Monday, November 21, 2005

I am just ready to cry

I have been working on Michelle's computer for over 5 hours now. I was on the phone with Dell for over two hours.
It ends up that the Anti Virus program overrode (?) all of the programs and we were unable to fix the problem. We had to completely erase her entire hard drive and rebuild from scratch.
To top it off, I can't get her wirless card to work either. so now I'm downloading her party poker on DIAL UP.
I'm just mentally exhausted and now know more about Dell computer than I ever wanted to.
Today has not been a good computer day for me.
To make it worse, I have Michelle in my ear making suggestions. Which really is very nice of her but she knows squat about computers. Hard drive to her means sitting in traffic in the rain with no headlights.


Blogger Seana said...


I *heart* MCatt.

I'm sorry. I just read that thread again and nearly peed myself. Again.

Sorry you had a crappy time on the computer. Go lie flat on your back for a while, maybe you can prevent the hunch from becoming permanent. :-)

11/21/2005 8:29 PM  
Blogger momma said...

Yikes. Okay, no Norton for me - as usual. Tell her to download AVG. It's free and it's never given me a problem yet.

Now...go get a beer. Or something with alcohol in it and get to bed.

11/21/2005 8:32 PM  
Blogger arkie said...


11/21/2005 8:52 PM  
Blogger mm said...


This? Is what you makes you an awesome GF.


11/21/2005 9:02 PM  
Blogger mtw said...

I agree with arkie!

11/22/2005 1:06 AM  
Blogger lights said...


Just doing my bit to cheer you up. *grin*

I have a girlfriend that takes care of all my computer woes for me. Don't know what I'd do without her.

When I read that Michelle was in your ear making suggestions I wasn't thinking they were concerning the computer. *grin*

11/22/2005 4:57 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Those would have been welcome suggestions.
Still not completely up and running. It's about 75% though. Guess what I'll be doing after work today. *sigh*

11/22/2005 5:15 AM  
Blogger lights said...

Do you ever sleep?

Good luck with the 'puter. My advice is to have at least two drinks while working on it. *giggle*

11/22/2005 5:53 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Very little sleep in my life, Lights. Very little.
Oh believe me, after about the 4th hour, I had a bloody mary in hand.

11/22/2005 5:54 AM  
Blogger Sonya said...

Hey, it's Tuesday now. Maybe it will be a better day.


11/22/2005 5:57 AM  
Blogger Monstah said...

Is Mr Monstah's assistance still required? Now that I am thining about it, I believe he was going on and on about some piece of hardware that works as an anti-virus. He was all sorts of excited about it. As usual I tuned him out.

11/22/2005 6:21 AM  
Blogger Swami said...

We have Office XP and run all kinds of Norton crap in the background all the time with no problems. Is Office XP different from (regular) XP? I have no idea. Our last computer was a Dell but this one is a Gateway.

All I know from years of watching Mr. Swami fight computer madness is that swearing helps. It helps a lot.

11/22/2005 6:35 AM  
Blogger Jen said...

Bummer, man. *hugs*

11/22/2005 6:38 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

I don't think I need Mr. Monstah yet. We deleted the entire computer.
I can tell you that swearing has not so far worked. If swearing worked, this would be the best running computer on the planet.

I loaded another version of Norton lst night from a disk that I had but I may take that off. I have run Norton on every computer I have ever had and never had a problem.

I will say this, the boys at Dell were fantastic. They walked me through everything step by step.

11/22/2005 6:41 AM  
Blogger Schnookie said...

Ack! Sounds like a nightmare. I'm glad to hear that Dell stayed on the phone with you to help you out. Makes a huge difference to have someone calming on the other end.

11/22/2005 7:04 AM  
Blogger Coco said...

Oh, Gawd. I'm sorry you have had to deal with this, Carey.

On the other hand, I hear postmauls are an excellent antidote to recalcitrant computers.

11/22/2005 7:58 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

*sigh* What are postmauls? And why don't I know what they are? Am I having a blonde moment?

11/22/2005 8:05 AM  
Blogger Immunegirl said...

Oh no!! So sorry to hear that Michelle's computer is being blucky. You are definitely a great GF for working on it. :)


11/22/2005 8:09 AM  
Blogger momma said...


I don't know what postmauls are either.

11/22/2005 8:28 AM  
Blogger Jen said...

Me either. Must be some weird Canadian thing.

11/22/2005 8:33 AM  
Blogger Aislinn Sirk said...

I remember someone from Mr Bob's lab bought a brand new computer, took it home, installed a backup utility and the computer died a horrible death. Completly unfixable.

He got replacement computer and it also ended it's own life rather than continue living with the utility thing.

I think the third computer worked.

Or maybe the fourth.

11/22/2005 9:11 AM  
Blogger lights said...

I'm not sure what a postmaul is either but then I'm only 77% Canadian so what do I know.

11/22/2005 10:35 AM  
Blogger Coco said...

A postmaul is a very large sledgehammer. You use it to pound in fenceposts.

My mom used to make me hold the fenceposts while she pounded them in with a postmaul. It was very scary.

11/22/2005 12:27 PM  

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