Because let's be honest, who doesn't love a random?
1. This past weekend was "weekend with the Aunties" at our house. We had our 11 year old niece. We went to the zoo and had a wonderful time. I guess the highlight was deciding which monkey most resembled her Mother and teasing Auntie Carey by telling her that she had a terd in her trousers. (no, I didn't really. *glares at Breezy) But it made her laugh so we went with it.
2. Fuck you, peanut butter eggs. I am on a diet. First, the girl scout cookies show up the first week of my diet. Now the See's candy Easter egg that I had to buy for my niece's school, showed up. Hmmm, I get to eat 21 points per day. By my calculations the peanut butter egg is about 4000 points. Hrmph.
3. I have a crush on a guy. He is in the phone commercial. I don't know if you all get it and I can't even remember which phone company it is. It advertises about how you have so many minutes that you end up oversharing on the phone. So the guy calls his date from the night before and acts like a total dolt. But everytime he says something stupid, he realizes it and then hangs up and calls back. Just to say something else stupid. i.e. he tells her "you ate like a horse last night" then he makes a funny face and says "you should never say that to ANY woman". Anyhow, he cracks me up and I have a crush on him.
4. At what point when reading a book do you give up on it? I am about 85 pages into A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. It really isn't for me. I am not enjoying it but feel like I started so I should finish it. Unfortunately, everytime I pick it up to read it, I end up falling asleep after about 3 pages. And it takes about 20 minutes to read the 3 pages because I keep reading the same sentence over and over again. I thought this would be a great book for me to read since I am on this self improvement kick. But really, I think I might give up on the book. Soon.
5. I didn't realize that I was numbering my randoms. So now I don't know if I should label this as "Randoms" or as "A List".
6. I received an email this morning from someone who I have not had contact with in about 10 years. He is a complete and total moron. I don't know, maybe it's just me but if I had not had contact with someone in 10 years and I decided to send them an email, there are a few rules I would follow:
6a. Spell the recipient's name correctly. What makes this worse is that he sent it to my work email and my work email is my first name @ company name.com. CAREY@COMPANYNAME.COM. And he starts the email with "Hi Carie". Moron.
6b. Use spell check, use punctuation.
6c. Perhaps redneck, racist remarks are also uncalled for. Moron.
7. I have moved past the easy difficulty level on Guitar Hero. I am now almost an expert in the medium difficulty. Breezygirl is soooooooo gonna get her butt whipped by an old fart when I see her. She just wishes she was a rockstar like Auntie Carey.
8. Natalie from Big Brother is not as dumb as her voice would make her appear. Figuring out that the number 8 means something this year in the house and figuring out that the number 8 also leads to Evil Dick returning was quite brilliant on her part. Really.
9. Because I love to end a random on number 9.
I did not use spellcheck nor punctuation check on this post. Just in case someone whom I've had no contact with in the last 10 years shows up.
1. This past weekend was "weekend with the Aunties" at our house. We had our 11 year old niece. We went to the zoo and had a wonderful time. I guess the highlight was deciding which monkey most resembled her Mother and teasing Auntie Carey by telling her that she had a terd in her trousers. (no, I didn't really. *glares at Breezy) But it made her laugh so we went with it.
2. Fuck you, peanut butter eggs. I am on a diet. First, the girl scout cookies show up the first week of my diet. Now the See's candy Easter egg that I had to buy for my niece's school, showed up. Hmmm, I get to eat 21 points per day. By my calculations the peanut butter egg is about 4000 points. Hrmph.
3. I have a crush on a guy. He is in the phone commercial. I don't know if you all get it and I can't even remember which phone company it is. It advertises about how you have so many minutes that you end up oversharing on the phone. So the guy calls his date from the night before and acts like a total dolt. But everytime he says something stupid, he realizes it and then hangs up and calls back. Just to say something else stupid. i.e. he tells her "you ate like a horse last night" then he makes a funny face and says "you should never say that to ANY woman". Anyhow, he cracks me up and I have a crush on him.
4. At what point when reading a book do you give up on it? I am about 85 pages into A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. It really isn't for me. I am not enjoying it but feel like I started so I should finish it. Unfortunately, everytime I pick it up to read it, I end up falling asleep after about 3 pages. And it takes about 20 minutes to read the 3 pages because I keep reading the same sentence over and over again. I thought this would be a great book for me to read since I am on this self improvement kick. But really, I think I might give up on the book. Soon.
5. I didn't realize that I was numbering my randoms. So now I don't know if I should label this as "Randoms" or as "A List".
6. I received an email this morning from someone who I have not had contact with in about 10 years. He is a complete and total moron. I don't know, maybe it's just me but if I had not had contact with someone in 10 years and I decided to send them an email, there are a few rules I would follow:
6a. Spell the recipient's name correctly. What makes this worse is that he sent it to my work email and my work email is my first name @ company name.com. CAREY@COMPANYNAME.COM. And he starts the email with "Hi Carie". Moron.
6b. Use spell check, use punctuation.
6c. Perhaps redneck, racist remarks are also uncalled for. Moron.
7. I have moved past the easy difficulty level on Guitar Hero. I am now almost an expert in the medium difficulty. Breezygirl is soooooooo gonna get her butt whipped by an old fart when I see her. She just wishes she was a rockstar like Auntie Carey.
8. Natalie from Big Brother is not as dumb as her voice would make her appear. Figuring out that the number 8 means something this year in the house and figuring out that the number 8 also leads to Evil Dick returning was quite brilliant on her part. Really.
9. Because I love to end a random on number 9.
I did not use spellcheck nor punctuation check on this post. Just in case someone whom I've had no contact with in the last 10 years shows up.
1. *snort* Were you walking funny?
2. I didn't buy any candy that would have tempted me.
3. *snort* He doesn't hang up, he pushes 7 or some such number to rerecord his message. There's a couple different versions of that commericial. "some people say I'm a pretty good salsa dancer" *snort*
4. I give up pretty early with books like that. If I would rather clean then read a book, the book is done.
5. *poot*
6. Hi Carrie!
7. LOL she's practicing!
8. who?
9. I didn't win on 9, 26 or 29 yesterday.
YES!!!!! i totally want to salsa dance with him. He just cracks me up. *snort*
I didn't start to walk funny until auntie Michelle told her that I had a terd in my trousers. Then I was required to walk funny. *shakes head*
I am thinking of giving the book one more chapter. Then I'm done reading about this self improvement shit. I think I will start either Water for Elephants or Bright Lights, Big Ass. I'm not sure which one yet.
It's obvious you didn't use spellcheck, because it's spelled t-u-r-d, not t-e-r-d. *grin*
I was using the French/Canadian version. *blink*
Oh, then wouldn't it be tourd?
*sigh* That is old school French/Canadian. Spelling it with the E is the modern French/Canadian.
Although, after my visit to Canada, I learned the proper wording would actually be "Fucking Terd Eh?" But that would not be appropriate for my 11 year old niece. *grin*
Ahhh! I see. Of course, since you're an old fart, shouldn't you stick to old school spelling?
Speaking of old farts, I bought the funniest St. Patrick's Day card for you, but forgot to mail it in time. Guess I'll hang onto it until next year.
Water for Elephants!!! Read that one! I loved it.
I love that commercial! I'll have to check the guy out again, I normally just laugh at the stuff he says and forget to check him out.
I've always wanted to go the SF Zoo. *bats eyes at Auntie Carey*
I'm not sure about Natalie. She's just so damned odd.
If you would get your ass over here, I would take you to the zoo. *glare* *grin*
The guy in the commerical is not all that good looking. It is his facial expressions that have caused me to crush on him. That, and I think the way that he realizes a little too late that he has said the wrong thing. I can relate. *snort* If Michelle dumps me I am going to ask him out on a date.
Chatty Natty is definitely odd. Just not as dumb as I thought she was.
No way. I've heard you act all weird and walk funny at the zoo. *grin*
Nat can count too! Just not the alphabet, *snort*!
Oh yeah, and Natalie is done with those people, "D-U-N, DUN!". LOL. I love her. I think she is the most entertaining person on the show now. And I have to admit, she is at least really thinking about the game. I was blown away about her Dick prediction as well.
*snort* you said dick predictions. *giggle*
LOL! Ohh, I also said "blown" right in there too. *snort* You're bad. Very bad.
Woo Hoo, A List!
I will be back to actually respond. Life is a little crazy at the moment.
1. Would spellcheck catch turd being misspelled?
2. Fuck peanut butter eggs double. I ate entire bag of them in about three days. Or less. Alone. An egg has 90 calories. A bag has a lot of eggs. My ass now has more pudge.
3. He cracks me up, too. I can relate to him.
4. I quit Catcher in the Rye. Actually, I put it down and never picked it back up. I am going to make an honest effort.
5. It's a random list. Lists are ood.
6. Oddly enough, no one ever misspells my name. Hrm.
7. I haven't played in months.
8. I quit BB after one episode. I felt like I needed a shower just listening to them.
9. Nine is my lucky number.
10. I can't end a list on on odd number.
1. Did you sit in something that stained your pants?
2. Peanut butter eggs are one candy I am not at all tempted by. I ate a few choco-covered marshmallow eggs and an entire bag of Hot Tamale jelly beans. I love jelly beans!
3. He's funny, but a crush?
4. It totally varies according to how long the book is, and what unread books I have waiting in my "next!" pile. 85 pages sounds like enough either way.
5. Comme si, Comme ca.
6. It's a list, because I like lists.
7. Never played it; never seen it played.
8. Lol, I don't think BB decorated the house to presage a visit by Evil Dick. I think this was another case of BB leading a hamster to conclusions in the Diary Room. Natalie is not totally dumb, but she sure is dumb about Matty. She lost me when she let him treat her so badly yet still gave him unreciprocated BJs under the blanket.
10. Because you forgot it. :)
1. I think you need a 4 year old boy next.
2. I bought a package of peanut butter eggs and planned to put them all in my basket. But when I went to unwrap the package, I discovered they are "white" chocolate. Not the same thing. Serves me right. Now I get none.
3. I have no crushes this week.
4. I think it's safe to give it up now. 85 is a lot of pages. Although I did stick with that "Banner of Heaven" book someone got me to read for longer than I should have. *runs*
5. *proud smile*
6. People misspell my name all the time. They try to put the "e"s together or they replace the first "e" with an "i."
7. Um yeah.
8. Surprisingly, I am not D-U-N with BB yet.
9. *smooch*
10. Not it's perfect.
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