Oh My Cod
I am posting this because a certain green peep moderator of my blog is whining and cryng about not getting enough love and attention. *rolls eyes*
She is upset that we have not commented on her near perfect hair nor her near perfect Stepford attire. And I only mention this because I am afraid that if I don't give her the attention that she needs that I will get stuck with Gus. Augie is the one who allowed her to have him in the first place and now I am worried that she will duck out and I will be stuck holding the fucking monkey. So please in the name of cod can we please all comment on Monsty's hair.
She does produce a pretty cute little offspring though. I'll give her that.
She is upset that we have not commented on her near perfect hair nor her near perfect Stepford attire. And I only mention this because I am afraid that if I don't give her the attention that she needs that I will get stuck with Gus. Augie is the one who allowed her to have him in the first place and now I am worried that she will duck out and I will be stuck holding the fucking monkey. So please in the name of cod can we please all comment on Monsty's hair.
She does produce a pretty cute little offspring though. I'll give her that.
Ya know, I've been wondering when you would post about Monsty's hair. I mean, c'mon, it's GORGEOUS!
I hope someday my hair can be half as nice as hers. /suck-up
first you're fucking cranky, now you're fucking Gus? Freak!
And yes, Monsty has FABULOUS hair! I am quite jealous...
Monsty has hair?
My favorite razor is a venus. Just in case you need one dear.
But I thought it was brittle?
I think she needs a perm. That ought to go well with the bridge ladies!
It is an honor just to be able to touch her hair every six weeks.
lmao @ monsty pretending to be Nunzio.
I thought she had fur not hair. *head tilt*
Nunzio! Cut my hair! Have my babies!
I .heart. Nunzio!
(well, and Monsty's hair. Only because of Nunzio, though)
Near perfect? Carey, you are in soooo much trouble!
Monsty is beautiful and she is loved greatly by all.
I, on the other hand, could shrivel up and die from lack of love.
I would comment on Monsty's beautiful hair if I could actually see it. However, if Nunzio claims it to be an honor to touch Monsty's hair, it must be truly spectacular hair. I want Monsty hair!!!
Cute little baby!!
What's with all the whiners?
I *heart* that little monsty doll.
And Glow Pop too. *Smooch* I must admit that every time Conner watches one of the Dora shows that has the explorer stars, I think of you Glowie because one of the stars is Glowie.
Monsty is my favorite this week because her hair is the second-most spectacular hair in the world. (What else can I say? I like my hair this week.)
Glowie wants attention? Hmph. Glowie hasn't been around lately.
I feel like I've got my ear to the wall of the girls lockerroom. Just peeping in to say hi, I think Monsty has great hair.
I am basking in this love. Anyway, talk to me about my hair.
And I have noticed a lack of love from a certain somebody.
Speaking of hair, I've just had mine cut. She's no Nunzio, but I'll take her. I feel like a million bucks, and it only cost me $40.
Who's Monsty?
I like it when I get stuck holding the fucking monkey.
Just sayin'.
Monsty is the moderator of my blog. She says what can and can not happen here. She has fabulous hair and a most handsome little boy named Allstah. Whatever Monsty says, goes. Oh, and she has fabulous hair.
Somehow I thought you liked to spank the monkey, HD. *grin*
I usually don't have a problem finding somebody else to spank my monkey, thankyouverymuch.
I was about to volunteer, then I remembered...*sigh*
For the record ----- I DID NOT let Monsty get Gus. It was the smarty pants people of OT who signed her stupid Gus petition. Of course we all know it was because everyone was tired of hearing her whine about it ....
{whiney voice} I want a monkey. Augie won't let me have a monkey. I want a monkey. Augie is mean. Wah. Wah. Monkey. Wah. {/whiney voice}
I warned you people. I told everyone getting the stupid monkey was a mistake. So, if Carey ends up with Gus it's her own darn fault.
And? I am not sending love to someone who started the crudest thread in the history of OT.
"Camel Toe Monsty" can just pout til the cows come home. Or the camels come home.
LOL at HD!
How did I miss this camel toe thread?
I *heart* Monstah because she has great hair and a cute kid and makes me giggle a lot.
I *heart* Glow because she made me get that annoying Spice Girls tune stuck in my head. Wait...
ROFLMAO at Augie. Camel Toe Monsty? *snort* *gigglesnort* pee my pants funny.
But, FTR, I was one of the two people that petitioned against the monkey so it is not my own damn fault. I am the one who warned everybody about that goddamn monkey from day one. We should go back to the petition and make everyone who signed it take care of Gus.
*slaps knee* Augie made me laugh super duper loud. *snort*
I voted to let Monsty have Gus, because I forgot to ask Carey what I thought about it. But Augie would not let me change me vote. So, it really is Augie's fault.
do links work here?
Ok, copy and paste then...is this the thresd in question?
Thanks MM!
I hadn't been to OT when I commented here.
I have seen the camel toe thread.
I missed a busy day on the boards and the blogs. It's my own fault.
OMG, MM? that was a great stroll down memory lane. So many peeps that aren't around anymore. What a great fun thread that was. I can't believe that was over a year ago.
But proof that I did not want the monkey. HAH!!!!
Please note my vote in that thread: non-Monkey.
Someone else can gather up the poo.
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