Wednesday, March 26, 2008

One woman's Hell is another's Nirvana

That is what I told Michelle last night.
You know that game that gets played everywhere? The one where you say what would be the one this or that if you were stranded on an island? So I am much more of a pessimist and much more morbid so I asked her what would be the "ones" if she were in hell. She says it would be 90 degrees, her one food would be fish, her one drink would be milk, her one type of music would be country. She asked me my "ones" and if I were stuck in hell my one food would be mushrooms or raisins, drink would be water (she loves water), it would 60 degrees, music would be opera, etc. etc. etc.
We sort of looked at each other and laughed at how completely opposite our likes and dislikes really are. One woman's Hell is another's Nirvana.


Blogger Breezy said...

They do say opposite's attract.

My food- salmon
drink- milk
30 degrees, yes hell just froze over
music- opera

3/26/2008 7:06 AM  
Blogger Swami said...

So really, you're kind of telling us all to go to hell? Okay - I'll play:

Temp would be 95+.
Only food would be liver.
Only drink would be pineapple juice.
Music would be Country - bad, really bad, wailing Country.

3/26/2008 8:37 AM  
Blogger Swami said...

I like opera. Especially Chinese gong opera.

3/26/2008 8:38 AM  
Blogger MM said...

I didn't understand this at first. I thought the island game was where you pick what you *want* to have with you...

Anyways, playing this game, my answers would be exactly what Michelle said. I might have specified "tuna" though. I hate tuna.

3/26/2008 11:05 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Good thing you're pretty, Tab.

The island game is the things you want game. The hell game is what you would be stuck with, not what you would want.

3/26/2008 11:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Hell:

Temperature: Anything below 60

Food: Oh, I don't know, let's go with olives or avocados.

Drink: Prune Juice

Music: Anything Kristy Lee Cook is singing. Or that screamer girl.

3/26/2008 11:45 AM  
Blogger arkie said...

Food - seafood
Drink - tomato juice
temperature - Anything above 72 and below 68
music - polka

3/26/2008 8:37 PM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

Oooh, I like that game!

20 degrees
Hi-C fruit punch
opera or the song Barbie Girl on repeat.

3/28/2008 8:48 AM  

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