Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Lists, get your lists here!!!

Although, I am feeling a bit bitchy today.

1. It's too bad that Cygnus is back on OT. How long before he calls us all baby killers, or supporters of baby killers, again. *rolls eyes* Yep, called him out by name. Yep, that makes me a bitch. so sue me. I still have not gotten over his attempt to make nice with me just to turn into a dickhead again when I refused to apologzie for HIS behavior towards me.

2. Jbug. Probably Cyg's new best friend. I wonder if SHE knows that he's a perv hiding behind religion. Yep, called him out again. I loathe him that much. I loathe him and his behavior and the fact that he uses his religion to judge people. Makes me sick.

3.Grapefruit. I am now adding 1/2 a grapefruit before every meal. According to some diet lady, it helps to level off your insulin levels, or someshit, and it helps you to lose weight.

4. Almonds are supposed to be all good for you too. I'm now adding those to my diet.

5. Breezy says that I need to learn to make me my first priority. I did that today and it felt nice. I didn't even feel guilty about it. I don't think I can make it a habit though. But for the record, Breezy was right. This time. I don't expect THAT to become a habit either.

6. I have lost weight in my fingers, my toes and my chins. Nowhere else. That? pisses me off.

7. I am up to running 5 miles on the treadmill. Not everytime I run though. But the fact that I can continuously run for 5 miles is a miracle considering I smoked a pack and a half for 28 years. Even on the days when I just run for 1/2 an hour, I am running at a 5mph rate. Yay me. But still, the weight is only coming off my fingers, my toes and my chins.

8. Had my first mammogram this month. Well shithowdy aint that fun. The truth is that it was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Having blood drawn is 100% worse. I got my little card back. It said the boobs are all healthy and stuff. *struts the boobs around*

9. I want to end on #9 but it bothers Boo.

10. *waves to Arkie* because I can.


Blogger Kimmah said...

Someone needs to email with the details on cyg 'cause I'm clueless.

I lost weight in my boobs first. Lost it in my face last. I wish some smart person could figure out a way to target weight loss to specific areas.

4/15/2008 6:58 PM  
Blogger frodis said...

1. I don't know the details either. He's in the bar fairly often.

2. She's in the bar fairly often, too.

3. I like grapefruit. You have to be careful because you're not supposed to eat grapefruit if you're taking certain medications.

4. Yum, almonds.

5. You should be your first priority sometimes. Who else is going to put you #1?

6. In your toes? Really? How do you measure that?

7. I can't run 5 miles and I've never smoked.

8. I don't mind having blood drawn. Not looking forward to boob smooshing.

9. I'll end on nine since you didn't.

4/15/2008 8:03 PM  
Blogger arkie said...

1. What should I ask for when I sue you? I know! I want all the stuff in your guest bedroom! Please provide me with an inventory so I can be sure to list everything.
2. *swat*
3. Do you like grapefruit? When ever I would try the grapefruit diet, I would drink 4 ounces of juice instead of eating 1/2 grapefruit.
4. I thought I read somewhere that Almonds increase flatulence. Or maybe I'm making that up.
5. Good for you. You should do this more often. But if that doesn't work for you, then you can make me the top priority. If that's easier for you. I'm such a giver like that.
6. You know how much your toes weigh?
7. Did you know that when really obese people run, their fat folds slap together and make farty noises?
8. Pelvic exams are worse than mammograms, IMO.
9. Thiz comment brought to you by the letter Z.
10. *waves* Now, for the love of Pete (whoever Pete is), will you please correct your links? Update mine, and put Kimmah in correct alphabetical position.

4/15/2008 8:07 PM  
Blogger Swami said...

1. I don't miss OT.

2. I don't miss OT.

3. Drinking vinegar helps too. And is almost as much fun as sucking down a grapefruit.

4. Oh, I love almonds! Eat 10 almonds 3x a day. Nuts are great for regularity too!

5. That is good advice.

6. Really? Your fingers and toes? I don't want to call you weird - but that's just weird.

7. Great stuff, Bravie!

8. Now you know what your boobs feel like as temporary pancakes.

9. *Waves to Boo*

10. *Waves to Arkie*

4/15/2008 8:19 PM  
Blogger Zombs said...

*laughs at nuts making Bravie regular*

My husband says the same thing to me.

1. Gah I noticed that. I'm still annoyed with the whole deal in Syren's blog and him.

2. I can't worry about that. Although the perv comment intrigues me. What happened there? I just thought he was racist, homophobe and very white, male entitled in general.

3. I can't stand grapefruit so kudos to you for trying that!
I wish I could lose weight in my face and figners. Seriously. Other places too but my wedding rings don't fit. I have not worn them since I was pregnant. I miss them and refuse to get them resized.

4. I love almonds but they are sooo expensive.

5. But you should take care of you first! Breezy packs a lot of pucnh!

*skip to boobies*

I should be getting one soon. I am scared. I don't mind neeedles but this scares me.

*moons arkie cause I can*

4/16/2008 5:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dammit. Internet Explorer closed on me in the middle of my reply. Twice. So I am now copying and pasting my answers from Word.

1. I don't like seeing you get so worked up over him. I never paid much attention to him when he was around the first time, and I won't be now either.

2. See number 1 please.

3. You can also add my half if you'd like. Me no likey.

4. Me do likey. A lot. Especially the dry roasted ones.

5. Breezy is super smaht on that one.

6. I have lost it on the top half, but not as much in the bottom half as I would like.

7. Awesome!!!! I am very proud of you.

8. I will agree about it not being as bad as having blood drawn. I think people scared me so much about the mammogram that I just expected death. It hurt, but it mainly hurt me because of the lump in there. I'm glad yours are okay. Nothing like a good set of oobies.

9. I thought this said "because it bothers Boo." *snort* Thanks.

10.*smooches Arkie*

4/16/2008 5:48 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

I had thought about deleting comments 1 and 2 just because once I got it out, I felt better. But I'm going to leave them anyhow. I just don't care.

Grapefruit--I love grapefruit so this isn't an issue for me.
Almonds, I like them but they are high in points and I don't really like them all that much. But I am adding them anyhow for now.
Boobs: No need to fear the mammo. I swear I worried so much about the pain and it was nothing. It's true that a pap is more uncomfortable than the mammo.

Those not in the know: A long time ago there was a discussion on OT about abortion. Cyg, who is a mod, ended up calling everybody who believed in choice, a baby killer. Right there on OT, called everybody a baby killer. Not very mod like. He then started a thread about something else, asking for advice. When he didn't get the advice that he wanted he acted like a 3 year old brat, throwing a tantrum and acted like a complete asshole. He then made this production about leaving OT and never to return. Yet he still lurked and lurked around blogs.
He then went into Syren's blog and dissed her and her friends IN HER BLOG.
He and I tried to make up ( waves to Sharnina for trying) but when I didn't say the words that he wanted to hear, he became a dickhead.
Ohhh, back up, I through his words back in face prior to that. His whole preaching about marriage being about procreation I just found a little too hypocritical for me and I told him so. He felt the need to show that email to his wife and this started a war between them and me. A few nasty email exchanges between me, him and his wife. It was after that, that we tried to make up and he acted like a dickhead when I wouldn't say what he wanted.

Every single morning, I weigh each and every toe. This is how I thought everybody gauged their weight. No? *grin*
Oh, and I eat a ton of fiber so I have no problems with irregularity anymore.

4/16/2008 6:13 AM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

I was noticing how hot your fingers were looking when you were flipping Cyg and Jbug off.

OMG-5 miles!!! That's awesome! My knees are starting to feel the jogging, so I'm getting worried I may have to go back to the more time consuming walk.

I get my first mammo next month. Doc and I agree that with my family history, I should start earlier than recommended.

4/16/2008 6:52 AM  
Blogger MM said...

I'd forgotten the details about all that crap too. I just ignore the ones I don't care for over there.

I have a container of almonds on my desk at all times. I try to eat only a 100 calories worth a day, which I *think * is about 18 almonds. They are high in fat, but it's a "good" fat. I need the protein.

I actually have recurring nightmares about my boobs and it makes me queasy just thinking about having them smooshed like that. *shudder*

4/16/2008 11:51 AM  
Blogger Breezy said...

You should ALWAYS listen to me.

4/16/2008 1:54 PM  
Blogger lights said...

What Breezy said. *grin*

I like grapefruit but grapefruit no likey me.

A while back I read that there's something in nuts that can lead to cold sore breakouts. For that reason alone I try to limit my nut intake.

*admires Carey's boobs*

4/16/2008 3:33 PM  
Blogger Kimmah said...

Thank you for the backstory. I feel more loopy now.

On with the other comments:

3. Grapefuit is gross. Can't go there.

4. I like almonds sort of. I need to eat more of them and ditch oh, say, the cookie dough that I just ate.

5. I'm bad about not making myself first priority.

6. My face continues to look like skeletor, but my butt and gut are expanding.

7. I don't like to WALK five miles, much less run. I can't run anymore, but even before I hurt my knees, there's no way I could run five miles. Ever.

8. Nice tits, babe.

9. Lists should always end on even numbers.

10. arkie is very waveable.

4/16/2008 6:23 PM  
Blogger Puffy said...

Trader Joe's sells raw almonds, which are much better than salted almonds.

Maria Shriver was on Oprah yesterday, quoting Breezy.

I think mammogram machinery is getting better. They don't hurt as much as they used to.

4/17/2008 8:57 AM  
Blogger dragonflies said...

First, let me congratulate you on getting a mammorgram. Taking proactive actions regaring our health is important! And I agree, they aren't really THAT bad. Although I have lots to squeeze, so maybe that makes it easier?

I like Cyg, and PRE, although don't really like jbug very much, she annoys me. But I like you too, and all the peeps posting here. I like to get along, regardless of our differing beliefs on some things. I just try not to judge. Try I said, not always being successful.

Thanks for telling me about the grapefruit, I may have to start eating those. With sugar of course. Or does the sugar negate the weight loss potential? Cause that would stink. I will have to post about our new Office Biggest Loser.

I also need to start using our treadmill. I wonder where the start key is?


4/17/2008 10:48 AM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

Wasabi almonds rule (I get mine at Trader Joes!). I can blame Mcatt for introducing me to them. Her aunt has an almond farm, apparently.

4/17/2008 10:48 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

PRE doesn't affect me one way or the other. Probably because he and I have never had any personal contact. cyg is scum of the earth to me though. I don't mind differences. In fact, some of my best friends have vastly different views than I do. Cyg is a perfect example of if you aren't with me you're an idiot who will go to hell. He talks down to and judges all the time. Look at his blog, perfect evidence of how judgemental he is.
I know that some of his friends read and post here on my blog. I don't want to offend any of you with my views on him. At the same time though, I won't hold back what I think of him. Which is obviously very little. :)

You can't put sugar on the grapefruit silly. Maybe some Splenda, although that is not highly recommended either. Did I spell that correctly?

4/17/2008 11:04 AM  
Blogger Buggy said...

Yay for healthy Oobies!

One way to make grapefruit really sweet is to warm it up under the broiler. Slice it and watch it closely so it doesn't burn, but it makes them much sweeter without adding any sweetner.

Raw almonds are the ones that are good for you, and 6 almonds is a serving of carbs,
so 6 almonds = 15 carb grams

And Weltek, the wasabi almonds!!!
I like the Blue Diamond Soy Wasabi roasted ones, they are so killer good I can't buy them because I'll eat the whole can!

I am surprised Cyg came back and more surprised the little blue icon is still next to his name.
I advise to ignore, but that's just MHO

Oh and my mammogram was super easy, since I lost all my boobs when I lost weight, it was like scanning little empty socks.

4/17/2008 11:53 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

*snort at the empty socks*
Michelle calls them socks with an orange in the bottom.

4/17/2008 12:02 PM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

I now want to make a citrus salad with broiled fruits.

4/17/2008 12:27 PM  
Blogger dragonflies said...

I had a super yummy "exotic salad" at a vegetarian restaurant I went to yesterday. It had mango, avocado, raisins, super yummy.

I do understand what you mean about Cyg, Bravie. I hoped I didn't come across as condescending sweetie!

*runs out to buy grapefruit* but no splenda. yuck. I'm so sweet only the real thing will do.

4/17/2008 1:08 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

No worries. *smooch*
*sigh* I don't know what to have for dinner tonight. waaaaaaaaah

4/17/2008 1:13 PM  
Blogger Buggy said...

If ya'll can find Texas Red grapefruit where you are, try it, very sweet, I sometimes just peel and eat them like an orange.

(not like the orange at the bottom of your socks, and my oranges are looking a bit juiced)

4/17/2008 2:35 PM  
Blogger ilse said...

Two comments:

1. I, too, do not miss OT.

2. When geg is typing, does the acid from her rabid mouth-froth melt her keyboard when it drips?

4/17/2008 3:20 PM  
Blogger Kimmah said...

no, it doesn't drip on her keyboard because her head is spinning 'round to fast.

4/17/2008 5:44 PM  
Blogger Buggy said...

She's scary

4/21/2008 8:02 AM  
Blogger HistoryDetective said...

Bwahahaha! Damn, that was worth reading to the very end of the comments.

Maybe I can get JBug the animation queen to make me sigpic with a spinning acid frothy geg head!

4/28/2008 6:58 PM  

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