IT'S ALL MY FAULT!!!!!!!!!
Okay, not ALL my fault but I am getting a good part of the blame. She does point out a couple of other people but ultimately is pinning the blame on me. and I? could not be more proud.
Because of me (and yes a couple of others), Luna got locked out of the blog world at work for objectionable content. SNORT!!!!!
I really am sorry Luna that you can't read us at work. We can be quote entertaining. But this is such a badge of honor for me. Yeah, even Monsty's blog was denied but she thinks it was because of something that I must have posted in there. LMAO.
As wrong as this is, it made my entire day. She got hit by the three strikes law at work. Went to one blog, access denies, went to another blog, access denied, came to my blog, access denied. And she blames me. *BIGGEST GRIN EVER*
But I really do feel bad about her not getting to play with us though.
So for her:
Oh dear God..... this parachute is a napsack
I am not happy with the W.E.N.U.S.
and WE WERE ON A BREAK!!!!!!!!!
Because of me (and yes a couple of others), Luna got locked out of the blog world at work for objectionable content. SNORT!!!!!
I really am sorry Luna that you can't read us at work. We can be quote entertaining. But this is such a badge of honor for me. Yeah, even Monsty's blog was denied but she thinks it was because of something that I must have posted in there. LMAO.
As wrong as this is, it made my entire day. She got hit by the three strikes law at work. Went to one blog, access denies, went to another blog, access denied, came to my blog, access denied. And she blames me. *BIGGEST GRIN EVER*
But I really do feel bad about her not getting to play with us though.
So for her:
Oh dear God..... this parachute is a napsack
I am not happy with the W.E.N.U.S.
and WE WERE ON A BREAK!!!!!!!!!
Oh... you are very, very mean. See? That is why I tried to implement the no swearing rules.
Sorry Luna! {{hugs}}
Poor Luna!
How awful!
And yet...*giggle* @ Carey
Just so you know, it's not that common, it doesn't happen to every guy, AND IT IS A BIG DEAL!
I knew it!
heh. Poor Luna.
Sorry Luna, I was good though. I didn't swear or nothing. *grin*
LMAO, we could have an entire post on Friendsisms. Jen would be good at it too.
Oh hell, just blame it on the fucking Braves!
*smooch* to Luna!
We love Luna!!!!
What does Luna do? Something with transponding numbers? Oh! That's it! She's a transpondster!
(Yes, I know she's actually a teacher. Sorry Luna. *smooch*)
Don't tell anyone but Weekend at Bernies is my favorite movie. *grin*
Did I lose my sense of humor when they lopped off my third nipple?
We're out of cream. Chandler, can we get a refill?
Oh, I see. Because of the third nipple thing. *fake laugh*
"Chandler kissed a girl in college"
"Chandler's a girl, Chandler's a girl"
I can't think of a way to write this so that it would sound like him, but you'll know what I mean.
"I'm trapped in an ATM vestibule with Jill Goodacre."
Let me get Joey to translate that for everyone else.
He's quite the bubble blower. *spit*
Speaking of "Friends," I just responded in the Romance Thread about the "vicar."
"Do you even know what a vicar is?"
"Rachel reads porn" *giggle*
"Monica and Chandler! Monica and Chandler!! Oh! My eyes! My eyes!"
You threw away my sandwich with the moist maker?
There's one scene that I love, but it's really long and I can't remember it word for word. Instead, I will do my favorite Phoebe song. *ahem*
"Oh the cow in the meadow goes Moo
The cow in the meadow goes Moo
Then the farmer knocks him on the head and grinds him up
And that's how we get hamburger"
Don't forget to sing to us about how grandparents die.
"smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you"
"See? He's her lobster."
(My favorite episode)
The parachute line is my all time favorite.
But my alltime favorite episode is the cheesecake episode.
"once yours is gone that's it. No sharing"
The cheescake one is good. Joey walks up on them, pulls out his fork and says "So, what are we eating?" LOL
You know how much a conversation like this needs to be on OT? That place is sucking right now. Where are the new fun threads? *sigh*
I was all ready to play today...and nothing.
I love when Chandler does his "hardy har har" face and then Rachel slaps his cake out of his hand. *snort*
MM, play here.
Can't. I don't/didn't watch friends. :(
(that is who ya'll are talking about, right?)
"even Monsty's blog was denied..."??????? Um, okay, do you have to make it sound like I am the resident prude around our little blog world?
Poor Bella Luna. Maybe next time she will choose her on line friends more carefully. (Cod, knows I wish I did...certain affectations are begining to come out of my mouth and I know who is to blame. If I drop any of them at my Mother's Group, I will not be happy...nor will the other Stephord Mom's be.)
Yes, MM.
Well then Monsty, I suggest that you spend much less time hanging around that bad influence, Augie.
Augie smokes, drinks and makes out with boys in vans, you know.
That's what I've heard. You should have seen her in DC. Dancing on the tables for money, drinking all the booze in the place. She was out of control.
*gasp* There are people in the world who don't watch Friends?
MM, I'm shocked. I thought you were my gummy bear twin. *shakes head*
*sits next to mm*
Augie flashed everyone her oobies in DC!
I know, I know. I'm sorry. I have watched it before, and liked it, just not enough to do the whole quote thing.
I'm sorry if I've let you down.
*passes Jen a gummy bear*
Oops..*passes breezy a gummy bear, too*
Yes, I do know what a vicar is.
But I did have to ask the first time I heard it.
Doesn't watch Friends? *boggle*
Yep, Augie was an oobie flasher. *giggle*
I could really go for some gummy bears right now. Actually, I prefer gummy worms, but bears would do.
Okay, I know what a vicar is, but what is the relevance here?
*passes Jen a gummy worm*
I'm sorry, Luna. That is terrible!! I don't know what I'd do if that happened to me. :(
(Trying very hard not to giggle....)
It's from a Friends episode. Joey finds a trashy romance novel under Rachel's pillow. The chimney sweep is getting it on with the vicar's daughter. Or something. Then he teases Rachel about it and she says "Do you even know what a vicar is?" LOL.
I didn't see that one, but I can totally see it happening. Very funny.
And I wanna know why Carey is calling glow a bitch.
Because I'm horny today and she is being a tease. grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Ahhh I see. You mean all the hot guys she's posting, right? Yep, that must be it.
Yep, that's it. *grin*
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
No problem.
I think Carey has gone a wee bit insane.
I am not. That deleted post is MM and she told me to call Glow a bitch and then I did and then she deleted it and is being a mean liar and now I look like a damn loon. Which I am, but not in this case. I am not a loon in this case. She told me to say it. *sigh*
Whatever you say, Crazy. I mean Carey. *backs out of blog*
Cuckoo ... Cuckoo. *twirls finger around ear*
I prefer the more PC term of looney.
*talks to self* *twitches*
Wait!!! I'm not a loon. I have tourettes. Yeah, that's it.
I'm SOOOOO sad I missed the Friends quoting!
"Some girl ate Monica!"
"Shut up! The camera adds 10 pounds."
"Oh. So how many cameras are actually on you?"
"Looking good, Mr. Kotter!"
Any episode with an 80's flashback is at the top of my list.
I'm also extremely fond of The One That Could Have Been.
"What the hell kind of name is Brindi? From now on, you'll be Joan."
"I miss Joan."
*pats Carey on the head*
Uh huh, sure I did sweetie.
I? Happen to adore glow and wish you'd quit picking on her!
Whoa. Luna even knows the episode names. Even I'm not that dorky. *grin*
*smooch Luna*
Luna is by far the best at Friends trivia. By far.
I love the flashback episodes too.
What about Monana? When she stole the credit card? *snort*
Ohhh, and drunk Monica on her birthday? Another great episode.
And how could we forget ugly naked guy?
Pfft! I challenge Luna to a Friends trivia showdown. :P
"Ugly naked guy is moving. Ironically, most of the boxes seem to be labeled 'Clothes'" LOL!
Oh, oh, oh! Bring it on! Rachel Karen Green and Chandler Muriel Bing can judge us!
Hey, ugly naked guy's got a naked friend.
That's our naked friend!
Oh, and speaking of the vicar episode...
"Geez, this coffee is cold. Rach, do you mind if I warm it up on your loins?"
"I guess you bought that book after we broke up, huh?"
"Yeah, yeah, because I wore out my old copy when I was with you."
You know what episdoe I hated? The one where Phoebe tried to teach Joey French. Gawd, that was awful. So stupid. The last year was all pretty bad, unfortunately.
"I'm the Holiday Armadillo! Long ago, there were these people called the macabees!"
I've got chopsticks. We can poke ugly naked guy.
Alright girls. Take this quiz. I'll tell you what I got after you tell me. And I swear I'll be honest.
Oops. That link just goes to the main page. Click on the Ace This! quiz. I assume it's the same one as I took. And lets take the Original too. *grin*
Waahhh! I feel like I'm being punished for not watching the show. I can't play here at all, today. *pout*
Yay, quizzes. I'll take it when i get home and then post em here.
MM, you can take the quiz. See how well you do by guessing.
You damn b!tch!!!!!!
Keeping it clean for Luna. *grin*
Last time I checked, damn was a swear word too, Blondie. *rolls eyes*
Damn that quiz has some obscure questions. I did get all the questions right on the season-by-season quiz though. :-)
I didn't take the season by season one. I will now. So, what were your scores? (I'm glad you thought they were hard, too!)
Simplicity quiz: 7
Original quiz: 5
Ace this quiz: 4 (shameful!)
Ace this quiz: 5
Original quiz: 9 on the first part, 9 on the second part and like a 7 on the third part.
*hangs head* Alright. You beat me. But I'll get you one day!! :P
I missed one on the season by season quiz.
I got a 2. Yay!
So ladies. How you doin?
Not as well as I had hoped:
season=9 on the first and 8 on the second
I got a 4 on the Ace this one.
These are too obscure for me. Is there a Star Trek one? I could maybe do that.
Stop laughing.
Star Trek? *giggle* I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing, oh bullshit, I'm laughing at you. *grin*
I just realized that we are missing season 10 of Friends on DVD. But we do have the finale. Hmmmm. I'll have to run out tomorrow and get it.
Holy crap! I think this is a new blog record. 81 comments + this one?!?!? Can we go for a swoop on #100??
Nope, Momma. I had one at 108 and one at 129 in September. *grin*
But yes, you may swoop away. Jen did at 69.
Oh..I meant to ask you.
What in the fuck is WENUS??
And? we need to beat 129.
Thank you for asking the important questions, momma. We can keep commenting here until she passes it if you'd like...what's this...86?
Wait, I can't. DH is home. He wants to...uh..well, I'll be back later. *wink*
But I will get you to 90 real quick if you'd like...
Ack! We need monsty, she's better at multiple posting than I am.
Alright, I give up. This is it for me. Just for you you have to do some of the work yourself.
Damn. And if DH was home, I wouldn't have to do all the work myself.
Oh and mm....don't have too much fun!
Hey Carey! One more question for you. Which was your fave Friends season?
I guess I'm only like a 1/4 Friends fan or something. I never could get into it after about the 7th season. It got kinda boring. And it was up against Survivor. And? I don't have Tivo.
And why is this blog on Pacific time? I'm Central US, for Cod's sake. I don't care if Carey's not.
I think. Luna or Jen would have to verify.
One more bit of Friends questioning...who had Rachel hair?
Where did that come from? It sounds entirely too...useful to be funny.
My favorite season?
Hmmm, I liked season one a lot.
And then I think I would have to jump to midway around season 4 or 5.
Season 10 was my least favorite and I was a bit disappointed in the finale but still loved the show.
And the swoop goes to..........
*drum roll*
DAMN! I was trying to set it up for the bloggie owner and she beat me to 99 by a whopping second.
Honey, Rachel had Rachel hair. It was all the rage when season one came out.
No swooping for me at all in my own blog. *pout*
W.E.N.U.S stands for Weekly Estimated Net Usage of Systems.
Personally, for me the best season of Friends was season 5, when Monica & Chandler were hiding their relationship. They're both so neurotic, it was great fun to watch. Actually, I prefer the show from season 5 just got funnier (to me) when Monica & Chandler hooked up and it wasn't all Ross & Rachel. However, the best episode is, hands down, The One With The Prom Video from season 2.
Carey, my love, season 10 isn't being released on DVD until November 10. But, just so you don't feel bad, I still don't have season 9! We'll get it soon though...then it will sit here until we have a free day to watch the whole thing, because we can't stop once we start. D loves him some Friends too. We stayed home sick one day back in February (and we were really sick, I swear! I think we had food poisoning) and we set up our air mattress on the living room floor and watched season 8 all day. :-)
I knew you would have the right answer.
Yes, I loved the Prom video one too. Poor sweet, nerdy Ross and then Rachel walks right up and kisses him.
I'm a fan of the Monica/Chandler story too.
Everyone says that Michelle and I are Monica and Chandler. She the neurotic neat/control freak and he the one who is dead inside and deals with all uncomfortable situations with a joke and is so afraid of commitment.
I told you that we have a mug from their wedding, yes? It was given to all of the staff on the set and it has their names and their wedding date imprinted on it.
Okay, I wondered why we didn't have season 10. I'll be packing for Vegas the day it comes out. *grin*
P.S. What a nice day. To share your love of Friends and just kick it all day watching a season.
and OMG, I love the flashback one with fat Monica dancing at the end. That one gets me everytime. I laugh my ass off.
Fat Monica dancing is always a good time!
There's so many things about Monica that crack me up. I love when Chandler hired the maid and Monica thought she was stealing her stuff.
Everytime I vacuum, D asks if I wish I had a little vacuum to clean the big vacuum, a la the Little Harmonica. :-)
Yes, when she kept trying to look between her legs and then she thought she had on her bra? Classic.
I love how she kept the stuff to wash a car even though she didn't have a car. LMAO
Oh, and the one where she needed to ask her parents for money and then Monica and Ross where calling each other out.....Ross married a lesbian!!!!
And Ross, crapping his. *snort*
"The mailman wasn't stealing your playboys Dad, Ross was!"
"Hurricane Gloria didn't break the porch swing, Monica did!"
"Ross got drunk in Vegas and got married. Again!"
Hello Mr. Rachel!!!!
Hello Mrs. Ross!!!!
And the plane flight there? With the cat faces in a Sharpie.
"I think it's a macadameia nut" *spit* "No, it's not a macadamia"
At breakfast the next morning "Oh!!! who got married?"
I thought y'all were going to push this over 129 comments.
That means you have to keep commenting.
I named Carey the Duchess of Dork a while back.
I think this post proves my point. *grin*
Hey, I like this *green* posting.
I posted what could be a fun thread on OT tonight.
I think you should all try it.
*smooches* Carey because I *heart* her the mostest.
Arkie, I will try your thread idea...right after I'm done here.
I'm done with DH for now
Whew, thank god the kids aren't gone more often!
but now I can tell him no tomorrow night and not feel too guilty
because oh my goodness! I'm tired!
Is this TMI? An overshare?
Because I was going to post a play by play over in my blog
maybe put it in the "sex tips" section...
and see how many more porn spam ads I can get
but if this is really TMI, then I won't. Really, just say the word.
Yay! We broke a record! Good idea momma! Carey? Do you love us (me) or what?
This was a fun topic!
Too bad I missed it while I was at work.
Did you know I work all day on Wednesdays?
Do you think you could let me know the next time you're going to talk about Friends?
I really like that show!
...and now I'm mad because our WB took it off the air and put that stoopid SEx and the City show on at 11 pm.
Oh yeah!!!
It's not a third nipple...
Ya;ll crack me up. *snort*
And very good on the nubbin.
I don't own any of the seasons on dvd, so all of my Friends knowledge is from repeats. Impressive, huh? Or sad. Whatever. LOL.
Oh, and I forgot about one of my favorite lines of all time. *grin*
"The lotion and the powder are mixing together and they made a paste!"
"Is it the same color as your pants? Because then you could just make a pair of paste pants!"
Ross's leather pants was one of my favorites!
Ben likes them! He thinks you look like a cowboy!
Oh yes, I agree. Another great episode. But what makes it great is the whiney tone in his voice. LMAO
Ok, it was fun going down Friends memory lane. I started watching the repeats on tv this past weekend. Funny stuff.
One of my fave episodes was when Ross whitened his teeth *giggle* When DH and I whited our teeth prior to my HS reunion, we both thought of Ross and made sure we didn't leave the stuff on too long LOL.
And he says to his date "Who has a blacklight" in his whiney voice. *snort*
I'm like Momma, I don't think I saw many of them first run after Survivor.
And I don't own any of the DVDs . . . yet
We would watch Survivor and tape Friends. We have watched since episode one. *grin*
I've been a faitful follower since the first episode as well, although I pretty much missed seasons 6 & 7 on their first runs because of being in college. I just didn't watch much tv then.
Oh hell, we oughta at least get this to 150, a nice round number, don'tcha think?
Can't think of anything to comment about...
If I watched Friends, I'm sure I'd have no problem yammering on about that...
*rolls eyes*
Forget it, I give up. Can't think of anything else to say.
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