Wednesday, June 20, 2007

It's a cruel world

Now see? I'm still very happy that I get to hang out with my old friend again. And? I'm very happy about the Pride Parade this weekend.
What I am NOT happy about is the fact that the almost worst case scenario at work has happened. Deal dead. *sigh*
There is a tiny shimmer of light that something good could end up happening but I am at a total loss for what to do right now. I suppose I need to get a lot more information before I go making huge decisions. But fuck fuck fuck. *sigh*
Michelle seems pretty unphased. Told me to do what I think is best. Thank you for your sympathy and for your help. *rolls eyes*
I haven't talked about it with my parents yet because I want to wait until I have more info. Plus, they have been super supportive of me through all of this and they seem to peak and valley right along with me. It's almost as if they have been going through this stuff at work too. So I hate to put them on more of a rollercoaster. I may not say anything to them until I have made a firm decision.
I do wish that Michelle was more involved in this. I called her and we talked and she left it "do what's right for you". Maybe she's waiting until she gets home to talk more? But it didn't seem like it. She's already called me twice and both times she acted as if I hadn't just dropped the work bomb on her. I'm a little surprised at her lack of involvment or interest in this.
We'll see. Anyhow, I am back on the bummed train. *sob*


Blogger mtw said...

Sorry, Bravie! That effing sucks. :(

Eff, eff, eff!!!!

6/20/2007 4:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uggghhh. So sorry.

And I'm sorry about Michelle too. But don't see it as a "non-support" issue. I think that she just wants for you to be happy. It's hard to help someone make a decision like that.

Example: Michael is f'ing miserable at work. Miserable. But his employers are like second family to us. Recently he had a chance to talk to someone else about a new direction he could go in and, at his age, I felt like he should at least go and talk. But there was also a part of me that didn't want him to because of the "family" thing. He was ultimately the one who would have to live with the decision.

It's like me with my job. I don't want to say it's "easy" for someone else to tell me what to do. I'm the one who has to live with the decision.

It's something for you to think about. You need to look at all of the angles. All of us can say what we think is best for you, but it's YOU that really has to decide.

I am thinking about you though. *hugs and smooches*

6/20/2007 5:43 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

I understand what you are saying, Boo. I do. But she has been home now for almost an hour and she hasn't said one word to me about it. She complained about a couple of things that I did wrong. She told me about someone who is staying here Saturday night and we argued about that. And still, no mention of my job. I purposely have not brought it up because I am waiting for her to say something. She's leaving in about 15 minutes and won't be gome for a couple of hours. and she will be bringing a friend home with her when she does come home. So we won't have a chance to talk about it. And so yeah, while it's going to be my decision, I thought that maybe she could at least acknowledge this. This has been the core of most of my unhappiness for the better part of 8 months. The axe finally drops and I get "you bought the wrong soymilk". *sigh*
Yes, I am a little bitter at the moment. And I hate more than anything that I am bitter enough to complain about her on my blog. Because I really don't do that here. Grrrrrr.

6/20/2007 5:51 PM  
Blogger Swami said...

Tom tries to avoid talking about Big Issues until he can think of something really appropriate to say. Also, he hopes that everything will just heal itself while he pretends it's not there. Magical thinking at its finest.

Of course he's a guy so maybe the standards of intuition are set lower...

*hugs Bravie*

*rails at the effingly dead deal*

6/20/2007 9:39 PM  
Blogger MM said...

Ugh, just what you needed. So sorry, Carey! Is it possible she was avoiding the subject because she doesn't want to upset you more? Maybe she's unsure of how to react? I dunno, just tossing possibilities out there.


6/20/2007 11:23 PM  
Blogger Breezy said...

Heh, I'm like Tom.

But... like I said yesterday. Before you make any desicions you need lots more info. Is J taking over the handling of employees? Is there a true sale plan still in the works? Stuff like that. I really think J owes all of you a meeting, an update and a copy of the game plan. (I don't mean a copy literally, but he does have to spell it out.) He's asked ya'll to hang in there... well you were all loyal to him and did. Now it's his turn to be loyal.

6/21/2007 5:13 AM  
Blogger momma said...

Ack! *hugs*

About Michelle...really...what do you want her to say or do? She already gave you the green light to put in your notice. And she knows how stressed you've been. She has been there thru all of this with you this far. She can't make the decision for you.

*smooch* Hear it out today and then start sending out your resume.

6/21/2007 5:35 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

I don't expect Michelle to make the decision for me. That's not it.
But maybe a mention of it, maybe ask me what I'm thinking. Maybe ask me if I'm okay. Maybe ask me if I want to talk it out. Maybe ask me what I'm thinking.
*shrug* I guess I'm in the minority in thinking that spouses discussed major life changing decisions with each other. Especially ones that have been lingering on for so long and have now reached a new fork in the road. This isn't just about the deal being done. If that were the case, I would know what to do. But there was a wrench (potentially a good one) thrown into this mix and maybe a little input would be nice. I guess not.

6/21/2007 5:54 AM  
Blogger thndrkttn said...

*hugs* I know what it's like to have a sucky work situation. I hope that wrench leads to good things though!

*Tough love speech ahead. Here's a grain of salt.*

I took a class a long time ago (one of the self affirmation thingys) and the one thing that has always stayed clear in my mind is if YOU want something from your partner, don't put the ownership on them. Come out and ask for it, because if you sit and wait for something and the partner doesn't do it/ask it/ buy it, you're the one that's going to be disappointed. If you wanted to talk with her about it, TALK to her about. I know you're disappointed that she didn't ask first but tell her that and then move onto the job issue.

If I want something from my DH, I just come right out with it. It's the best way to avoid disappointment.

6/21/2007 6:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, I've come in here twice and tried to post something, and I keep going back because I don't want it to come out wrong.

I'm glad you posted the last thing you said about Michelle not even asking if you want to talk about it because that makes a lot of sense.

I was going to ask you if she had ever given you a difinitive answer in the past - a difinitive answer on what you should do.

Like has Michelle said: "Carey, it's not worth it either way, quit now, etc."

I don't know what she is thinking. Perhaps she would like for there to be some finality to it, but she feels that she can't help anymore.

But I agree with you in that she could have asked if you wanted to talk about it.

Ugggh. Sorry.

6/21/2007 6:34 AM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

Effing leave that place. ASAP. Start throwing resumes out left and right. Anything is better than this.

*pushes Bravie out the door*

Enough is really enough, isn't it?

6/21/2007 6:59 AM  
Blogger Breezy said...

Please print out what Tkit said. *grin*

This is what I've been learning in my new life. I can't expect P to read my mind, I have to let him know what's in there. *smooch*

6/21/2007 7:38 AM  
Blogger Glowie said...


6/21/2007 9:33 AM  
Blogger momma said...

You aren't in the minority, sweetie. I didn't realize there was something new going on. I thought you just found out there was no deal. Period. End of story. *hugs*

6/21/2007 10:30 AM  
Blogger Jen said...

I'm sorry, hon. I can understand why Michelle's actions are hurting you. I do agree that you should tell her that, and then talk about things. I know you're stubborn and you want her to talk first, but don't let that add more frustration to your life right now.


6/21/2007 11:25 AM  

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