Wednesday, January 20, 2010

RIP Poopy Gump Attard-Wykoff

So we had to give our baby to heaven today.
Poopy came to us because we had just lost our dog. Actually, Poopy was supposed to go to Michelle's grandparents but she wasn't boxed trained so they didn't want her. Since we had just lost our dog (really Michelle's dog since we had only been together for 6 months. But she was my doggy too because Michelle and I lived together for a year before we got together and CC, the dog, was only 3 when she got hit by a car) Anyhow...We kept Poopy. I picked her up from my Mom's friend's house because she had one last kitten to get rid of. She spent the entire ride home attached to my chest. Not easy when you drive a sick shift.

She was the most beautiful kitten I have ever seen in my life. On the outside. Inside she was the meanest little terd on the planet. LOL. If you walked within feet of her when she was eating she would full on attack you. She looked like a mad dog, foam at the mouth and all. She was half calico and had more than one loose nut in the head. We called her cocaine kitty when she was young because she would literally bounce off the walls. She would also attack Shug (our other cat who lived to be 20). Shug hated her.

Poopy has provided so many laughs over the years. From the two times she flew off of the second story balcony to the two times she ran right through the screen door knocking it off it's track. All of her "mad dog" episodes. She also would howl like a wolf. I have no clue what the neighbors must have thought we were doing to her but she would just go outside and let out the horrific howls. It was her strange way of saying she was happy. Little weirdo.

Her birth name was BJ but she was such a terd that she would only answer to Poopy. So fitting.

She was also the laziest and dirtiest cat you could have ever imagined. I don't think once in her 17 1/2 years did she ever cover anything in the catbox. She would just shit and walk away. LOL. I might not miss that now that she is gone. She also refused to to clean herself. She looked like something that was left out in a hurricane. She had beautiful fur and colors but nobody would know it because she always looked like Rasta kitty. We had to start shaving her once a year just to get the knots out of her fur. I might miss that a little bit because we would laugh when she started out embarrassed and then would figure out after a couple of days that it made her pretty again.

6 months ago she got really quite sick and we took her to the vet. He said that she had two tumors. One on her lung and one on her kidney. He said she would not survive surgery and that we should just take her home. He said it could be days weeks or months. He was surprised today when he brought her in that she had made it 6 months.

We brought her in and each of us held her and hugged her and told her that we loved her. Like I did with Shug, I had to send her out of the world in the same manner that I let her into my heart in this world. With Shug, I didn't like her at first and then one night she climbed up on the bed and put her head in the palm of my hand and let out a sigh. From that moment on I fell in love with Shug. So when we had to put Shug down, I put her head in the palm of my hand until her soul left this world. So with Poopy, I put her on my chest until it was time. At that point the vet had to put her on the table. As soon as he told us her heart had beat for the last time, I picked her up and held her to my chest. So that when her soul left this world, her shell was where it was when I fell in love with her.


Blogger Glowie said...

I'm so sorry. ::hug::
RIP Poopy

That last part made me cry, ass.

1/21/2010 12:15 PM  
Blogger Swami said...

Sorry, Bravie.

I think your goodbye to your Poopy (to both kitties actually) was spot-on, sentimental perfection.


1/21/2010 2:49 PM  
Blogger yvonne said...

Thank you for sharing Poopy's story. As I told you yesterday, I hope you and Michelle take great comfort in knowing Poopy had two wonderful Mommies and one wonderful, love-filled life.


1/21/2010 3:21 PM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

*sniffle* Goodbye, Poopy. And Carey? You and Michelle and such wonderful pet parents. Animal lovers have the best hearts, even if sometimes those are love-hate relationships.


1/28/2010 7:39 AM  
Blogger Puffy said...

You wrote a beautiful memorial to your beloved Poopy. You'll always remember her. And now we will always remember her, too.

3/03/2010 10:57 PM  

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