Tuesday, August 21, 2007

This or that

Toast or English Muffin?
Red and Gold or Silver and Black?
Football or Baseball?
Oatmeal or Grits?
Skates or Skateboard?
Hurricane or Earthquake?
IHOP or Denny's?
Waffle or Pancake?
8 or 9?
Shy or outgoing?


Blogger kim (weltek) said...

English Muffin. I like how the butter and jelly get caught in the holes.

Red and Gold, by a mile.

Football, by a mile.

Oatmeal, by five miles.

Skates...I want Heely's!

Earthquake...at least stuff isn't wet, just broken.

Denny's, by a pathetic inch.

Waffle or Pancake? Toughest of them all. Pancakes are easier.



8/21/2007 10:57 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Lookie at all the points you scored today. :)

8/21/2007 11:00 AM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

*gives self a gold star*

8/21/2007 11:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

English Muffins.

Red & Gold, of course. I would never entertain the thought of silver and black.







8, since it's the even one.


8/21/2007 11:36 AM  
Blogger kevingrout said...

Red and Gold
Hurricane - cause it means I'm south of where I am now
Denny's - never been to IHOP
shy...until I get liquored up

8/21/2007 11:37 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

*gets Meemo liquored up*

8/21/2007 11:40 AM  
Blogger Breezy said...

English Muffin, can mine be raisin?

Green and Gold

Football, is the bestest!

Oatmeal, can mine be the bar on the go type?

Skates, I can still do the shooting duck.

Earthquake, so cool.

IHOP, our Denny's sucked the food was always cold.

Waffle, Eggo Nutrigrain Blueberry please.

9, for September ofcourse.


8/21/2007 11:50 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Breezy loses 20 points for mentioning raisins in my blog.
She loses an additional 5 points for her green and gold answer. that was NOT an option.

8/21/2007 11:53 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Let that be a lesson to you all!!!

8/21/2007 11:53 AM  
Blogger Schnookie said...

I like over-easy eggs on a toasted english muffin. I usually order toast with my eggs in a restaurant.

Red & gold. Nice color combo.

Eek. I'll say baseball but I wouldn't watch either of them on tv.

Oatmeal for sure. Grits are icky.

I grew up on skates so I'll go with that. Either ice or roller.

Eek. I really can't choose but if I have to I'll go with earthquake because i know they excite you. :-)

IHOP. I think I've been to a Denny''s once in my life.

Pancakes. I make them at home but I'll never order pancakes or waffles at a restaurant. I'm an egg girl.

8 because it's an even number.

Shy until I've had a few shots of schnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaps *grin*

8/21/2007 11:56 AM  
Blogger Breezy said...

pffffttt like I was ever going to win your contest anyway.

8/21/2007 11:58 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

You actually had an advantage because you know me the best. But this is NOT going to help you. *glare*

8/21/2007 12:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there some sort of leaderboard that we can look at. I tend to be a little competitive, but not if I don't have to.

Here's a "this or that" for you:

Boo: Take a Breath or Unleash a Fury.

8/21/2007 12:06 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Perhaps I will post a leaderboard later today if I have time.

Unleash the fury!!!! Always. I don't believe in holding in anger. :)

8/21/2007 12:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a bit afraid. I have chest pains just thinking about it. I don't think they make a category for it, and I'm afraid that some of the language that may come off of my fingers would trouble some of your hearts.

8/21/2007 12:14 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

*gives Boo a nudge*

8/21/2007 12:15 PM  
Blogger Breezy said...

ooohhhh where? I wanna see!

8/21/2007 12:16 PM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

Unleash the Fury, Boo!

*takes 20 more points from Breezy for the raisin thing*

8/21/2007 12:21 PM  
Blogger Breezy said...

mmmm peanutbutter on a toasted raisin english muffin is heaven....

where?!?!?! Where is Boo unleashing?

8/21/2007 12:22 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Breezy has officially been eliminated from the contest!!!
No Sees Candy reward in her future.

8/21/2007 12:24 PM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

*realizes the irony of bravie disliking one of California's major products*

8/21/2007 12:28 PM  
Blogger Breezy said...

pffffttt you never send me candy anyways.

8/21/2007 12:30 PM  
Blogger MM said...

English Muffin
Football and Baseball
Oatmeal or Grits? neither
IHOP or Denny's? umm...
Shy or outgoing? both

8/21/2007 12:48 PM  
Blogger arkie said...

English Muffin - lots of butter, and either strawberry jam or orange marmalade

Red and Gold, natch!

If I have to sit through a game, I'd rather it be football.

Oatmeal - grits are nasty.

Skateboard - (like I could do either with my fat azz)

I've had hurricanes before, and as long as I didn't drink it too fast and get a brain freeze, I liked them! What's in an earthquake?


Can't I have both? Please???

I'd rather be 8.

I'm very shy.

Note: I did not read anyone else's comments before typing mine, so if I have the same answer as someone, it's because of "great minds..." *grin*

8/21/2007 1:37 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Arkie gets extra points for her hurricane answer. Because it made me laugh a lot.

8/21/2007 1:39 PM  
Blogger MiLouBry said...

English muffin with lotsa butter
Black to hide the rolls
Football - the season is way too short
Oatmeal - instant Maple/Brown Sugar
Skates but I don't think it's a good idea
Hurricane for sure! I hate earthquakes!
neither (ew - food poisoning anyone?!)
Pancake with bacon
8 - infinity
Shy until alcohol is added - maybe a hurricane? *wink at Arkie*

8/21/2007 4:44 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

I love both, but if I had to choose, English Muffin.


Baseball (I know. I lost points. Can I gain points for honesty though?)



Never been in either, but have wanted to experience an earthquake.

I'll have to go with Denny's since we don't have IHOPs around here. I've only been to one.

Tough call. I'll say pancakes.

9 for September *waves to Breezy*



8/21/2007 5:54 PM  
Blogger arkie said...

So, I googled, and found webtender.com. Three recipes for Earthquakes:

earthquake cocktail
1 oz Gin
1 oz Bourbon
3/4 oz Absinthe (Deva)
Mixing instructions:
Shake with ice and strain into a Collins glass.

Earthquake #1
1/3 Gin
1/3 Whisky
1/3 Pernod
Mixing instructions:
Shake the ingredients together and poor over in a cocktail-glass.

Earthquake #2
50 ml Vodka
50 ml Gin
25 ml White Creme de Menthe
Lots of Ice
Mixing instructions:
Pour vodka, gin and creme-de-menthe over lots of ice.

What's Pernod? And I think I'll stick to Hurricanes. *winks at Mikki D*

8/21/2007 6:06 PM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

English Muffin

Silver and Black - red & gold is too close to the redskins colors *gag*



Skates or Skateboard...um, I will land flat on my ass on either, so whichever would provide you more amusement, love.

Earthquake - I guess. They both suck, but I've never really experienced an earthquake. I've had enough hurricanes, tyvm.

IHOP - fo' sho'.

Waffle or Pancake - French Toast


Outgoing - If ANYONE out of us answers shy, I call shenanigans!

8/21/2007 7:15 PM  
Blogger Swami said...

English Muffin, but lightly toasted with butter (and honey if I am feeling decadent.

Red and Gold is a perfect combination. Pls see my living room and bedroom. Silver and black is icky.

Football is more interesting than baseball

Oatmeal, Luna's flavor. Grit is something you throw on your walk so you don't slip on the ice!

Skates. Ice skating, figure skating rules! Skateboards are for people with tomato colored hair.

Earthquakes feel strangely exciting because the earth moves. So invigorating. But you don't know when one is coming so you can't get away which is why I would rather have a Hurricane. I would fly somewhere else!

IHOP or Denny's?
Ick and Yuck.

Waffle or Pancake?
Waffle. All those sexy holes waiting to be filled with sweet sticky goodness.

8 or 9?
Nine because 9 figures in so many cool mathmatical phenomenon.

Shy or outgoing?
I believe you are extremely outgoing, which makes me feel shy.

8/21/2007 7:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I so expected to find a very different post here.

8/22/2007 8:17 AM  
Blogger yvonne said...

English muffin
49ers baby!
Hurricane "augie, is this a hurricane?" *snort*

8/22/2007 2:56 PM  
Blogger momma said...

English Muffin with egg and cheese and ham....although I'd really prefer a bagel with cream cheese.

Silver and Blue





Neither...both are entirely too greasy. Unless you're drunk. Then it doesn't matter



A little of both

8/22/2007 8:20 PM  
Blogger Puffy said...

1. English Muffin, well done
2. red and gold
3. baseball
4. oatmeal
5. skates
6. earthquake
8. waffles
9. 8
10. shy

8/23/2007 3:32 AM  
Blogger mtw said...

English Muffin - with peanut butter!
Red and Gold - it's a family tradition.
Hmmm, have to say baseball. It was the one sport I was fanatical about when I was a kid. I never understood football too well and still don't although I watch it. I understand baseball strategy intimately and even used to coach my daughter's softball teams.
Oatmeal smells better. I would never eat either one.
Skates of course! I can't do anything that "tethers" my feet together - can't skateboard, can't snowboard, can't waterski on one ski.
Hurricane - at least you have fair warning. The suddenness is what makes earthquakes so scary.
8 - tough one. 9 is "3 squared" and I like squared numbers, but 8 is "2 cubed"! Plus, it's even.
Outgoing. But shy.

8/26/2007 12:20 AM  

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