Wednesday, October 01, 2008

What a difference a year makes

Whew, has it ever been a year. A year ago today I was on my way home from my trip to Canada with Breezy and Lightsy. A year ago today I was on my way home to a job that I hated and a wife who was about to leave me. I was returning to a very unsatisfactory life. A life where most days I didn't care if I even got up in the morning. I felt anger and resentment and boredom and a general feeling of an unsatisfactory life. I had emotionally disconnected myself from most people in my life even if I was in daily contact with them. I didn't see much hope and for the most part wanted to retreat back to the days when I numbed myself with drugs, booze and casual sex.
Today, one year later, I am frightened beyond any words that I can express. Today I gave my notice at a job that I have held for 13 years. Four of those years have been tolerable at best and miserable at worst. Today I took a step towards a new way of life in my career. I am both excited and scared.
Today, my sister in law gave birth to a baby boy. I can't tell you the range of happiness that I have gone through. The excitement of finally being allowed to talk about my new adventures with my coworkers and my friends and my family. And then the excitement of becoming an Auntie again. What a fresh new day today has been. I am not going into a lot of detail about why the birth is such a relief but let me just say that we are all relieved that both baby and Mom are healthy. *sigh of relief*
Today, a year later, Michelle and I are probably in the best place that we have been in a long, long time. We communicate better, we relate better, we love better, we get along better. We have re learned the art of respecting one another.
Coming home last year was terrible. I truly did not want to return home. Partly because I had such a great time with my two friends but partly because I knew in my gut that I was coming home to a wife who had checked out. I finally decided that I needed to get into therapy. I wasn't big on this idea but I have to say that it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. It's just nice to talk to someone who doesn't make me feel as if she is judging me or who has no connect to the things that I talk about. I feel like I am a better person. I feel as if I have better relationships with those around me. I'm closer to Michelle, closer to my family, closer to my friends. Even the rocky relationship that Breezy and I had has improved 100%. Some may know, some may not, that Breezy and I have had a rough road on our friendship. I think we both stuck it out because we knew that when we got to other side of that rocky road that we were going to have an incredible friendship. I'm so glad that we've stuck it out and come out the other side with such a great friendship.
Even the friendships between me and some of my friends here have improved. I find that I want to spend more time with them and that I enjoy the time that I do spend with them just a little bit more than I used to. Maybe it took almost losing everything in my life to realize that I better start to cherish the life that I have. Because it is a pretty damn good life that I have.
And that scares me to no end.


Blogger lights said...

*wipes another tear*

Would you quit that!!! *snort*

It's amazing how quickly a year goes by in hindsight and what a difference that year can make. It's good to remember that when things aren't going so well in your life. Something good is just around the corner and there's always hope.

I can't believe it's been a year already and I'm so grateful that your life has improved so much.

Don't be frightened Sunshine. I was in your position. I had worked there for 20 years when I gave my notice. I do not have one single regret. NOT ONE! You won't either. I know exactly how you're feeling and I'm so excited for you because everything is going to be so much better.

Congrats Auntie Carey. *hops*

You deserve all these positive changes Carey. I know I'm not in contact with you as much as I should be but I think of you daily and am proud to call you my friend. I'm going to try to be a better friend in the coming year.


10/01/2008 4:17 PM  
Blogger Breezy said...

*sobs* I'm am sooooooooooo happy for you.

I luv ewe.

10/01/2008 6:54 PM  
Blogger Puffy said...

*hugs* I truly admire and respect you. Yes, I'm crazy, but I do.

10/01/2008 8:21 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Lightsy, just because we aren't in contact as much, doesn't mean we need to be a better friend. You? are a wonderful friend, even if we aren't in contact as much. *smooch*

Puffy, thank you. Those are very nice words to see. *smooch* It does seem to be the crazies who admire and respect me though. I'm gonna have to ask my therapist about this. *giggle*

Breeze, you make me smile daily and I appreciate you sticking it out with me. I know it has not always been easy. Thank goodness you are a crazy. *smooch*

10/01/2008 9:34 PM  
Blogger Swami said...

Wait. You and Breezy are friends? How did I miss that? j/k :)

Congrats on a year of self-discovery, and reaching a better place.

10/02/2008 6:22 AM  
Blogger Glowie said...

I am so happy for you, Carey. Reading this put a smile on my face.

10/02/2008 6:25 AM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

I'm so happy you reflected on all that's happened in the last year and I'm ecstatic you are in such a wonderful place.

Congratulations on MAKING your life better. You did it by sheer effort and asking for the help from others you needed. Don't forget that.

10/02/2008 9:11 AM  
Blogger Tummy said...

Did you ever think you'd be an inspriration to someone else? Well, you are and I adore you.

Congrats on making your life better and happier.

I want to smooch you so I will.

10/02/2008 9:36 AM  
Blogger CQ said...

Even though this may sound condescending I want to tell you how proud I am of you. Growth is hard. You have come a long way on your journey. I wish you Godspeed. I really mean that.

10/02/2008 11:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. I am so happy for you and so proud of you.

I love you my friend, Carey.

*big smooches and a hug*

10/02/2008 1:46 PM  
Blogger frodis said...

I've read this a few times now and it just makes me so happy. I love knowing that you're getting to a better place and that you made so much of it happen yourself.

I'm glad that I know you. :)

10/02/2008 2:12 PM  
Blogger yvonne said...

You are an incredible woman, Carey, and deserve every bit of happiness and job that comes your way. I am so proud of you and so happy for you and Michelle.

*big hugs*

10/02/2008 3:39 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Thank you everybody for the wonderful words here. It certainly was not the reason for my post but it sure made this post that much more enjoyable for me.
More than anything, it was a reminder to myself that even when you think things are at the lowest, with even just a little effort and a little bit of guts to make change, good things can happen.
Being happy is my biggest fear in life and so I need to document when things are going well. Because I am always waiting for the other shoe to drop and take away my happiness. Sad philosophy if you ask me. I'm trying to get out of that 42 year rut and thought that maybe documenting these types of things, I could remind myself that it's okay to be happy. Even if another shoe drops, at least I had this moment of happiness. And I had wonderful friends with whom to share it.
Even if I am not around as much as I used to be, and I don't comment the way that I used to, I still love you all dearly and am so lucky to have such a great support around me both during the bad and the good. Thank you for being my friends.

10/02/2008 4:43 PM  
Blogger moon said...

What a rough road but look where all that work got you-how exciting!

I'm happy for you and wish you the best!

10/03/2008 4:13 PM  
Blogger MM said...

I like what Kim said:

"Congratulations on MAKING your life better. You did it by sheer effort and asking for the help from others you needed. Don't forget that."

I totally agree with that. YOU did this and we are all so happy and proud of you because you deserve it. Congratulations!

10/04/2008 7:35 PM  
Blogger maroonclown said...

*opens blog and throws in confetti and blows on the noisemaker*


*twirls around and Elaine-dances, just for good measure*

10/06/2008 12:54 PM  
Blogger Dave Clapper said...

You? Are not just bravie, you are also brave. Happiness is scary as shit sometimes, yep, but it's worth it, so, so worth it.

10/07/2008 5:47 PM  

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