Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Peppermint Patties and Diet 7-UP

I'm not sure if there is a connection or not but Jim has only been back at work one day and already the toilet paper at work has improved. It's like each roll has come to life and grown a second layer. God Bless Jim and his power over the toilet paper.

It was in the mid 70's and sunny at my office. My front door is exactly 14 miles from my reserved parking spot at work. Unfortunately, it's 14 miles north and sits directly under the fog roll. It's freaking cold and foggy here. I'm not blessing Mother Nature. She's a moody bitch.

We need to shave my pussy again. Last summer we shaved her. I posted a picture of how unhappy she was. But damnit, she is all dreadlocky again. Why can't she clean herself regularly like all the other pussies in the world? God bless the mother cats who taught their babies to clean.

Vanilla vodka is the drink made in heaven. God Bless Mr. Smirnoff and Mr. Stoli.

Why doesn't the hair on my legs turn gray like it does in other places on my body? Same goes for eyebrows. That seems very odd to me. I'm not blessing anyone here.

I wonder if the movie Ocean's 14 ever gets made if they will let me join the cast. Robbing casinos looks like so much fun. And I would get to hang out with George Clooney, Brad Pitt and Matt Damon. I may even let all three of them take advantage of me. God bless Vanilla Vodka.

and finally we get to Peppermint Patties and Diet 7-UP. Because I am sure ya'll have been on the edge of your seats waiting to see what the title had to do with this post. They make terrible bedfellows. It's like brushing your teeth and then drinking orange juice. Bleck. Now I want to go and buy another Peppermint Patti because the first one was ruined. I bet it would have been okay if I had put vanilla vodka in the 7-UP. God Bless Vanilla Vodka.

And Bless Debscapfan. Cuz she dissed Jbug in her blog. And that makes me happy. God Bless Vanilla Vodka.

Have a Safe and Sane 4th everybody. Well, safe anyhow.


Blogger Asrai said...

I adore you to pieces, Carey!

7/03/2007 4:19 PM  
Blogger mtw said...

I am about ready to diss some OT'ers on my blog because I can't do it on OT and they are pissing me off.

I made two comments on OT (that I remember) and thoroughly enjoyed both of them. :)

I love 4th of July except for the fireworks and everything. Actually, I guess 4th of July ranks right up there with Halloween as least favorite holidays. At least we get a day off of work.

7/03/2007 4:51 PM  
Blogger mtw said...

And I have a headache right now. :(

7/03/2007 4:51 PM  
Blogger mtw said...

Bravie, I was just trying to click on the link to your blog. I was stunned that you don't have yourself linked! It took me a few seconds to realize I didn't need a link because I was already there! LOL.

7/03/2007 4:53 PM  
Blogger mtw said...

I have never tried vanilla vodka. Right now, I'm trying to finish off what's in my liquor cabinet. Lately I've been drinking Gimlets - gin and lime juice.

Well, okay, I've had exactly ONE and it was a couple days ago. I might have another tonight. I have not started drinking yet, FYI. Still at work.

7/03/2007 4:54 PM  
Blogger mtw said...

I'm beginning to feel a little like Boo.

7/03/2007 4:54 PM  
Blogger lights said...

Not only has Jim fixed the toilet paper situation, I think he's brought the best of Carey back. For that, please give Jim a big ole smoooch from me. *grin*

Happy 4th Sunshine! Does this mean I have to actually work tomorrow instead of emailing you? *giggle*

7/03/2007 5:36 PM  
Blogger Coco said...

I miss you.

7/03/2007 5:47 PM  
Blogger Kimmah said...

i need to try the vanilla vodka. and god needs to smite geg and put me out of my misery.

7/03/2007 6:04 PM  
Blogger Puffy said...

It's sort of like eating some chocolate and then brushing your teeth. It wastes the good taste of the chocolate.

7/03/2007 7:54 PM  
Blogger Aislinn Sirk said...

I had something witty to post here but I forgot what it was.

Ah well it likely wasn't too witty anyhow.

Enjoy Fireworks!

7/04/2007 7:17 AM  
Blogger Breezy said...

I've got tequila slush! God bless tequila.


7/04/2007 7:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck.

God bless the obvious.

I like this post very much.

(Your post, not mine)

7/04/2007 7:53 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

*snort* I like your post, Boo Boo. *giggle* Thank you for clearing up my confusion.
I'm still shocked that you called Kimmah a moron, Mark. *trouble making grin*
*smooches* to Steph.
Lights, you did a fine job of still emailing me. Keep it up. *smooch*
Kimmah, we need a smite list. Jbug first on my list.
Puffy, I would brush my teeth because I don't like chocolate. *makes icky face*
Bob, it's okay, we're used to you being resurved an unwitty. :P
Breezy, unless you are sharing with me, I don't want to hear about the slushie. I hope you make that for our road trip though. *snort* Thelma and Louise on on Agave. :)

7/04/2007 10:34 AM  
Blogger Glowie said...

LOL. You are so cute. God Bless Vanilla Vodka indeed. *smooch*

7/04/2007 11:06 AM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

Peppermint patties are uber-licious, but there's not much you can drink after them that won't taste gross.

Except vanilla vodka, of course. :-)

7/04/2007 12:19 PM  
Blogger mtw said...

I don't get it. Why is Boo f*cking in your blog? *head tilt*

7/04/2007 2:23 PM  
Blogger yvonne said...

God bless us, everyone!


7/04/2007 6:09 PM  
Blogger Breezy said...

oopsie, need to make more tequila slush for Kimmer. *burp*

7/05/2007 5:10 AM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

*hurl* That combo sounds gross.

I would also like to be in Oceans 14. Perhaps we can be cast as hotdoggers and drive the Weinermobile, which would be part of the elaborate heist. Shall we make an appoitment with the writers to pitch the idea?

Vanilla vodka + cranberry juice=dessert.

7/05/2007 6:52 AM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

Breezy...you promised there would be special slush. *puppy dog eyes*

7/05/2007 6:53 AM  
Blogger Breezy said...

Don't fear! I'm stopping on the way home to buy the stuff for another batch. *big grin*

7/05/2007 7:00 AM  
Blogger Swami said...

*adds vanilla vodka to shopping list*

Bravie, I have long wondered what people would look like if we had full fur pelts instead of wispy body hair. My family is full of blonde-haired, red-bearded men (and vice versa.)

Would there be people with, like, tabby stipplings on their backs? Black & tan people (think Doberman here)? Tom would have a big white Collie ruff around his neck since his neck hair and upper chest hair have gone completely white while the rest of him is black, brown and gray.

I think I would be a Calico. Maybe you are a ginger tabby?

7/05/2007 8:58 AM  
Blogger Debcapsfan said...

Yay, I was blessed! *hops up and down*

7/05/2007 11:49 AM  
Blogger Zombs said...

How did I miss this? You are histerical you know that?

I could have told you that about peppermint patties though.

7/06/2007 5:11 AM  

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