Sunday, August 28, 2005

All hell has broken loose

All hell has broken loose in my house today. As most of you know we are having tile work done on our downstairs. And as you know, tile boy is not the most reliable. yesterday after showing up 4 hours late, he was here until almost midnight last night. Today, so far he is an hour and a half late. We are growing increasingly stir crazy stuck upstairs. The TV downstairs is blocked by the oven and the there is nowhere to sit because of the pinball machine, the china cabinet and all of the boxes taking up most of the space. So here we are stuck upstairs with not much to do.
Today I am spring cleaning. the full toothbrush on the bathroom floor kind of spring cleaning.
This morning, Michelle's brother called to say that he and his GF were stopping by to see what has been done to the floors. Ok, fine, they stayed for about half an hour and then left. We aren't set up to host any company or anything. So last night, Michelle's Dad called and said that he and her Mom were going to come by today to see the progress. Not a bad idea. Al is a handy guy and on top of that he could make sure that everything is being done properly. Well now he just called and told us that he decided to bring our niece and nephew also. WTF? They are 9 and 11 years old. We have tools all over, brken tiles, dust everywhere, the kitchen appliances in the living room, room for three uncomfortably in the living room, power cords everywhere, saws, grout, nails, you name it, lying around and he decides he wants to take the kids for a ride to come see us.
Now remember, I look like a maid (not a french one either) with cleaner all over the place, the fucking tile guy is STILL not here and he springs this on us. Holy Mary mother of Jesus did all hell just break loose. Michelle went off on her Dad then went off on me, then I went off on her and then yelled shit about WTF is her Dad thinking. Things are not pretty in our house today. Not pretty at all.
I just lost my temper and told Michelle that this is bullshit and that her nice way of dealing with things is not getting us anywhere and that when Rudy gets here that I am finally going to deal with him the way that I choose. Well, surprise, this created another fight between us because she wants to continue dealing with him in a less than stern manner. I have just about reached the end of my rope.
Life just keeps getting better. *sigh*


Blogger HistoryDetective said...

Is this the light and fluffy one still?
I hope that calm is on the horizon.

8/29/2005 7:24 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Believe it or not, this is light. You don't even want to imagine the other one. LOL

8/29/2005 7:33 AM  
Blogger jenbeauty said...

{{HUGS}} girlie!! It seems I have been handing out a lot of these today.

Should I post some entertaining Hilary Duff stuff in my blog?? LOL

8/29/2005 7:44 AM  
Blogger BlindSlim~CSTL said...

Wow, I'm usually on the michelle train of thought with the being too nice and shit myself but I totally understand where you're coming from and sometimes you have to say fuck it and do it right or I'll kick your ass.

I'm with you, need me to put a foot in an ass, just say the word. I'm so there with you right now.

*smooch* *spank*

8/29/2005 1:17 PM  
Blogger momma said...


8/29/2005 6:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the guy who remodled the bathroom in the old house and built the deck on the new house. I have told dh that "I" will do the next construction project myself if he even thinks of hiring him.

Sorry, Knockers. *Smooch*

8/30/2005 7:04 AM  

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