Thursday, September 01, 2005

It's friends week

Allow me to introduce my friend, Mikki D. She posted here once before and despite having brown hair, she is obviously a blonde. She couldn't figure out how to get back here. She has appeared again and this time she created her own blog. I have bookmarked it so that when she loses it again I can guide her there.
She created her first post and Glowie, Jen and myself had a mini hijack going on. Eventually, if I find her worthy, I am going to link her. Because I would like her to get to know some of my friends here.
I'll let her bio herself in her own blog if she wants to but I will bio our friendship here briefly. Because a couple of people have asked me "Who is this Mikki D person". So without further ado..........
Mikki D and I go back many many many years. We met when I was a senior in high school through mutual friends and we hit it off immediately. She fun, the Mikki D.
We ended up running in the same circle for many years. As a matter of fact, she is the very first person I ever came out to. Unlucky for her she had to witness the mess that was my first true love. I believe that's who introduced us. The only good that ever came from meeting that c**t. Anyhow, this isn't about the bitterness and mess of that relationship. That would be a whole other entry. Don't ya think, Mikki D?
So Mik and I continued to hang out for years and she stood by my side through many a rough time. I was absent for the actual birth of her first child because of my drug and alcohol problems (which I will blame on Jennifer, the first love). As a result of those problems we lost touch for a bit. But then we re connected again after T-Bear was born and we decided to become roommates. Probably not a good idea. She was a single mother of an infant and I was a young 20 something, stripper, alcoholic, drug addict trying to get over a broken heart by being a ho with men. We lived in a one bedroom apartment and it just wasn't a good situation. Anyhow, she ended up moving out and once again we lost touch.
Fast forward a few years and for the life of me I can't remember how, but we hooked up again. We started to play softball together and I started to introduce her to some of my friends. By this time I had gone back to women and most of my friends were lesbians. By now she had had her second daughter, Jessica, and she also had a boyfriend.
We fixed that. Fast forward a few months and the next thing you know, somebody had a girlfriend. *giggle*. This was convenient for our friendship and we once again started to hang out all the time again.
Fast forward a few years: All hell broke loose in our circle of friends. We went from a group of about 20 down to individual couples all going their own way. It was quite sad. there were many bitter feelings between a lot of people within our group and life just seemed to separate us all.
But, if I know one thing, it is that no matter what life puts between the two of us, we always seem to find our way back into each other's lives again. A few months back, some might remember a story about me drinking too much and barfing on a friend's car. No it wasn't her car but this big party day seemed to once again bring us back together.
And so, this brings us to today. Here we are. things are good, could be better and will be better. But we have once again connected. Yay!!
Caveat: I may be missing some important events here. But remember, I really was a druggie and a boozer and if I could remember my name half the time, it was a good day. She'll tell you.
She came to my 30th birthday party just because she never thought that I would live to be 30. That is truly how wild I was. I was a rockstar without a band. So, she may fill in some gaps.
Welcome her, won't you?


Blogger Breezy said...

Caveat? *looks around* Is this Monsty's blog? Caveat? Is that some fancy car? Does it go really really fast?

9/01/2005 4:28 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

You're the super smart teacher type. You tell me.

Why aren't you resting and getting better before the long weekend? *evil eye*

9/01/2005 4:30 PM  
Blogger MiLouBry said...

Ah, what a great summary of our 20+ year friendship! The best part is knowing that no matter what happens we will always be friends!

You forgot to mention the graduation party when you got caught fuckin' around with my brother! I should scan that picture of you and my bro getting lectured by my dad. The expression on your face is classic!
*tsk tsk tsk*

9/01/2005 4:57 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

LMAO. The funny thing was that I wasn't fucking around with him, I was actually fucking him when your MOTHER walked in on us. And then it was your DAD who lectured us.

Send me the pic in email, I forgot what the look was. Doh!!

9/01/2005 5:02 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

And Breezy? Is that any way to welcome my friend. *evil eye*

9/01/2005 5:03 PM  
Blogger momma said...

Hiya Mikki D! Welcome to Carey's World. Or something.

*sits on couch to hear Mikki D tell Carey stories*

9/01/2005 8:40 PM  
Blogger Alice said...

Welcome Mikki! And what a great story!

*hugs and smoochies*

9/01/2005 8:50 PM  
Blogger Breezy said...

*sheepish look*

*waves* to Mikki. Hi!


9/02/2005 5:29 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Mikki D and I have plenty of stories about each other. Plenty.
Most should not be told. *giggle*

9/02/2005 5:57 AM  
Blogger jenbeauty said...

Hi Mikki D! I am Jen or Koko or Minnie or OJ or some other crazy variation.

I want to see the guilty look of an 18 year old knockers!! lol

9/02/2005 6:38 AM  
Blogger Glowie said...

Great story. heh.

Welcome again, Mikki D. I could use some more dirt on Carey. If you ever feel like spilling beans, please let me know.

9/02/2005 6:46 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

JB? I was 20, he was 17. *gasp* I coulda gone to jail. *giggle*

Glow? I know where she lives. That is all.

Breezy? much better.

9/02/2005 6:48 AM  
Blogger Dweeze said...

Hi Mikki!

Oh and Brave, regarding your past - That WAS you!

9/02/2005 8:13 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Dweeze. I was so hoping you would show up and say that. Thank you.

9/02/2005 8:29 AM  
Blogger arkie said...

Hi, Mikki! I want to hear some of the stories, too. You can always just post them in the comments on our blogs... It's not like Carey would be reading all comments on all blogs...

9/02/2005 8:40 AM  
Blogger MiLouBry said...

Good morning ladies!

Wow, Scarey! Everyone's looking for some dirt on you. I'm gonna have to share lots of stories... maybe even make some up. *wink*

9/02/2005 9:49 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

I think you have enough that you don't need to make any up. LOL

p.s. Talked to Kimmy last night. They are all fine, but it has gotten kind of ugly as far as guarding the house.
Suzie is sitting out on the porch with her beer and shotgun, guarding the house. I called her Ma Barker last night and Kimmy said that was pretty much it. LMAO
They sent Josh down to Florida with Suzie's sister.

9/02/2005 9:53 AM  
Blogger momma said...

Does Kimmy have food and water and such???

9/02/2005 10:13 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

They had some food brought to her by her SIL who drove up from Florida. Kimmy got out to a store yesterday to get some basics and they are limited to three six packs of bottled water, per the stores. She said the food is not plentiful but it is enough to keep them fed.
Whatever food they do have, they have to hide because looters are now invading their town.

9/02/2005 10:21 AM  
Blogger momma said...

Glad to hear it.

Hope she and her SO stay safe.

9/02/2005 11:06 AM  
Blogger MiLouBry said...

Suzie with her beer and shotgun - LOL! That's classic! I love her! I wonder if there's a place up there we can mail her some supplies at least. I wonder how that would work. I guess she's just gonna have to keep going into town. Now it's more dangerous than anything else cuz people are going nuts. Be sure to send her our well-wishes. Thanks for the update! Have fun at the lake.

9/02/2005 1:17 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Nope. I asked about sending supplies. She said that it's hit or miss if they would get it anyhow.

Have a great weekend.

9/02/2005 1:54 PM  
Blogger Coco said...

Hi, Mikki! Nice to meet you! Have some poutine!

And Bravie, after reading that, I'm just eternally glad you're around to make noise with your jetski.

Oh, and clean my fridge. *ahem*

9/02/2005 6:14 PM  
Blogger Coco said...

Hi, Mikki! Nice to meet you! Have some poutine!

And Bravie, after reading that, I'm just eternally glad you're around to make noise with your jetski.

Oh, and clean my fridge. *ahem*

9/02/2005 6:14 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Mik? Coco stutters.

9/02/2005 6:16 PM  
Blogger Schnookie said...

LOL Breezy. I think Caveat is the french word for tie *giggle*

Hiya MikkiD!!! Welcome to the blog world.

9/02/2005 6:23 PM  
Blogger yvonne said...

Hi Mikki! Nice to meet you. 20 years of knowing Carey? Wow! You deserve a medal. Or a long, long vacation.

I've known Carey for almost two years and I know I need a vacation. *grin*

9/03/2005 6:34 AM  
Blogger Coco said...

Caveat is the French word for tie? Schnookie, I'm revoquing your Quebecker license.

I do NOT stuttttt..ttt..ttt.. ttt..

have speech problems.

9/03/2005 7:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome Mikki D! I'm not really supposed to be lurking here....

*runs off*

9/03/2005 10:19 AM  
Blogger Immunegirl said...

Hi Mikki!! Nice to meet you!

9/05/2005 7:36 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Roooooooose. Welcome to bloggerville. *smooch*

9/05/2005 5:12 PM  
Blogger Rose said...

thnks dear.

9/05/2005 6:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, I'm late to the party. Welcome Mikki!

9/06/2005 5:55 AM  

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