Leaderboard up to 8-24-07
Per Boo's request, I am posting a leaderboard. I will use this same leaderboard to update and will just change the date in the title.
So here are the standings through the morning of 08-24-07:
Updated at 6:53am.
Boo:144 points
Weltek: 120 points
Arkie: 110 points
Augie: 93 points
Nookie: 83
Jen: 65 points
Meemo: 63 points
Momma: 55 points
Luna: 51 points
Swami: 44 points
MTW: 43 points
Miiki D: 33 points
Asrai: 31 points
Puffy: 30 points
MM: 24 points
Dragonflies: 20 points
Glow: 20 points
True: 18 points
Zombs:14 points
Lasann: 20 points
Lightsy: 10 points
Rose: 10 points
Tkit: 10 points
Syren: 10 points
Buggy: 10 points
Breezy: -58 points
So here are the standings through the morning of 08-24-07:
Updated at 6:53am.
Boo:144 points
Weltek: 120 points
Arkie: 110 points
Augie: 93 points
Nookie: 83
Jen: 65 points
Meemo: 63 points
Momma: 55 points
Luna: 51 points
Swami: 44 points
MTW: 43 points
Miiki D: 33 points
Asrai: 31 points
Puffy: 30 points
MM: 24 points
Dragonflies: 20 points
Glow: 20 points
True: 18 points
Zombs:14 points
Lasann: 20 points
Lightsy: 10 points
Rose: 10 points
Tkit: 10 points
Syren: 10 points
Buggy: 10 points
Breezy: -58 points
Very interesting. Very interesting indeed.
Wait. I need to know if the producers of this game are influencing the outcome.
Points are based on whatever I decide on any particular day. There could be some influencing but that is based on certain answers.
for instance: (and this will be the only example of points that I will share) There was 1 point given for each answer in the "this or that" thread that was the same as mine. But, because I felt like it, 10 points were given to those who answered red and gold.
*Does first place dance* I feel like I just scored a touchdown.
I think seeing the competition for last place will be uber fun.
Is it too early in the game to form an alliance? *head tilt*
Because red and gold are so close to the Redskins' colors, yes?
*watches Boo fall lower on the list*
Guess I'd better make myself a turkey burger.
Boo loses 5 points for eating the turkey burger. You will also be dinged for apples and/or cottage cheese.
Way to go Kim!!!
Turkey burgers? *pukes*
Yay! I'm just proud to make the list!
Do I get points for being proud to make the list?
(NOT why I said that, though)
So can I be a twist in the game??
I want to be someone's evil long lost cousin's aunt's twin!
I was reading through some old emails (that I was deleting from my work computer ~ they're neverending) and I think I should have infinity points forever and ever even though I have no idea what this points thing is about.
*burp* and *poot*
Yay! *does happy dance*
I updated like you asked. How many points does that earn me? :)
Woo hoo! I have exactly enough points to drink legally!
What percentage of bloggers understand the majority of Bravie's posts?
Augie says between 3 and 5%
Augie wins! WOOOOOOOOOT!
So I'm in the skunk position, eh?
*conversation with self*
You really should have been moved up into 2nd place.
Yes, yes, you should have.
Perhaps you need to poot again, really let 'er rip.
*pushes, but nothing comes out*
Okay, take a deep breath. No pressure. Wait, actually you want pressure. Once again, let 'er rip.
*tries again*
Wow, when did we get a massage feature on this chair?
I think I deserve special bonus points for not cluttering up your comment lists the last few days.
Boo is seriously cracking me up LOL.
Don't strain too much Boo, you may make a mess.
*Has a very hard time picturing BooBree pooting anywhere*
*giggles at self because she really likes the name BooBree*
Have I told you lately just how much I admire you and wish to be just like you? You're the funniest person I know, and the most clever.
Well. I suck.
Oh. And I deserve extra points. Why? Because I actually made the effort to come to blog land today.
Has anyone told you lately how silly you are?
OMH, what a bunch of goofballs.
And I want an alliance with Kim. Uphill of Boo, please. :P
Oooh! I have points. You like me. You really really like me. *Sally Field voice*
Thank you, Arkie & Momma.
Ummm... you're welcome, boo?
*sure it's sarcasm, but not sure why*
*sprays Oust* Was everyone drunk yesterday? LOL?
I was responding to this Arkie:
"Have I told you lately just how much I admire you and wish to be just like you? You're the funniest person I know, and the most clever.
Oh, were you talking to someones else?
I'm so confused.
Do I have to do a bar trick or something? I will shoot ping pong balls out in numbered order if I need to.
Can I get sympathy points for having to get a root canal next week?
*sprays OUST in case Boo is here*
*admires Bravie's shiney silky hair*
I really liked your answer in Kim's blog about the married lady who wonders if she should cheat with Louise. Cheating is cheating, and she needs to explore her internal feelings before externally doing something that could have long term affects.
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