The Chair
The pictures are of the Chair, The Hat and The Partridge Family wall. I thought visual aids of my little story would be helpful. *grin*

So in that last post, I talked about the ugly chair in the corner. It is ugly but it's one of those things that is so ugly that you like it. The frame of the chair is hand carved and painted black with red accents. The chair is red with black spots. We call her the lady bug chair.
The chair came to us on a sunny Saturday afternoon about 5 years ago. We were cruising the aisles at the flea market and there it was. This woman was selling some antique furniture and The Chair.
Michelle and I do not have any sort of classic look when it comes to our decorating style. The only way that I can think to describe our house is an odd museum of odd things. One bedroom is painted 49er red and is an absolute shrine to my team. I mean like it could be in a sports magazine type of shrine. Most everything in that room is 49ered. From a sports locker to helmets to die cast planes, trains and automobiles.
Then there is the Hollwood room. That room is painted like the Partridge Family bus but instead of the oranges and yellows, we have pastel blues and greens. We have all kinds of Hollywood memorabilia in there. From Charlie's angels dolls (still in the packaging) to autographed pictures to an autographed surfboard and autographed skateboard (signed by Tommy Lee) hanging on the walls.
The rest of the house is just as ecclectic. From collections of decorative skulls and walking sticks and other movie and music memorabilia. We have an autographed Rick Springfield guitar hanging at the top of the stairway. We have an entirely purple bathroom which we call the Jimi Hendrix experience bathroom.
So as you can see, we are odd. So this chair just seemed so perfect. We looked at each other, asked the lady the price and we bought it. BUT, in order to buy the chair, we had to take the matching hat. Not quite matching but it is a wide rimmed, red, feather hat. *giggle*
We brought our little treasure home and noticed that everyone who came over, made a comment on the chair. So we started a tradition and decided that everyone who came to our house had to have their picture taken in The Chair with the hat. I would guess that we are up to about 35 pictures. Sadly, we have lost the hat to another tradition that takes place up at the lake. But the pictures are still required.
So if you come and visit me at my house? You too will have to have your picture taken in The Chair.
Edited to add a closeup of the chair, the hat and a sample of the Prtridge family wall.

So in that last post, I talked about the ugly chair in the corner. It is ugly but it's one of those things that is so ugly that you like it. The frame of the chair is hand carved and painted black with red accents. The chair is red with black spots. We call her the lady bug chair.
The chair came to us on a sunny Saturday afternoon about 5 years ago. We were cruising the aisles at the flea market and there it was. This woman was selling some antique furniture and The Chair.
Michelle and I do not have any sort of classic look when it comes to our decorating style. The only way that I can think to describe our house is an odd museum of odd things. One bedroom is painted 49er red and is an absolute shrine to my team. I mean like it could be in a sports magazine type of shrine. Most everything in that room is 49ered. From a sports locker to helmets to die cast planes, trains and automobiles.
Then there is the Hollwood room. That room is painted like the Partridge Family bus but instead of the oranges and yellows, we have pastel blues and greens. We have all kinds of Hollywood memorabilia in there. From Charlie's angels dolls (still in the packaging) to autographed pictures to an autographed surfboard and autographed skateboard (signed by Tommy Lee) hanging on the walls.
The rest of the house is just as ecclectic. From collections of decorative skulls and walking sticks and other movie and music memorabilia. We have an autographed Rick Springfield guitar hanging at the top of the stairway. We have an entirely purple bathroom which we call the Jimi Hendrix experience bathroom.
So as you can see, we are odd. So this chair just seemed so perfect. We looked at each other, asked the lady the price and we bought it. BUT, in order to buy the chair, we had to take the matching hat. Not quite matching but it is a wide rimmed, red, feather hat. *giggle*
We brought our little treasure home and noticed that everyone who came over, made a comment on the chair. So we started a tradition and decided that everyone who came to our house had to have their picture taken in The Chair with the hat. I would guess that we are up to about 35 pictures. Sadly, we have lost the hat to another tradition that takes place up at the lake. But the pictures are still required.
So if you come and visit me at my house? You too will have to have your picture taken in The Chair.
Edited to add a closeup of the chair, the hat and a sample of the Prtridge family wall.
*sits in chair*
*waits for picture to be taken*
I think that's cool! I always love theme rooms. I bet your 49er room is the bestest!
*scritches for the kitty*
So, where do you keep your jar of hairballs? *grin*
Shame you lost the hat. *imagines self in red feather hat*
I like bold decorating decisions whatever they may be, Carey. So much more fun than something that looks like a magazine cover. I would never do a sports themed room, but I do have 10 Buddhas in my living room (along with an assortment of other dieties.)
And I have that exact same chair! Only mine has the original dark wood stained & shellaced finish, and a small flowers tapestry type print.
Decorative skulls? Animal? Human? I had the chance to buy a real human skull with silver-plated cranium from Tibet once - but I passed.
Forgot to say, my DD has a LOTR themed bedroom. One wall has the 10 - 12 inch figurines of just about every character from the movies, all in their original boxes!
Very cool, indeed!
I have a friend who has a sports room, and I am so jealous.
At first I read "one" bedroom as "our" bedroom, and I giggled. I thought, "Man, Michelle really loves Carey if she sleeps in a 49er themed bedroom." Not that there's anything wrong with the 49ers, etc. It would be just as funny if you were sleeping in a Party Poker or Bingo themed room.
BINGO! room. *snort* I love it... I'm going to call Michelle right now and suggest it.
Ummmm I refuse to have my picture taken without the hat. So be sure and have it there in Oct. Thankyou.
Is it weird that I kind of like the chair?
I love the Partridge wall. Did you paint it yourself? That is awsome.
My boys used to have a 49'ers room. I did the flig paint on the wall with red and gold. You can never paint over it because of the bumps. But when the youngest burnt up his room it took care of it.
**note to self - Carey needs a new red feather hat**
*glares at Arkie*
Takes everybody else's picture.
I will try to recover the hat from the lake before October. The hat really makes the pictures.
LMAO, I really would love to be a member of the red hats. I'm not old enough yet. *grin*
I could paint a Bingo card on our bedroom wall. I bet Michelle would want to spend a lot more time in there if I did that. Hmmmmmm. *evil grin*
And you WILL have your picture taken in The Chair. Hat or no hat.
But Lasann is getting me a feather hat so it's all good. *grin*
*pictures Carey in red hat and purple pants suit*
I like the chair too. I don't think it is ugly. Where is the flannel though? :)
I LOVE your house. It's the most fun house I've ever been in in my life and it has a ton of personality. I was putting together a little star wars collage thing I'm working on and I thought, "I'm gonna have a star wars room. Pfffffft Carey and Michelle would totally understand that!"
When is our next slumber party?
Damn Zombs has been looking in my window again. that is my fancy outfit.
Thanks, Chel. I think my house is weird but i kinda like it. *grin*
My entire apartment is going to be a shrine to the Caps with a couple other nicknacks thrown in.
Cute chair... I like it!
Thanks Deb. Take a trip out here to SF and we can get a picture of you in it. *grin*
What? Why are you *glaring* at me? I just asked an innocent question? Geez!
Woo-hoo! I would love to visit. :)
*ignores Arkie*
I would love for you to visit. We could go to a Sharks game.
I've never been to a hockey game and have always wanted to go.
When DH and I get a house, you can be damn sure I'm getting a Dale Jr. room with it. I used to have my diecast collection spread out on top of a bookcase in our computer room. But we had to rearrange it to fit in the treadmill, so we put the bookcase in the closet. As a result, I lost my display shelf. All my diecasts are stuck in a basket next to my desk. I can't wait to put them back on display!
I ended up having to buy a 5 shelf bookcase for my die casts. Maybe when I get home I'll take a picture of my 49er room and post it.
*shudder* The doll. The doll. YOu posted a picture of that *shiver* scary doll.
Oh, the poor hat ...
I LOVE the chair!
I think your decorating style is fun and fantastic. You both have done an awesome job. I'm so looking forward to seeing it for myself and getting my pic taken in the chair. Since you might not have the hat, I'll bring the banana. We can start a new tradition LOL.
LOL. I talked to Michelle last night about the hat. She said we can bring it home this summer so that we will have it for pics in October.
But I want to know if I can sit in the chair?
Of course you can, Buggy. *smooch*
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