Results of the Cow Palace
Well, here is what I came home with from the tattoo expo. Obviously it is still healing so it doesn't look like it is even and it looks blotchy but that will change when it heals. All I can say is this...if you are going to get a tattoo, don't get it on your ankle. The one on my shoulder was zip, zap, easy. This one? Holy shit. I almost passed out a couple of times. Never on the ankle again. I'm sticking to other parts of the body next time.
Yay for you! Sorry it was so painful though. Mine is almost exactly where yours is and I don't recall it hurting that bad. Maybe you're just a wimp. *grin*
*shiver* I've heard that ankle ones hurt bad, cause of all the bone.
ouchie!! ankle? girl, you are far braver than I am. I remember guys in college who would have their frat tatooed on their ankle and they all said it hurt like a sombitch and they had to drink heavily.
i'm so getting one when i turn 40 if not before, but i'm choosing a much more fleshy place.
you are a true fan. sure hope the 49'ers never change cities ;-).
awesome. :)
Ouch! *pours Carey some milk*
My friend Nicky got her tattoo on her ankle. Nicky and her sister each got one to commemorate the kidney transplant.
A couple years ago she got scalded with really hot water on her ankle just above her tattoo. It was a bad burn and she was so glad it didn't mess up the tat.
I can't wait to see it in person. *grin*
Kimmah, I would like to get one too. But I may have to aim for my 50th. *grin*
This is so you don't forget the name of the city where you live, isn't it? *grin*
Let's hope they or you don't ever move. Looks good, though! No more socks for Bravie.
Perfect! Exactly what I would have pictured on you. :)
Looks great!
Cute, cute. I too have heard the ankle is quite painful.
Nice tattoo, even though I really don't understand Team Love.
I am a total wimp, Jen. They kept calling me a pansy. *giggle*
*kicks Arkie*
I think everyone should get a tattoo. We could have a massive peep meet, tattoo weekend. *grin*
Even if the 49ers move or whatever, I'm okay with the tattoo. I'll consider it my tribute to the team that I have loved forever. :)
I would be up for that type of peep meet!
I'm not really an ink girl, but I do like that.
I'm not a tattoo person (I can't stand when I get pen on my hands and am sort of weirdly obsessive about washing it off as quickly as possible) but that's a very fun, cute tattoo. If I were to suddenly lose my issues with being written-upon, that's the sort of tat I'd get.
I am going for a neck tat next week.
(and if you believe that, than I have a bridge to see to you.)
You should really come out here for an ink session with Nathaniel. I just bought him some twisty markers and I am sure he would love to color on you (while you ash on his head and ignore him like you did in Boston last summer.)
Inquiring minds want to know...did you see any cows at the Cow Palace?
I keep reading this as results of the cow patty. *grin* I can't imagine why I would.
I love it! I've always liked those anklet types of tats. I've also heard how painful it is getting it done on the ankle. Ouchie!
Did Michelle get a tat?
Michelle didn't get a new tat. She just had an old one redone a bit.
She had a small heart on her wrist for Joan Jett. She had it made larger and not as symetrical(sp) as the old one.
We now interrupt this regularly scheduled blog post to tell you about the breaking news.
Today the Brady Bunch Complete Series 21 DVD Disc set is being released.
That is all. We now return you to your regularly scheduled blog post.
That deserves a post of it's own.
What happens when you wake up and realize the Niners SUCK???????
*glare* Why do you think that they only charged me half price for the thing. LOL
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