Sunday, May 21, 2006


Today was UBER productive but I am exhausted. I'm so tired that I may fall asleep before I finish this post. *yawn*
Last night was poker night so we were up late and up drinking. I slept in this morning all the way until 6:30am. *yawn*
After checking email and such, I pulled out the instruction booklet for my new food sealer. Seal A Meal. Eh, I give it two and half stars out of 5. Most of the time is vacuum packed it. Other times it just sealed. I'm not a huge fan of this one but I bought, I used it, it's mine now.
Moving along: We start our strict diets tomorrow. Part of why we don't stick to our diets is because there are just nights when we are both lazy and don't feel like cooking so we order out or for delivery. Very bad.
To avoid this from happening, I spent ALL day today in the kitchen making our meals for the week. 10 breakfasts, 10 lunches, 10 dinners and 20 snacks. That's 5 days worth of meals for the two of us. It's a lot of damn work cooking for two for a week all in one day. Oh, I also did 5 loads of laundry in between. *grin*
I'm following a meal plan out of Prevention magazine. Very structured which is what we both need in order to stick to a diet plan. It's a very doable plan and actually looks like more food than I can eat.
There are mixtures of salmon, pork,beef,chicken,no pasta salads for dinner.
For lunch, things like tuna, salads, lean cuisine frozen meals.
Breakfasts are omelette type meals, breakfast sausage and fruits.
Snacks are cottage cheese, yogurt, veggies, fruit and deli ham&turkey.
For the most part pretty decent. Thank goodness it's only one day of yogurt. Ick. Me no like. At least it gets to be black cherry yogurt. I may just pour it over my cereal that day which is All Bran. *makes another icky face* I like bran flakes but this stuff looks like, and I imagine tastes like, rabbit droppings. Breakfast is going to be hard. I'm not big on eating anything before 10 or 11 o'clock.
So after spending all day being a domestic goddess, I am too pooped to pop. I bet I sleep well tonight. Which would be nice. I probably haven't slept well in 5 years. Of course with my luck, I'll be too tired to sleep and I'll end up tossing and turning all night.


Blogger mm said...

Wow! Talk about dedication! It's true, the busier we are, the harder it is to eat healthy. I think you'll do great!

5/21/2006 11:14 PM  
Blogger Puffy said...

One of my favorite quotes:
Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels.

Thanks for the Survivor winnings. I laughed and laughed at my name on the envelope. I guess I never told you my real name, did I? :)

P.S. The post office didn't postmark or cancel the stamp.

P.P.S. My name is Neveah. :)

5/21/2006 11:29 PM  
Blogger yvonne said...

Can you come over and clean my house? And do my laundry? And cook my meals for the next 5 days?

Please? Purdy please?

5/22/2006 4:39 AM  
Blogger Coco said...

Wow. That is busy, boy.

*whacks Puffy*

5/22/2006 4:44 AM  
Blogger Glowie said...

I like yogurt.

5/22/2006 6:11 AM  
Blogger Breezy said...

*sigh* I forgot the grocery list here. *sigh* I'll be a day behind you.

*yawn* Granted I didn't have any time to go shopping yesterday anyway.

5/22/2006 6:22 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

I'm having trouble eating breakfast this morning. It's just going to have to wait. I'm going to have to easa into breakfasts. *sigh*

Puff, I know your real name. You told me once. *grin*

I'm not doing any cooking for at least a week. I get tired just looking at my kitchen right now.

I hate yogurt. I am NOT looking forward to that.

At least you have the elliptical thingy, Breezy. Motivating me to exercise after work is another hurdle. *sigh*

5/22/2006 6:37 AM  
Blogger Jen said...

*bows down* before the domestic goddess. :)

I spent a good majority of my weekend cleaning. I spent 4 hours on my bedroom alone. I'm only 25, how did I accumulate so much shit?! It drives me nuts.

Anyway, *swalt*

5/22/2006 6:39 AM  
Blogger Jen said...

Oh, and good luck with your diet. You can do it!

5/22/2006 6:40 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Beyond this week I don't know if I can stick to the diet. But for fuck's sake, this week we are sticking to it. Just because I spent so much time in the kitchen yesterday cooking all of our meals.

5/22/2006 6:50 AM  
Blogger Aislinn Sirk said...

We made three days worth of meals on Sunday.

But that includes Sunday's food. :)

5/22/2006 6:55 AM  
Blogger Schnookie said...

Wow that's a lot of meals. I used to do that for my brother. He'd pay me to cook for him so I'd spend one day cooking up meals for his week.

When my FIL came here for a visit, he asked us to get him some All Bran. Of course, they didn't finish it all so I tried it. It's very tasty Carey. And I love sprinkling it into yogurt.

Saturday, I spent 6 hours non-stop pressure-washing my back deck. It's a big deck. I did it all alone.

Sunday, I spent 6 hours staining the deck. DH & I did it together. Unfortunately, we didn't get to finish the stairs. It was soooooooooo hot outside.

Deck looks lovely. My back and arms are aching. Why can't I be rich enough to pay someone to do this stuff for me *sigh*

5/22/2006 7:16 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Ooooh, I love painting. Even if it's just staining a deck. We have to do a waterproof on our fence this summer. It's been a couple of years and needs it badly.

5/22/2006 7:26 AM  
Blogger Surveysez said...

Are the cats on a diet too?

Good luck.

5/22/2006 7:56 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

They should be. Bunch of fatsos.

5/22/2006 8:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is a lot of stuff. I was going to use another "s" word there, but I have decided to act a little more ladylike these days. *giggles*

I am very proud of you! And if you pinch your nose when you eat the yogurt, you won't taste it.

Could you make the yogurt into a smoothie by adding ice and fresh fruit or is that not allowed?

5/22/2006 2:26 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

I can add ice bit not fruit. It's already got black cherries in it. I think I'll just throw it over the cereal (which looks like rat droppings or something) and then pour milk over that, pinch my nose and just eat it.

5/22/2006 3:27 PM  
Blogger momma said...

Yogurt isn't that bad, Carey. Really. Even the Rottens eat it once in a while.

Good luck with the diet! That's a lot of cooking, but it will be worth it.

5/22/2006 7:16 PM  

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