Six Things
Here are the rules-
1. Reveal six weird facts/things/habits about yourself and then tag six people
2. Leave a "You're Tagged!" comment to let the people you have tagged know they have to reveal six things (or the entire blogosphere will explode and it will be their fault)
3. Leave a comment HERE to let me know when you have completed your missionSIX THINGS
1. 95% of the time, I will not eat the last bite of food that is meant to be eaten by hand.
i.e. hamburgers, sandwiches. Wieners are the exception. I eat every bite of those. I also usually remove the bread from the second half of a sammich and just eat the meat and veggies. But I do eat the bread on the first half of a sammich.
2. When writing checks for my bills, I MUST round up so that the checks end in either 0 or 5.
i.e. if my bill is for $44.55, I have to round up to $45.00. Very rarely and unless it's necessary will I write a check with cents. If the bill is $47.00, I will round it up to $50.00.
3. I am not a stingy eater or drinker. I will share my fork or spoon or glass with anyone who I am friends with. EXCEPT for milk. Nothing grosses me out more than someone sipping off of my milk. I won't even let Michelle drink out of my milk. If someone were to drink out of my milk I would give it to them and get another. *shudder*
4. Hair. Specifically? unattached hair. I will not let anyone use my brush (including Michelle) because god forbid one of their strands of hair were to get wrapped into my brush. Hair on the bathroom floor sends me into a gagging fit. And I won't touch other people's dead hair either. Although I can handle pulling one strand off of someone's shirt if there is just ONE loose. Two strands won't be removed by me though.
5. I buy my shoes a half a size too big because I hate having my feet feel like they are suffocating. I like loose shoes and I like to be able to slip in and out of them without having to untie or tie. As a result, most of my shoes are torn up in the heel area.
6. And speaking of shoes...I have to put my left sock on before my right sock and my left shoe on before my right shoe. I also have left socks and right socks. Michelle says that's weird because she just grabs socks and puts them on whichever foot they end up on. I would be off balance all day if I wore a right sock on my left foot. And if I ever put a right sock or shoe on first, something bad in my world will happen.
I couldn't keep track of who has and hasn't been tagged. So instead of 6 people, I choose whoever hasn't been tagged and wants to do the dix things.
1. Reveal six weird facts/things/habits about yourself and then tag six people
2. Leave a "You're Tagged!" comment to let the people you have tagged know they have to reveal six things (or the entire blogosphere will explode and it will be their fault)
3. Leave a comment HERE to let me know when you have completed your missionSIX THINGS
1. 95% of the time, I will not eat the last bite of food that is meant to be eaten by hand.
i.e. hamburgers, sandwiches. Wieners are the exception. I eat every bite of those. I also usually remove the bread from the second half of a sammich and just eat the meat and veggies. But I do eat the bread on the first half of a sammich.
2. When writing checks for my bills, I MUST round up so that the checks end in either 0 or 5.
i.e. if my bill is for $44.55, I have to round up to $45.00. Very rarely and unless it's necessary will I write a check with cents. If the bill is $47.00, I will round it up to $50.00.
3. I am not a stingy eater or drinker. I will share my fork or spoon or glass with anyone who I am friends with. EXCEPT for milk. Nothing grosses me out more than someone sipping off of my milk. I won't even let Michelle drink out of my milk. If someone were to drink out of my milk I would give it to them and get another. *shudder*
4. Hair. Specifically? unattached hair. I will not let anyone use my brush (including Michelle) because god forbid one of their strands of hair were to get wrapped into my brush. Hair on the bathroom floor sends me into a gagging fit. And I won't touch other people's dead hair either. Although I can handle pulling one strand off of someone's shirt if there is just ONE loose. Two strands won't be removed by me though.
5. I buy my shoes a half a size too big because I hate having my feet feel like they are suffocating. I like loose shoes and I like to be able to slip in and out of them without having to untie or tie. As a result, most of my shoes are torn up in the heel area.
6. And speaking of shoes...I have to put my left sock on before my right sock and my left shoe on before my right shoe. I also have left socks and right socks. Michelle says that's weird because she just grabs socks and puts them on whichever foot they end up on. I would be off balance all day if I wore a right sock on my left foot. And if I ever put a right sock or shoe on first, something bad in my world will happen.
I couldn't keep track of who has and hasn't been tagged. So instead of 6 people, I choose whoever hasn't been tagged and wants to do the dix things.
I'd love to be one of the tagged peeps who like to do dix things. *giggle*
Dix <--code?
*sits with mm, but snorts*
*sits with boo and Mm*
WTF about the socks?
*sits with MM, Boo, and Zombs*
I always finish the entire wiener too!
Ok, your sock thing & your bill paying thing are REALLY odd, especially the sock thing. How do you know which is which? Do you write on them?
I also have hair issues & last bite of finger food issues. And I often tear apart the last few bites of my sandwich/burger. If Chris is around, he'll usually eat any leftover bites, though. :-)
The milk thing will forever and always be my favorite weird thing about you. :)
My weird things are so boring. I feel all inadequate and stuff.
Nope. I don't have to label my socks. Somehow I just know which is which. And after awhile, believe it or not, the socks start to take left foot and right foot form.
*runs off to read Jen's weird things*
Rounding up on your bills? LOL! My mom does that too.
So if you get a bill for $101.03 you round it up to $105.00 and carry a credit balance? I'm sorry, that's strange. Are you math challenged?
I put my RIGHT sock on first everytime, and I always hold my socks up to decide if it is a left sock or a right sock before putting it on. Perfectly sensible.
I will not share eating utensils or glasses with anyone--not even Tom. It creeps me out.
Swami, nope, not math challenged.
I do the same thing at work. I am an estimator. When I work out a price I have to add a couple of dollars to even it out. If I price a job at $4823, I will quote the customer at $4825.
I will carry a credit balance on an account due to overpayment.
I'm glad that you are another one who understands the left sock right sock thing. I feel normal again.
I have to clean my bathroom floor everyday because when I'm styling my hair, a ton of it lands on the floor.
Seriously, it's amazing I'm not bald.
I understand the sock thing. Socks end up being "worn" and they can take on the shape of your foot, so there are days that I put my socks on and have to switch 'em.
*makes note to clean before Carey and Boo come over*
My hair sheds all over the place. My bathroom floor is covered in it. As is my bedspread because I blow dry my hair sitting on my bed.
*drinks carey's milk*
*sheds hair in blog*
*washes her nasty dirty foot formed socks, so they deform*
*screams and runs from blog trying to balance carey's checkbook*
Yes please, Jen. I will spend the whole time gagging.
I? know for a fact that breezy would never take a sip of my milk. *grin*
*smooch* this is true
I still have a hard time wrapping my brain around how you pay bills. My accountant brain is screaming that things don't balance, credits must equal debits!!!! *runs in circle*
credits? debits? balance? *head tilt*
My ATM card doesn't get rejected and I still have checks. Therefore, I still have money. Who needs to waste time finding out where every penny went. If I spent time balancing my checkbook i wouldn't have time to bounce around on my hippity hopper.
*snort* you better have those in Oct....oooohhhh or better yet. We're going to ToysRUs aren't we? *snort* Michelle will probably leave us there.
Hell yes we are going to Toys R Us. You don't think that I already thought about that? You don't know me, do you.
We can have hippity hop races down the aisle and skip while singing "I don't want to grow up, I'm a Toys R Us kid..."
And then we can do our TAR helicopter ride. *giggle*
Just want to put a crazy thought out there: what if you're mistaken about your left and right socks one day and don't know it?
Interesting how so many of us have hair and food issues. For the record, I call them "hot dogs."
Dix things!
I like to eat the whole weiner, too. Your way of doing the checkbook would drive me nuts. I have to balance to the fucking penny, always!!!! However, my hair issues would drive you nuts. When I moved from the apartment to the house, and my mom came up to help me clean, she couldn't believe all the hair behind the furniture, etc. But the worst was when, after one time I had visited her and Dad, she found one of my hairs in the freezer. Still don't know how that one happened. But I won't let anyone use my brush anyway. That's just gross.
"dix things"?
I see a lot of missing items. You could go on forever here, Sunshine.
Yeah so my typing sucked and after The first three comments referred to it, I thought I would leave it.
What do you mean I could go on?!?!?!? I had trouble coming up with six. Michelle had to help me. *grin*
I am usually very anal about my checkbook, and yes, I too like to know where every penny is. But I've been very slack lately because (1) I've really been too busy and (2) I have money tucked in there so I know I'm okay. :)
I actually think I started my checkbook balancing hiatus because I was waiting for a certain someone ****cough, cough, survivor pool****** to cash my check.
Hey!!!! I cashed that check damnit. Don't blame your hiatus on me. Hrmph.
Michelle probably LOVED the opportunity to help you with this. She must be on item #253 by now. :-)
Lol on all the checkbook issues people!
When I was single I never balanced my checkbook. Ever. CPA Tom discovered this fact on about our third date. Oh, it bothered him so! He finally asked, "May I please balance your checkbook? Please?" So I let him. He went back 3 years to when I began that account after I broke up with my first husband.
It balanced, of course. I'm not stupid; I would have known if there were an error bigger than a few cents! I just don't care. But he was so proud. It was funny.
Way higher than that, Kim. *giggle*
Swami? I haven't balanced my checkbook since the 80's. It drives Michelle, my Mother AND Breezy crazy.
*spins around*
I think I have boycotted just because it's funny to watch them all wince at the thought. *giggle*
I always balance my check book. I have to. When you have barely any money, you need to know exactly how much you have so that you don't overdraw your account.
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