Pffffffft. Whatever
Augie and Monsty are just mean, mean, bully girls. I'm also going to add Breezy to the list of mean girls too. She's too short to be a bully though.
My only remaining sweet sistahs are Glowie and Nookie.
My only remaining sweet sistahs are Glowie and Nookie.
What are you whining about now?
Poor Carey. :(
Mean girls suck.
Mean girls suck
*sigh* Guess I'm a mean girl, too. *grin*
Ya big baby.
*pulls Carey's hair*
And once again I don't make the list.
Yep. Me no likey list.
*smooches Carey*
Are you taking applications to replace them?
Why am I never on a list? And which one did Lindsey Lohan play in the movie Mean Girls?
Suck = bad? WHAT?
Thanks for the card!
*big proud grin*
Now what did I do??? *innocent look*
How was your weekend?
How dare people be mean to Carey! Carey is a wonderful, perfect being and should be worphipped and praised whenever possible.
Swami <---wants to be on the sweet list.
And by "worphipped" I mean worshipped.
You still whining?
*rolls eyes*
*runs in and shoves squash in Augie's mouth*
I leave town and the Sistah-hood breaks up? Hrmph!
I don't know, Swami. I think you had it right the first time.
MM <--thinks "worphipped" sounds kinky
Are you sure Nookie should be on your sweet list??
*eyes her suspiciously*
Quit being such a baby. I put some dining choses up for us over on my blog.
"Ain't I sweet,
See me walking down the street.
I ask you very confidentially,
ain't I sweet"
*glares at Debs*
*smooches Carey*
*puts on leather*
*worphips MM, really hard*
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