So far, so good
So things went pretty well at the interview today. They are still trying to decide whether they are going to hire within but they seemed impressed with my qualifications. One bummer though is that they loved that I am very well schooled in our health and safety program and that I know how to deal with all of the government agencies and keep them happy. That's a bummer because that is probably one of my least favorite parts of my current job. But, he said that was a huge selling point for them to hire me over the guy from within. So that is sort of a good and bad thing. I was hoping I would lose that aspect of my job when going somewhere else. But if that is one of the big selling points for me then I would have to suck it up and deal with it.
I really liked the plant and all of the people who I spoke to. I already have one friend there because he used to work for my company and he is the one who referred me to the plant manager and President.
The money part of it is just so damn huge that I almost think I would take on anything they wanted just to make that kind of money. I won't say what my salary would be but I will say that what we discussed would be a minimum of $20,000 more than what I am making now. That is just such a huge leap that it would be stupid to turn it down.
The company itself has 71 locations in 26 states and is not a dying company which seems to be what is happening in my industry.
The atmosphere was totally casual. Everyone except the President was in jeans. They even have a shop dog that just seems to wander all over the place. And everybody walks up and pats it on the head and then goes about their business. It's in a cool location in San Francisco. Super easy to get to and from. I was home within 15 minutes. It's very close to AT&T Park which is where the Giants play. It has a bunch of cool little bars and cafes and parks around it too.
Honestly, the only downer seemed to be that I wouldn't be getting surf the internet and emailing during the day anymore. Maybe later, maybe but certainly I wouldn't have the freedom that I do now. :(
But I can't let that one thing taint my decision. I should know by the end of the week whether or not they are going to make me an offer. I realized today that this is the first time in my life that I have applied for a position that was not entry level. I was applying as a professional with a set of skills that was sought after. How strange.
I really liked the plant and all of the people who I spoke to. I already have one friend there because he used to work for my company and he is the one who referred me to the plant manager and President.
The money part of it is just so damn huge that I almost think I would take on anything they wanted just to make that kind of money. I won't say what my salary would be but I will say that what we discussed would be a minimum of $20,000 more than what I am making now. That is just such a huge leap that it would be stupid to turn it down.
The company itself has 71 locations in 26 states and is not a dying company which seems to be what is happening in my industry.
The atmosphere was totally casual. Everyone except the President was in jeans. They even have a shop dog that just seems to wander all over the place. And everybody walks up and pats it on the head and then goes about their business. It's in a cool location in San Francisco. Super easy to get to and from. I was home within 15 minutes. It's very close to AT&T Park which is where the Giants play. It has a bunch of cool little bars and cafes and parks around it too.
Honestly, the only downer seemed to be that I wouldn't be getting surf the internet and emailing during the day anymore. Maybe later, maybe but certainly I wouldn't have the freedom that I do now. :(
But I can't let that one thing taint my decision. I should know by the end of the week whether or not they are going to make me an offer. I realized today that this is the first time in my life that I have applied for a position that was not entry level. I was applying as a professional with a set of skills that was sought after. How strange.
*sniff* You're all growed up!
*hug* Sounds great, I'll be keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you.
*fingers crossed*
Sounds like a great opportunity for you! Good luck!
Ok, so this *is* the position we talked about a while ago...I was wondering about that and meant to ask you. I'll be sending good vibes too. Also, out of curiousity, if they did hire the guy from within, wouldn't there be other, future positions opening up?
*sending every last positive ounce I have*
*smooch* <-- just cause.
*does fancy dance with Bravie* Even if it doesn't work out, it sounds like an awesome confidence building experience. You are right, for 20K more, I think you could suck up the health and safety stuff. :-)
Send that follow up email letting them know what a great experience yesterday was and how many great ideas you have. Don't let them forget you because of the internal person hanging around. *glares at internal person*
For heaven's sake, don't think about the playtime. We would absolutely miss you, but I know we would all want what is better for you.
And, perhaps in a new environment, that safety thing would be okay.
Wait, is this why Kim's hand is itching?
As much as I would miss my playtime, I'm not letting that play any part in my search for a new job.
Kim is catching the gay.
Yes, Tab, this is the position.
I'm not thrilled about the safety thing but the part I would be playing there would be much more minor than what I do here. So that isn't affecting my decision either. I just felt the need to let them know that that's not my favorite part of my job but I'm a team player and will do my best at anything I am given.
I'm glad things went well. Good luck!
I knew you would WOW them! Go on with your bad self, girl! And yay for having some extra special the poopy internal person doesn't have.
Neener neener neener to the internal person.
I'll add my best wishes! Hope it turns out like you want it to!
Damn, this job sounds so good, I want it! Good luck, hon, I'm pulling for you!
Yup, Kim's gay. I've seen it coming for a long time.
Sounds like you did really well with the interview.
Can't wait for the end of the week for an update
*squeezes eyes shut and shoots happy thoughts to bravie*
I totally understand that nagging feeling about not being able to play online at a new job. It was almost a year and a half before I sent an email that wasn't "work related". *snicker*
Now? I'm checking my hotmail and checking out OT occasionally. I still don't post from work.
This is all so similar to when I left Mean Jean behind. I've got everything I can possibly cross crossed! Go get 'em Carey!
This time last summer you were coming to visit me. *pout* Today I checked prices for flights to San Francisco. *grin*
I sure hope you get this job, Bravie! With an extra 20K you can come visit all your peeps!
*crosses fingers*
*crosses legs*
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