I like to argue just for the sake of arguing. I really should have been a lawyer because I don't even have to believe in what I am arguing sometimes. And sometimes my assholiness just amuses me. It's the little things in life that keep me truckin along. *grin*
I disagree.
*waits for argument*
Like most of us don't already know this? Dork.
I think maybe you enjoy making someone on the boards cry. But that's just a guess. :)
So who'd you piss off now?
Ohh, I hope I didn't make anybody cry.
I piss people off all the time, Momma. Nobody in particular this time. I just like to argue sometimes for no reason. :)
Um, no MM, you agree with me. *stomp*
Augie? When have I ever argued with you? huh? when?
Are you referring to an OT post? Cause there is something there that got my goat.
Anyone ever hear of sock puppets? It's a thing people do on message boards. A poster will create an alternate ID to agree with them or to say stuff that they as the established poster would never say.
What got your goat?
I'm no longer letting things get my goat there.
Who do you think the sock puppet is? You can PM me if you don't want to answer here.
No I'll say it. I think it is mattben. I don't know whose sock puppet though.
Someone else had a theory about Mattben being a sock puppet, based on his sigpic. But I don't think it's who she thought, for a lot of reasons.
I just looked at the sig pic. Deer Hunter? *grin*
Screen name is funny though. Reminds me of Matt Damon and Ben Affleck mashed up.
That was the guess, yes. But the posting style isn't the same and the name in their profile is different. I know those things can be changed but my gut isn't telling me that it is him. I could totally be wrong of course. But since I like to argue, even if I am wrong, I won't admit it. *grin*
Yeah I don't think it is him.
He was nice wasn't he?
I just like "assholiness."
It's like being holy, with ass.
You can be assholier than thou.
I didn't get much sleep last night. Sleep-deprived-posting is like drunk posting without the drunk.
Now's the perfect tiemt o have another Fodis!
Maybe I will change my blog title to Your Royal Assholiness.
I have no comment about Deerhunter. :)
As long as you remember they are pixels.
I used to think Ante was a sock puppet.
A lot of us thought Ante was a sock puppet. I really don't think so anymore though.
OMG, Chris, is that you?
And apparently I wasn't on OT enough yesterday.
LOL at Mr. Softee. Someone is REALLY having identity problems this week.
LMAO. I love you guys, you know that right?
Who is this Breezy that you speak of? *head tilt*
The sky is blue, unless it's nighttime or it's raining.
Wanna argue that?'s like talking to one of my students.
But why is the ocean blue?
*runs over to trash Breezy's blog*
It's blue because of all the blueberry jello mix we dumped into it. Get some vodka and have a party!
Interesting. I'd never heard of a sock puppet before. See? Bravie's blog is educational as well as fun to read!
Breezy? She's the one who rarely updates.
I was just thinking today that I thought Mattben was a recycled poster. Never heard of a sock puppet, before. Funnily enough, when I saw his sig pic, it made me think of deer hunter too!
Please, someone remind me that I'm not the board police.
If I convince you that you ARE the police, will you handcuff me?
What needs policing now, Arks? I'll go over there and put my foot in my mouth if I have to. *grin*
I can be your deputy.
Sheriff Arkie and her sidekick, Deputy Bravie.
Only if I get to use my nightstick on you, too. *grin*
I'm being nit-picky, but in the guidelines, it states that you can only use one line of text underneath your sigpic. Newsome wayne is using a quote that is 4 or 5 lines.
Well I think the Lord said he could.
Arkie, so night an issue you should even be concerned with. Let the blue peeps stress.
That sentence makes no damn sense, Kim. Have you been drinking? *head tilt* *grin*
I'm off to the bank. Hav ea good weekend, all.
FWIW, I clicked on ONE thread and found SEVEN posters violating the "one line of text" guideline.
And I can't figure out why mattben would be a sock puppet, unless he posted something on another thread - not the one he started.
Sock puppet? LOL never heard of that before. I see that screen name though and I think "Lord Mountbatten." I don't know why :D
somebody please explain "sock puppet" to me. I'm not very bright and I haven't been around much for pretty much all of June. Email me. Please. I don't like being confused.
You like to argue? Who knew?
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