I need to pluck my eyebrows
They are driving me insane. I haven't plucked since the week before I went to Mexico. I just haven't had a chance since we've been home. And now they look all icky. Not bushy, just not manicured. At the rate that I am going and as busy as I am in the next few days, I probably will not get a chance until sometime next week. Waaaaaaaaah. I feel dirty.
You're going for that "butch" look now, aren't you?
*sigh* Do I need to go and buy a flannel shirt now? I look horrible in flannel.
I don't think you will be able to wear flip-flops, either.
Will you have to wear flannel even though it's starting to warm up? Is that a year-round requirement?
WAIT!!!!! I have a solution...flannel flip flops!!!
Flannel flip-flops? *shakes head*
I realized this morning while putting on my makeup that I'm long overdue to get my eyebrows waxed.
You know, if you make these, not only will you be high fashion, but we can call you a dork too.
LOL. May favorite pair of flip flops are my flip flop slippers. they are microfiber, memory foam flip flop slippers and I love them muchly.
Okay, I have to ask you this...WHAT is the purpose of flip flop slippers??? They cannot possibly keep your feet warm, as slippers should.
I wear socks with them. *snort* Totally kidding.
I like slippers for walking around the house, not really for keeping my feet warm. I have tender little footsies and I like having something under my feet. These are perfect because it is like being barefoot in the house but it provides the cushion that my feet need.
She's weird.
I just had mine waxed last week. *preens* Get yours waxed tomorrow when you get your hair done.
I would if they provided that service. But they don't. I would have to go to some other location. They have definitely grown in enough to have waxed now though. *sigh*
Okay, that makes perfect sense. I guess. Why not just wear plain ol' flip flops though?
*sigh* Didn't you see? They are microfiber. And memory foam. *grin*
So they softly remember how much your feet stink at the end of the day?
I'm not Breezy. My feet don't stink. *grin*
*holds nose* That's what she thinks. Her feet are below her ass, no? wellllll most of the time anyway. *giggle*
I wouldn't know who's feet stink. And I'm sure not going to believe you TWO. *grin*
I did a major plucking the other night. My brows were out of control. I feel much better now. :)
You did that to impress Boo. Didn't you?
Sort of. I did it because it was driving me crazy, but I made sure that it was done before I met Boo. :)
Just how long does it take to pluck your eyebrows? Do you need to set aside a whole afternoon or something? Those must be some bushy eyebrows! :D
Hey, you! I've left you a little something over there. No, not there, over there. To your left. Your other left.
Love you.
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