Sunday, November 25, 2007

You? Can stay

We had a very nice Thanksgiving. There were 14 of us up at the new house. With 14 people (family) there is bound to be some drama and chaos. Nothing major. You know how it is with big families. So and so was too lazy, so and so shot their mouth off too much, so and so was so this or that. You know how it goes.
Anyhow, everybody else had left by 10:30am the morning after Thanksgiving. Everyone except for Michelle's parents and us. Once everybody left, Michelle and I just started to clean up the house. It wasn't bad but little things like vacuuming and and picking up here and there.
So Michelle was in the shower and I was downstairs vacuuming when Michelle's parents came down the stairs. Michelle's Mom told me to turn off the vacuum for a minute. As soon as I did, her Mom and Dad plopped down on the couch, took a big sigh and said "Now that they are all gone, I just want to say that you two can stay as loooong as you would like. You can stay all week if you want. How is it that you two are the only normal children in the family?"
*snort* And I did snort. I said it is pretty scary when Michelle and I are the normal ones. LOL
Anyhow, all their other kids and inlaws drove them insane. Between their laziness, their big mouths, their sloppiness and their loudness, the parental units were ready for them all to go home.
*pats self on back* Michelle and I helped cook, helped clean, didn't fight, weren't loud, didn't complain. We were the perfect little kids for the weekend.
Her parents spent the next half hour complaining about their boys and their wives and their other daughter. They kept wondering where they went wrong and were grateful that they had Michelle and I.
I said to Michelle "See? you can't dump me. I'm the only daughter in law that they like". *grin*
I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. We did. But I'm glad to be home.


Blogger mtw said...

*smooch* :)

That's great, Carey. I'm glad you two had a nice time with her family at the cabin. I think I'll blog about my Thanksgiving later today. Enjoy your day at home!

11/25/2007 10:57 AM  
Blogger Breezy said...

*smooch* So glad you had a nice time.

We finally had a good Thanksgiving dinner today. *grin* I cooked a turkey and a ham today.

11/25/2007 1:52 PM  
Blogger lights said...

*smoooch* <---- because I didn't want to break the pattern. :D

I'm glad you had a nice weekend. Bonus points for you for impressing the in-laws. I always had a problem with that.

Got any leftovers? Dusterboy and I just got home and can't find something fast and easy to eat.

11/25/2007 4:12 PM  
Blogger Zombs said...


Did you get your head stuck in the bird?

11/25/2007 5:27 PM  
Blogger Puffy said...

*smoochies* I laughed when I read this. How cool is that, perhaps, to be considered normal?!

11/25/2007 10:32 PM  
Blogger MM said...


Sounds wonderful! And I agree with your inlaws, you can stay as long as you like. :)

11/25/2007 11:18 PM  
Blogger momma said...


Sounds like a great Thanksgiving!!! How long did you stay at the lake?

11/26/2007 5:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*whacks Momma*


That does sound nice. Yay for you and Michelle.

11/26/2007 8:24 AM  
Blogger Swami said...

I think any world where Bravie is The Good Child is a very nice world indeed!


11/26/2007 9:44 AM  
Blogger dragonflies said...


Glad to hear it all worked out ok this weekend Carey!

Now, do you and Michelle want to come over to our house and be perfect? Our house could use some major cleaning.

11/26/2007 11:51 AM  
Blogger Schnookie said...

*smooch* So glad you had a nice thanksgiving.

11/26/2007 6:53 PM  
Blogger Cutsy said...


I think that's wonderful! You sound like a wonder daughter in law to me.

We had a nice Thanksgiving except it was a little delayed as I forgot to turn on the oven at 5:30 when I got up to put the Turkey into said oven. At 7:00 when I got up to check it I had to laugh and start the oven or else cry and start the oven- so I laughed.

11/27/2007 10:14 AM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

Indeed, I'm a bit dumbstruck that you & Michelle are the normal ones!

I don't think you are normal, but I'D let you stay as long as you'd like, too.

11/27/2007 6:07 PM  

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