Nothing to talk about
I'm sick of looking at my old post but I have nothing new to talk about.
I am PMSing, a little cranky and suddenly my stress has started to return.
Amuse me please.
ETA: I have a damn project at work today that I don't want to deal with. Can someone come and go through my hazardous waste manifests and make sure they are in order. And can you also put together the list of chemicals that we store on site. Thank you in advance.
I am PMSing, a little cranky and suddenly my stress has started to return.
Amuse me please.
ETA: I have a damn project at work today that I don't want to deal with. Can someone come and go through my hazardous waste manifests and make sure they are in order. And can you also put together the list of chemicals that we store on site. Thank you in advance.
Ok but you have to type all these letters to various Recorder's Offices, type all these letters to landlords enclosing their original lease documents, you must update the spreadsheets indicating what title orders have come through...whew...I have a shit load to do!!
*smooch* and *flash* better now?
Monsty should send Gus right over to help you with that.
For your amusement, should I suggest you check my blog? There's a cute picture or two on it. :) (damn, when did I turn into such a DAW? I really used to be shy)
Glad to see you updating! Even if you have not much to say.
I'm in a rotten mood today too, only because I'm constantly dealing with idiots.
I will come do your work for you. It's much more fun than mine.
When are we becoming bounty hunters?
Amuse you?! I've been coming back here for three days looking for a new post and when you finally do update it's only to tell me to amuse you! Humph!
(I did post photos of my trip on my blog yesterday. Some of them are pretty.)
JB? go away, I didn't say bring me work. Jeeez. Oh, but you can stay because of the flash.
Arkie? *smooch* to your beautiful pics. You shy? Hah. *grin*
Boo? let's keel all the idiots.
HD? Well, you could amuse yourself in my blog but I'm not sure how PG-13 that would be. *grin*
Glow? I tried to get you to move out here and Bounty hunt with me but you just wouldn't leave your family. hrmph
Hey, I just noticed my DAW count. I rarely look at it anymore. I'm at 9741 freaking posts. What a whore.
In other news: Beware of Augie. I guess she is running around getting people banned. What a snitch.
*giggle* Beware the Vonnie. I think that'll be my new catch phrase LOL.
Oh yeah ... *FLASH*
You didn't already know you were a whore? *boggle* I thought everyone knew that. *grin*
*ignores Jen*
Nookie? Are you drunk on your birthday? You just flashed. *gasp*
but nice ta-tas.
We need t-shirts and bumper stickers.
I like it. It has such a ring of truth to it.
*looks all tough and stuff*
It should say
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