Saturday, March 03, 2007

Busy, busy, busy.

Talk about a busy couple of days. Sheesh. Breezy & Breezygirl have come and gone and will be back Wednesday night. We had a busy day of running around and then after dinner we just hung out at the house. Breezygirl was pretty much exactly as I thought she would be. Shy at first and then no problem saying whatever is on her mind. Jen, I did not give her a Bravie baptism. *snort* It was cute. When I first picked them up at the airport, I said hello to Breezygirl and she sort of hid behind Breezy. By the time I dropped them off at the airport today Breezygirl approached me with a hug before they left. I thought that was cute of her.
After dropping off the Breezyfamily I went home and got Michelle and our neighbor and we went to the flea market for the day. Beautiful day today. Around 70 degrees and sunny. I have to say, Breezy always brings the best weather with her. Then we went over to the neighbor's house and hung out. I came home and took a nap and Michelle went to play poker at the local card room. *yawn* I'm tired even though I took a nap.
Oh, btw, I talked to Breezy and she had landed in Hawaii. I could hear the smile on her face through the phone. She said it was 80 degrees and beautiful. She was going to find herself a job and move there. *giggle* I'm jealous and wish I could be in Hawaii. But I'm sooooo excited for her. She needs to have a relaxing vacation.
I hope everyone is having a great weekend.


Blogger Monstah said...


I want to meet Breezy and Breezy Girl.

BTW, looking at your test I would have scored a 90.

3/04/2007 8:14 AM  
Blogger lights said...

I want to meet Breezy and Breezygirl too, Monsty! And, I want to meet Monsty and Allstah & Kenny! You're not too late to do my test, oh green one. As a matter of fact, you'd only have to beat Arkie in order to be #1.

Sounds like you had a pretty full couple of days too! Sure wish it was 70 and sunny here. We have the sunny part at least. We just got home for the first time since Friday morning and the driveway is full of snow. Dave managed to pick up the cold/flu while we were away. Yay. There's nothing that's as much fun as a sick male in the house. *rolls eyes*

What'd you buy me at the flea market?

3/04/2007 1:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay for you!!

3/04/2007 3:29 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

It's too bad that the Breezy's are only around for a couple days, but it sounds like you had a great time anyhow.

Maybe you can do the Bravie Baptism when they stop by on Wednesday. *grin*

3/04/2007 4:59 PM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

Aww, so glad you had a good time! I want Breezy to visit me and make it warm.

3/05/2007 6:22 AM  
Blogger Swami said...

I want to meet Breezy IN Hawaii.

3/05/2007 6:47 AM  
Blogger ~Nutz said...

I want to go with Swami and meet Breezy in Hawaii too! :(

3/05/2007 4:53 PM  

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