, so now I don't know WHAT to do. *sigh*

2/14/2007 2:09 PM  
Blogger volsfan said...

Happy V-Day to everyone here...including Mark!


2/14/2007 4:21 PM  
Blogger lights said...

*unlocks Carey's blog door*

Yay!!! I'm in!

Valentine's Day isn't big for Dave and I. Sometimes we buy each other a present, sometimes not. This year I bought Dave a stuffed bulldog wearing a leather biker's jacket. He LOVED it! He didn't get me anything but I told him that didn't matter because there have been other years that he got me something and I got him nothing. Not a big deal for either of us.

He did go to town and get Chinese food for supper. That worked for me!

The guys at work were all wishing me Happy Valentine's Day. It was a far cry from my last job. I don't ever remember Mean Jean asking me to be her Valentine. *grin*

*hopes Swami appreciates my non-abreviated post*

*smooches Carey for giving me a key*

2/14/2007 4:48 PM  
Blogger arkie said...

blah, blah, blah... whatever. Just rub it in that you *have* a significant other and I don't.

Happy VD to you, too.


2/14/2007 4:53 PM  

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