Friday, October 31, 2008

Week One

I am soooo glad to have the first week under my belt. I really don't think I was mentally prepared for what that first day was going to bring. So yeah, day one sucked horribly.
But as many wise peeps advised me, it got a little bit better each and every day. By Friday I was starting to feel a bit more comfortable.
I'm not great at interacting with strangers so as the week went by and I got to know people a little bit more I was feeling more comfortable.
I am used to an open floorplan at work and I am used to a smaller office with just a few of us. Adapting to having different departments just for the office staff has been strange. The part of the office where I work houses about 10 people and it is separated by a partition. Through another door has about 7 or 8 more and upstairs is the sales force, HR and accounting. I share a large "cubicle" with two guys. One is about 55 years old from the East Coast, a diehard Republican (who voted for Obama), he is married and has two grown children in college. My other close coworker is a kid who is in his mid 20's, he's from Grand Rapids, MI (waves to Breezy), he is single and just has the most fun in life. I call him a young Bohemian. I came out to him on Friday. I knew it would be safe. He told me that this other guy in our department was gay, too. Whew, got that out and out of the way and I have no real worries anymore when people ask if I am married.
I found out that the company has a Christmas Party every year. It's been 25 years since I worked for a company that had a Christmas party. and I get to bring Michelle. I forget that working for larger companies like this affords such things as picnics and parties and gatherings that are company sponsored.
They are not as strict as the handbook says they are. But I really knew that already. We can get up and take breaks when we want just as long as we aren't abusing things. And even though I won't be able to play on OT during the day anymore, I'll be able to check my email here and there during the day once I get my email addy set up. They are also flexible about doctor's appointments and calling in sick and taking a little longer than an hour for lunch if needed every once in awhile.
I haven't figured out the neighborhood yet. My friend Sandra is going to come down at some point and take me out to lunch and show me around. She used to work one block up and she lives in the City so she is very familiar with the area. San Francisco is very interesting in that one block can be as hoity toity as they come and you can turn the corner and instantly be in a neighborhood where you don't want to be. I am at the foot of Potrero Hill. So it will be nice to have her show me where to and not to wander during lunch periods. :)
That's it. The people are nice and have made me feel comfortable. Twice this week the President of the company told me he was really happy to have me on board. THAT I am not used to.
Once I get my bearings on how to work their system, I think, I hope, this is going to be a good fit for me. If not, at least I am giving it my best. But I do hope that it is going to be a good fit. For week one, I am liking it so far.


Blogger yvonne said...

Bingo? *snorts*

*points at the two nerds*


11/01/2008 3:49 AM  
Blogger arkie said...

If I hadn't read your place holder post, I'd really be concerned about Yvonne right now. *grin*

I'm glad you're feeling more comfortable in the new work place. I really think this is going to be a great move for you.

Next week's going to be weird for me at work. Our new boss starts Monday.

11/01/2008 8:45 AM  
Blogger Breezy said...

Grand Rapids? *snort* small world, eh?

*smooch* So glad things got better. Just like I said they would.

11/01/2008 2:53 PM  
Blogger Swami said...

All in all, that sound like a purty darn good first week! I think you're gonna like this job!

I think most companies let people receive personal emails so long as they are not real time-consuming. I know Tom's IT people at the bank have an automated monitoring system that looks for certain words or phrases in private emails and alerts a human being if the autocheck is triggered. I can't remember what all the words are, but swearing and sex words are part of it.

Glad the coming out went easy. I guess in a new place you just never really know, eh?

The bank cut back on their Christmas & other parties a few years ago. No more steak & floor shows & paid comedians & ritzy door prizes. Just talkity-talk. Bor-ring.

11/01/2008 3:07 PM  
Blogger lights said...

We are such wise asses! *grin*

I knew you'd be fine. My first week was a lot like yours except I didn't come out to a co-worker. *hugs the Gay Girl*

I too went from a small company to a large one with curling bonspeils and Christmas Parties. Lately, I spend more time socially with my work friends than with my old friends although we have done a few things with everyone together.

For the first year I didn't even check the weather online. *snicker* Now I check my hotmail all the time, send personal emails on my work account and even sneak into OT when totally bored.

This is going to change your life for the better just like my escape from Mean Jean did for me. I'm so happy for you!

11/01/2008 3:36 PM  
Blogger yvonne said...

No fair removing the placeholder, especially since I commented on it.


Anywho...glad the week turned out well. *smooch*

11/01/2008 6:03 PM  
Blogger Buggy said...

It will keep getting better and better, you will feel more comfortable and confident with a little time.
Sounds like a good place to work!

Yay Bravie!

11/02/2008 4:55 AM  
Blogger Puffy said...

This is a happy post. And I'm happy for you.

11/02/2008 11:54 AM  
Blogger Tummy said...

*smile - I bet this week is even better than last!

11/03/2008 6:57 AM  
Blogger CQ said...

Well, no coffee cans have been thrown so I guess all is good, right?

11/03/2008 1:07 PM  
Blogger Pam said...

I'm glad you're adapting to your new workplace! I do miss you during the day though. :)

11/03/2008 1:19 PM  
Blogger MM said...

LOL! I'm glad I saw the placeholder too. I'm glad I waited to comment. *giggle*

I can't wait to hear your summary after a few more weeks have passed. I bet you'll be wondering how you survived anywhere else.


11/03/2008 9:18 PM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

*hop* I'm so happy to hear this.

Isn't it great to have a work holiday party to attend? We never have one, but this year there is talk of Chris's work having one at the grill your own steak place. Yay!

11/04/2008 6:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I knew it would get better. Can't wait for the one month summary.

11/04/2008 8:00 AM  

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