Tuesday, July 17, 2007

For MM

My Randoms:

1. I just started to read Geek Love. Holy crap what a fucked up family. But I like it so far.
2. Friday I am going to see my good boss's band play at a club near my house.
3. Saturday morning I start my two day complete body cleanse. Must stay close to home is what the lady at GNC told me. *giggle*
4. I am baking some talapia fish right now. I've never had it before. I hope it's good.
5. I have started a power walk/jogging routine. Started last week. I hate it but have to do it to lose some weight.
6. I leave for Vegas in about 3 weeks. Can't wait.
7. Work is so so. Not as bad as before but still not great.
8. The Giants lost last Saturday but it is the best game that I have been to all year.
9. This is my favorite number so I will end with #9. Plus the timer went off and my dinner is done. :)


Blogger MM said...

Awww! *smooch*

1. Geek Love, eh? Maybe reading something like that would make me feel better about my own family.

2. Have fun on Friday!

3. Ick. Cleansing diets sound like no fun.

4. Umm. No comment.

5. Wow, good for you. I need to start walking again, too. Are you doing it alone?

6. One can never go wrong with a trip to Vegas.

7. Meh.

8. I still want to get to a real ball game. It's been years since I've seen the Giants.

9. 9 is my worst number.

10. Therefore, I'll end on a 10. :P

7/17/2007 5:16 PM  
Blogger Schnookie said...

What is Geek Love?

Good thing you have two bathrooms LOL.

I like talapia. It's pretty much the only white fish I can get at my grocery store that doesn't cost a mint.

Good for you on the power walking. I need to get on the treadmill.

Yay Vegas!

So glad to hear that work isn't as bad as it was.


7/17/2007 5:36 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Geek love is a story about a circus family. The parents want circus freak children so they decide that the Mom will take illicit drugs throughout her pregnancy to create circus freak children. And that is indeed what they get. Weird ass story, I tell ya.
Michelle and I walk/run some days together. Other days, she goes to her excercise classes and I do the walk on my own.
MM, let me know if you really want to go to a game. Michelle's dad has season tickets so I can pretty much pick the games I want to go to.
Yeah Nooks, I was surprised at how cheap it was. I usually buy salmon and wanted to switch it up this time. I got twice the amount of fish for half the price of the salmon. And was it ever yummy. :)

7/17/2007 5:45 PM  
Blogger Schnookie said...

How did you cook the tilapia?

7/17/2007 6:17 PM  
Blogger Kimmah said...

9 is MY favorite number, too. are you sure we're not the same person? oh, wait, fish? that shit's nasty. i hate seafood.

i do love me a random list, though.

*runs to steal idea and plaster it on blog*

7/17/2007 6:22 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

I coated it in garlic infused olive oil and then squeezed a fresh lemon over it. Sprinkled it with a couple of different spices, topped it with fresh onion and baked it. :)
Oh, I had brussel sprouts as my veggie with it. *grin* I love the sprouts. I cut those in half and fry the hell out of them in a little bit of garlic/olive oil until they are blackened on the outside.

7/17/2007 6:22 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Kimmah, we could be twins except for that whole lesbian/straight girl difference.

7/17/2007 6:23 PM  
Blogger Schnookie said...

I had a craving for brussel sprouts on the weekend but didn't buy any. DH doesn't like them. I should get some this weekend.

I usually marinate my tilapia in teriyaki sauce and put shallots on top and grill it in the oven. It is a good fish isn't it?

That book sounds really wacky!

7/17/2007 6:32 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

teriyaki is my favorite flavor on earth. I normally cook and marinate everything in it. But since I'm trying to lose weight I decided against it because of the sodium content.
Wacky doesn't even begin to describe it. Did I mention the the book is narrated by one of those offspring? She is a bald, albino, hunchback dwarf. Even I couldn't ahve made this stuff up. *snort*

7/17/2007 6:38 PM  
Blogger Schnookie said...

the book isn't fiction?

7/17/2007 7:20 PM  
Blogger momma said...

OMG.I think I'd get too emotional reading that book.
That will be fun! What kind of band?
Oh ew.
Hm. I've heard tilapia is good. Unfortunately, no one else in the house much likes fish.
I desperately need to start walking. The kids have been asking to start walks again in the evenings. I just need to get off my lazy butt.
Fun! Are you going to see any shows?
Glad work has improved. How's the stress level?
I saw that. I thought about you during the sports news Saturday night.

7/17/2007 7:29 PM  
Blogger Breezy said...

See? You should listen to me more often. I told you tilapia is good. *grin*

(notice I spelt it right)

7/18/2007 5:04 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Talapia, tilapia...

J's band plays surfer music. Not my type of music but his band is really good and it never hurts to support the boss. He said I got extra points for bringing friends and double points if they were lesbians. *snort*
I'm bring a straight friend and a lesbian friend. Yay for extra points. :)

7/18/2007 5:31 AM  
Blogger momma said...

Surfer music like the Beach Boys or like Jimmy Buffet? Do you get to wear a hula skirt? What about a lei?

7/18/2007 5:48 AM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

*power walks into blog*

Ewww, cleansing. Isn't that what new age weirdos do?

I need to go check out everyone's Good Reads updates. I'm finishing Middlesex tonight. I need to go post a discussion thread on OT.

7/18/2007 6:35 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

What took you so long? I finished Middlesex last week and then finished Lovely Bones a couple of days ago. Ya slacker. *grin*

7/18/2007 6:39 AM  
Blogger Breezy said...

*sigh* I still need to go get Middlesex.

7/18/2007 6:48 AM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

I was busy having obscene amounts of fun in Seattle. *sticks tongue out*

7/18/2007 6:59 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Bitch. :)
Breeze? I would send you the book but my Mom just borrowed it yesterday.

7/18/2007 7:01 AM  
Blogger Kimmah said...

lesbian/straight is simply code for yin/yang in this case.

i still hate fish, though.

7/18/2007 11:25 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

In that case, I will eat your fish, Kimmah.

7/18/2007 11:25 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Perhaps that didn't come out how I had intended.

7/18/2007 11:26 AM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

Yes it did.

7/18/2007 12:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Maybe I will read Geek Love. That sounds like a fun book, and we are getting ready for some serious stuff in the next few weeks.

2. What kind of music?

3. Saturday I am heading to the beach. Hopefully you will be able to open windows. And hopefully Michelle does not have to stay home with you.

4. Me no likey fish.

5. Yay for you! I walked 5 miles on Tuesday morning. But I haven't done anything else this week.

6. *pout*

7. Yay!

8. I would like to go to a Giants game, but after the whole Barry thing dies down.

9. I think J. D. Drew was Number 9 when he was a Brave.

7/19/2007 5:58 AM  
Blogger Swami said...

I love all fish! (<---not Code.) Especially tilapia and lake trout, which is in season right now. A nice white fish makes salmon seem all greasy, doesn't it?

I may try Geek Love. (Off to Amazon for a look-see.)

I bought a box of complete body cleanse from GNC in January. Then I read all the directions and stuff. Box is still sitting on my shelf! I'll be curious to hear all about the proceedure and your outcome. No matter how gross. Heh.

7/19/2007 6:20 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Last night Michelle said to me "I don't want to hear the details of what comes out of you when you do the cleanse. I don't want to come and look at it, I don't want you to describe it. I don't want to hear any part of it"
I stood there with a blank look on my face for about 30 seconds before I said "You're kidding, right? YOU expect ME not to tell you about the colors and shapes and sounds that will be coming out of me?" We both stood there with a blank look on our faces and then broke out into complete hysterics.
She agreed that that probably was not going to happen so she has prepared herself.
*snoooort* I have the best girlfriend in the world.

7/19/2007 6:27 AM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

LOL-I'm glad you both accepted the futility of her statement.

7/19/2007 6:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you thought about starting this on Friday afternoon or evening as opposed to Saturday morning? That may make the effects less likely to carry through until Monday.

7/19/2007 11:33 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

That's what I originally wanted to do. But I'm going to see my boss play in his band on Friday night and the last thing I want is for that stuff to kick in when I am in a bar. I already warned them that if I am still pooping my brains out on Monday, that I'm not coming in. *grin*

7/19/2007 11:35 AM  
Blogger Dave Clapper said...

I LOVE "Geek Love." One of my all-time favorite books. I heard recently that she's working on another novel, entitled "Cutman." Sounds like this one may be about boxing.

7/19/2007 1:35 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

It certainly is entertaining, Dave. So far I'm really liking it. I wish my GF was a reader. I told her this was one she would like. We both enjoyed the movie "Freaks" and this is very much like that.

7/19/2007 1:40 PM  
Blogger yvonne said...

At the risk of being laughed at, I am beyond excited because my Harry Potter book will be delivered on Saturday.

*waits for the scorn*

But! I just got Middlesex and the newest Joan Hess book -- Damsels in Distress.

7/19/2007 4:57 PM  

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