Firefighter Bravie
I forgot to get my hat and pin that the fireman promised me.
I'm in the living room just painting my little heart out when I smell smoke. This was not your ordinary, burning a log in the fire smoke. This was brush fire smoke or house fire smoke. Bad smoke. I went outside and didn't see anything but I thought I should call the fire department just to give them a heads up. As I start to go upstairs to get the house phone I really notice the smell getting stronger. By the time I got downstairs to call the fire department the smell was so strong that I almost wondered if it was inside my house.
I wandered out the back door, look next door and smoke is billowing over their fence. In the meantime, I was on the phone with 411 getting the non emergency number for the fire department because when I first dialed I hadn't seen any smoke. In my panic, I yelled at the 411 operator and told her to hang up and call 911 because my neighbors house was on fire. I yelled my address (no city, just street number and street *rolls eyes at self*) and then threw the phone.
I darted to my patio where my hose is, turned it on full blast, threw it over my fence and ran next door. HOLY SHIT!!!!! I look over and the side of their house was on fire. They had been using a PLASTIC dust pan as an ashtray and there were about 200 butts in it. It had caught fire and caught the side of the house and their screen door on fire. I sprayed my little garden hose all over the place until the fire went out. I called the fire department to come out and make sure that I had properly extinguished the fire. That and who doesn't want to see a dozen firefighters. I may be a lesbian but I can still appreciate a nice looking man in a firefighter's outfit. *evil grin*.
As it turns out, the lady was home but didn't answer the door because I was pounding so hard that it scared her. so she went and hid. But when she saw the firemen out there, she opened the door. In her defense I can't blame her. Crazy woman pounding on door or cute fireman standing on back patio. Who you gonna open the door for. *giggle*
Anyhow, they told me I was a hero and that they were pissed because I was taking away their job security. They promised me a plastic hat and some firemen wings. But I came back inside to finish painting before they left so I never got them.
The end.
I'm in the living room just painting my little heart out when I smell smoke. This was not your ordinary, burning a log in the fire smoke. This was brush fire smoke or house fire smoke. Bad smoke. I went outside and didn't see anything but I thought I should call the fire department just to give them a heads up. As I start to go upstairs to get the house phone I really notice the smell getting stronger. By the time I got downstairs to call the fire department the smell was so strong that I almost wondered if it was inside my house.
I wandered out the back door, look next door and smoke is billowing over their fence. In the meantime, I was on the phone with 411 getting the non emergency number for the fire department because when I first dialed I hadn't seen any smoke. In my panic, I yelled at the 411 operator and told her to hang up and call 911 because my neighbors house was on fire. I yelled my address (no city, just street number and street *rolls eyes at self*) and then threw the phone.
I darted to my patio where my hose is, turned it on full blast, threw it over my fence and ran next door. HOLY SHIT!!!!! I look over and the side of their house was on fire. They had been using a PLASTIC dust pan as an ashtray and there were about 200 butts in it. It had caught fire and caught the side of the house and their screen door on fire. I sprayed my little garden hose all over the place until the fire went out. I called the fire department to come out and make sure that I had properly extinguished the fire. That and who doesn't want to see a dozen firefighters. I may be a lesbian but I can still appreciate a nice looking man in a firefighter's outfit. *evil grin*.
As it turns out, the lady was home but didn't answer the door because I was pounding so hard that it scared her. so she went and hid. But when she saw the firemen out there, she opened the door. In her defense I can't blame her. Crazy woman pounding on door or cute fireman standing on back patio. Who you gonna open the door for. *giggle*
Anyhow, they told me I was a hero and that they were pissed because I was taking away their job security. They promised me a plastic hat and some firemen wings. But I came back inside to finish painting before they left so I never got them.
The end.
*bats eyelashes at Bravie*
I swoon at your bravery.
Seriously, that's awesome that you were able to put the fire out.
Whoa! It's a good thing you were there! Ya know they call firefighters here New York's Bravest-so there ya go, Bravie Bravest! :)
Hot Damn! Brave's a firefightin' hero! *drools while ogling Bravie in her sexy new hero outfit*
Wow! Go Carey!!! That is awesome. I'm sure your neighbor is grateful too. I think you should visit the firehouse and get pinned there.
OMH-That's the coolest story evah! You might just be the coolest person I know right now.
*throws roses at Bravie's feet* Bravie, indeed.
You should've taken pictures. You know, of the hot firemen.
I agree, where's the pics of hot firemen? Yeesh!
See? Aren't you glad you quit smoking?
LOL. My Mom keeps going on about how I saved the lady's life that was in the house. I'm not sure I would go that far.
It definitely added excitement to my day.
Sorry, no pictures of the firemen. They were funny guys though. They kept telling me that next time I am to let it burn because that's job security for them. *snort*
*lloks around* I'll admit that I felt pretty good about the fact that I was able to take care of business under pressure. My Mom says that I get that from my Dad. Who, by the way, was a fireman in his earlier days and continued as a volunteer fireman after he went into city government.
Oh, and I said to Michelle that the irony would not have been lost on me had their house caught my house on fire and the cause been cigarette smoking. And not ours.
Your mom is right. That woman sounded a little oblivious and could've sat right through half her house burning. I hope she bakes you cookies or something.
*sings Wind Beneath My Wings*
Now I know why you're nicknamed "Bravie."
Who would have thought you were good with a hose?
Honey, the things I can do with an artificial hose...
After that last comment, I don't know wether to blush or grab my GF and tackle her to the bed when she comes home! Perhaps I'll do both!
Grrr! I hate that we can't edit our posts. Damned spelling!
That is all.
I think that the next door neighbor lady should definitely NOT bake cookies for Bravie. That lady needs to stay away from fire.
Maybe she can make a Jell-o mold, or something.
Good job fighting the fire! Quick thinking! You are the hero that I am not.
I'm so proud of you Miss Braveypants! Well, except for the part where you didn't get your picture taken with the entire platoon. C'mon! You just weren't thinking about us, were you?
Firefighters are hot.
WTG Carey! You are a very brave woman!
Well, well, look at you, all heroic and what not. You are a super duper neighbor!
And I'm sure you'd make a hot firelady.
Hopefully Michelle swooned at your feet you brave, sexy, firefightin' hero, you! :) I loved how you yelled at the 411 operator *snicker You were probably the topic of conversation around her workplace for a while.
Damn, Bravie! You are like a super hero! I am in awe!
Lol at the dumb neighbor who went and hid. What the hell good is that? And Yay! for you - saving the day!!!
Firemen look so hot when they show up all adrenalin-charged and ready for action. What were you thinking - going to finish your painting? Silly lesbian... Next time send them to me!
Oh yeah - weren't there any hot female firefighters? Our local FD has several.
*stands and applauds*
Way to go, Bravie!
Your neighbor sounds like a nut job. Loud knocking scared her so she hid? I'd expect that from a kid, maybe, but not an adult. Sheesh! She's damned lucky you were there and I hope she realizes it.
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