Big mistake
Big big mistake.
Last year they tore down our mall to renovate it. It was pretty old and dreary and outdated.
It was called Tanforan Mall. Tanforan used to be a horse race track and then during WWII it was used as a holding camp for Japanese prisoners. So it has some history to it. Anyhow, they tore it down and rebuilt it. Yesterday (Friday) was the grand reopening and Michelle and I came up with the uber bright idea of going after work. It's been modernized and expanded and it's sooo close to us that we were looking forward to checking it out.
Let's see if you can figure out why it was a mistake.
1. Grand reopening of a popular mall.
2. On a Friday night.
Can you say "Teen hangout"?
Michelle and I were two of a handful of people over the age of puberty. Two of a handful of people who didn't squeal when we talked, wore our pants up around our waste, didn't once use the phrase "yo, yo", didn't have our cell phone attached to our ear, weren't gathered around in circles blocking walkways, didn't have on a baseball cap (tilted to the side), weren't asking each other what time we had to be home and not once used the phrase "That's hot".
The entire teenage population of the Bay Area was at the mall last night. The only store that we were able to even wiggle our way into was Hot Topic and even once we were in there it was inundated with prepubescent beings giggling and sipping soda and standing around doing nothing else. There was a 20minute wait in line to get one of my coveted Mrs Fields cookies and I had run out of patience by this time. Just to get out of the mall and back to my car it was like rats through a maze.
So with no cookie and nothing to show for our trip to the mall we decided to go to dinner. Red Robin burgers sounded good. So we hop in the car. It takes us 30 minutes to get out of the parking lot and across the street to Red Robin. Once there, parking was hell but we find a spot. YAY. By now I am very hungry. When Carey is hungry we must eat NOW or else I get rather cranky. Well obviously every parent of every teenager at the mall had decided to eat. 20 minutes it would take until we could even be seated. *sigh* "I need to eat NOW and I am not waiting" Michelle knows better at this point than to argue. Back in the car. We drove around the corner to the Hawaiin restaurant where I got the BBQ meat platter. Once home I inhaled my food because I was on the verge of passing out, Michelle popped in her scary movies, I hung out in the bar and we were content being the old farts that we are. I remember when hanging out at the mall on a Friday night was fun. Somebody get me my Geritol please.
Last year they tore down our mall to renovate it. It was pretty old and dreary and outdated.
It was called Tanforan Mall. Tanforan used to be a horse race track and then during WWII it was used as a holding camp for Japanese prisoners. So it has some history to it. Anyhow, they tore it down and rebuilt it. Yesterday (Friday) was the grand reopening and Michelle and I came up with the uber bright idea of going after work. It's been modernized and expanded and it's sooo close to us that we were looking forward to checking it out.
Let's see if you can figure out why it was a mistake.
1. Grand reopening of a popular mall.
2. On a Friday night.
Can you say "Teen hangout"?
Michelle and I were two of a handful of people over the age of puberty. Two of a handful of people who didn't squeal when we talked, wore our pants up around our waste, didn't once use the phrase "yo, yo", didn't have our cell phone attached to our ear, weren't gathered around in circles blocking walkways, didn't have on a baseball cap (tilted to the side), weren't asking each other what time we had to be home and not once used the phrase "That's hot".
The entire teenage population of the Bay Area was at the mall last night. The only store that we were able to even wiggle our way into was Hot Topic and even once we were in there it was inundated with prepubescent beings giggling and sipping soda and standing around doing nothing else. There was a 20minute wait in line to get one of my coveted Mrs Fields cookies and I had run out of patience by this time. Just to get out of the mall and back to my car it was like rats through a maze.
So with no cookie and nothing to show for our trip to the mall we decided to go to dinner. Red Robin burgers sounded good. So we hop in the car. It takes us 30 minutes to get out of the parking lot and across the street to Red Robin. Once there, parking was hell but we find a spot. YAY. By now I am very hungry. When Carey is hungry we must eat NOW or else I get rather cranky. Well obviously every parent of every teenager at the mall had decided to eat. 20 minutes it would take until we could even be seated. *sigh* "I need to eat NOW and I am not waiting" Michelle knows better at this point than to argue. Back in the car. We drove around the corner to the Hawaiin restaurant where I got the BBQ meat platter. Once home I inhaled my food because I was on the verge of passing out, Michelle popped in her scary movies, I hung out in the bar and we were content being the old farts that we are. I remember when hanging out at the mall on a Friday night was fun. Somebody get me my Geritol please.
That's hot!
You have a Hawaiian restaurant?
Sounds cool. I get that way when I am hungry too! I can't talk to anyone.
It has great food. They even serve Spam. Yummmmmmy. And they say "Aloha" when you walk up to order.
Michelle is very vigilant in getting food in me once I say the words "I'm hungry".
*evil eye* What have I told you about the word mall?
I'm sending a spider with your birthday card. Be careful opening it. Muahahahahaha!
Oh MY GAWD! Like you are Soooooo ancient and like old and stuff.
It's okay, Carey. We can be old together. When DH accused me of staring at the new neighbor guys across the street I said, "eewww, they're like, kids". Whch made me feel very old because they are probably in their mid 20s.
*passes Carey the Geritol*
P.S. not only am I not attracted to them, I am always glaring over in their direction because they play their music too damn loud.
*giggle* *squeal* Did you see those old farts at the mall?
Ya'll are so funny. Now excuse me while I go change my Depends. You're so funny I peed myself.
Sweetie, how many times must I tell you? That's not pee! *grin*
*sniff sniff*
Smells like old people in here.
Did somebody pee?
It was me.
*is about eighty*
Carey, you should call me, we'll have a drink.
Carey, you don't have to call me, I'll have a drink anyways. ;-)
Hi buggy!
Drunk Glory Hole was looking for you, said he hates to drink alone.
Aw, that sucks.
At least you can still swear like a teenager. :-)
Buggy, Drunk Glory Hole hates to do anything alone. I've asked him to come here and visit Carey, she's been whining about not having enough sex spam.
Only the privelged get porn spam.
WHY can't I find Casa de Coco!???
I have a great new post.
About barf.
Wow a party and I'm missing it.
Buggy sweetie, I have Coco linked over there on the right.
And, *sigh* something is wrong with my phone. For the second day in a row my battery has died for no reason. I had it charged overnight, turned it on and within an hour it was drained. I'm going to take the battery off tonight and re attach to see if that helps.
Um, Carey, honey?
Take the phone off "vibrate."
Put it on the charger and from now on, use it only for its designated purpose.
Thank you.
*giggle* I really do keep it on vibrate. And to prove that I am blonde, I thought you were serious. As if the vibrate mode had something to do with it draining. Then I got it, Doh!!
Do these blog things come with sharkie wipes too? ...'cause I need to wipe my monitor!
(Silly Coco!)
LMAO @ Coco!
The polite teenage constigency does not really ruffle my green fur at all. It is the groping, overtly congregating teenagers that need to be controled. I really hate malls. HATE THEM!
I'm guessing that you would HATE my job. Of course, here, all the teenagers have accents and use y'all instead of yo, but otherwise, welcome to my life.
No Monsty, these were not the polite type. Most of the teenagers around here are thugs.
Kimmah!!!!! I do not envy you. Not one bit. I wouldn't mind hearing a ya'll or two but these kids are just plain thugs. THUGS I tell ya.
I about flattened one of them. We were walking and this tiny little thug girl decided that she would try and walk through me. Unfortunately for her I was about 4 inches taller and about 40lbs heavier and I locked my shoulder in place in anticipation. When she walked into me and bounced backwards she tried to shoot me a dirty look which I pshaawed. I looked at her and said "WTF, did you really think I was going to move for you just because you are a thug?" What I wanted to say, but it would have been lost on her because I am sure she never saw Fried Green Tomatoes, was "I'm older honey and I have more insurance"
There is no good time to go to the mall. The teens are there at night. The old people are there during the day, walking fast, pumping their bony elbows as they exercise.
I think the hour of 2-3 pm on Tuesday is the only safe time to go to the mall. I'll head out there this week and let you know. If I don't return you'll know my theory was flawed.
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