A funny thought this morning
I'm sure it has been brought up somewhere and already been discussed but it just popped up in my head this morning and made me giggle.
My guess is that most of the people who voted yes on proposition 8 are presumably conservatives. Aren't conservatives the ones who are sooooo strong in their stance on gun rights? The right to bear arms? Aren't they the ones running out buying up a ton of guns because they fear that Obama is going to take away their rights to have guns. (I know not all guns, that's not my point).
It will be interesting for me (and many people) to watch as these conservatives all have their panties in a wad if they have their right to bear arms stripped from them.
I am in NO way anti gun. I strongly believe that we all have the right to own a gun if we so choose. But I tell you this, since I do not own a gun and never will, it won't affect me. So I would vote for any proposition, and I will back any law that is going to take people's rights to own guns. Purely out of spite.
How sad is that. That the backers of Prop H8 have me in such a state that I want revenge and I want to sink to their level.
Because I am also taking joy in the fact that there is now a fight to strip the Mormon church of their tax free status. Hey!! dumb ass Mormons, guess what? You don't get to dabble in politics and then remain tax exempt. Looks like you possibly could have shot yourself in the foot on this one. I hope so. You deserve it.
To all of the straight white men who voted yes on H8: I can't blame you. You have never been oppressed so you don't know what it is like to 1) not have equal rights and 2) have your rights taken away. I forgive you.
To all of the straight white women who voted yes on H8: Have you forgotten that it wasn't until 1920 that YOU were given the right to vote? Have you forgotten about women's suffrage? Here is a link in case you have forgotten that you were oppressed at one time. http://tinyurl.com/yoe5nl
I have a little trouble forgiving you.
To All of the Jewish people who voted yes on H8: Auschwitz. I feel no need to say more. I have a lot of trouble forgiving you.
To all of the Black?African American people who voted yes on H8: How can you look at yourself in the mirror, stare back at your dark skin color and live with yourself. It was only 143 years ago that YOUR ancestors were slaves. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_the_United_States
Have you forgotten about Apartheid? The definition means "separation" or "being apart". HAVE YOU FUCKING FORGOTTEN?
How about the fact that it was just 1954 when you were allowed to marry white people. You notice that I did not say that blacks and whites were allowed to marry each other. That makes it seem as if both blacks and whites were victims. Bullshit. You, the person of color, was the victim. It says that YOU were ALLOWED to marry a white person.
Here is another link for you to see the battles that YOUR people have fought. http://www.duke.edu/~kac18/CritStudies/race.html
I say your people because you always use that argument when you fail. The white man is holding down your people. Take a look at my link to see what YOUR people have had to fight for. And 70% of you voted yes on the proposition. I say shame on you!!! Shame on you!!!
To our government: Where is our separation of church and state? Church wrote this bill, mostly funded this bill and endorsed it in writing to their members, telling them to back this proposition. Are you really going to let them get away with this?
A common complaint used from the anti gay activists is about how horrible gays are. We are sick and perverted. But the one I find most interesting is the argument about how horrible we are because we are so promiscuous. We sleep around with different people, never committing to one person etc. etc. Well, um, have you thought about how YOU are hindering us from that? You complain on one hand that we are promiscuous but on the other hand you are fighting against our right to join in marriage. You want to protect marriage? Write in a proposition that outlaws divorce. Divorce is more damaging to marriage than, well, gay marriage. Do ya get it?
As a gay woman all I ask for is equality. I want nothing special, nothing more than anybody else. Just equal. I don't want to feel divided or separate. I want all of us, black/white/other/gay/straight/other/Catholic/Jewish/other/male/female/other, to come together as a nation of human beings and respect each other.
But do you see all of that written up there? *points up to entire entry*, it's full of anger and hurt and it is YOUR behavior that has made feel separated from all of you. And I now feel that it is us against you. I resent that you have made me feel this way. (even though I take ownership of my feelings). I listed some groups of people, SEPARATELY, because those groups of people want it that way.
My guess is that most of the people who voted yes on proposition 8 are presumably conservatives. Aren't conservatives the ones who are sooooo strong in their stance on gun rights? The right to bear arms? Aren't they the ones running out buying up a ton of guns because they fear that Obama is going to take away their rights to have guns. (I know not all guns, that's not my point).
It will be interesting for me (and many people) to watch as these conservatives all have their panties in a wad if they have their right to bear arms stripped from them.
I am in NO way anti gun. I strongly believe that we all have the right to own a gun if we so choose. But I tell you this, since I do not own a gun and never will, it won't affect me. So I would vote for any proposition, and I will back any law that is going to take people's rights to own guns. Purely out of spite.
How sad is that. That the backers of Prop H8 have me in such a state that I want revenge and I want to sink to their level.
Because I am also taking joy in the fact that there is now a fight to strip the Mormon church of their tax free status. Hey!! dumb ass Mormons, guess what? You don't get to dabble in politics and then remain tax exempt. Looks like you possibly could have shot yourself in the foot on this one. I hope so. You deserve it.
To all of the straight white men who voted yes on H8: I can't blame you. You have never been oppressed so you don't know what it is like to 1) not have equal rights and 2) have your rights taken away. I forgive you.
To all of the straight white women who voted yes on H8: Have you forgotten that it wasn't until 1920 that YOU were given the right to vote? Have you forgotten about women's suffrage? Here is a link in case you have forgotten that you were oppressed at one time. http://tinyurl.com/yoe5nl
I have a little trouble forgiving you.
To All of the Jewish people who voted yes on H8: Auschwitz. I feel no need to say more. I have a lot of trouble forgiving you.
To all of the Black?African American people who voted yes on H8: How can you look at yourself in the mirror, stare back at your dark skin color and live with yourself. It was only 143 years ago that YOUR ancestors were slaves. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_the_United_States
Have you forgotten about Apartheid? The definition means "separation" or "being apart". HAVE YOU FUCKING FORGOTTEN?
How about the fact that it was just 1954 when you were allowed to marry white people. You notice that I did not say that blacks and whites were allowed to marry each other. That makes it seem as if both blacks and whites were victims. Bullshit. You, the person of color, was the victim. It says that YOU were ALLOWED to marry a white person.
Here is another link for you to see the battles that YOUR people have fought. http://www.duke.edu/~kac18/CritStudies/race.html
I say your people because you always use that argument when you fail. The white man is holding down your people. Take a look at my link to see what YOUR people have had to fight for. And 70% of you voted yes on the proposition. I say shame on you!!! Shame on you!!!
To our government: Where is our separation of church and state? Church wrote this bill, mostly funded this bill and endorsed it in writing to their members, telling them to back this proposition. Are you really going to let them get away with this?
A common complaint used from the anti gay activists is about how horrible gays are. We are sick and perverted. But the one I find most interesting is the argument about how horrible we are because we are so promiscuous. We sleep around with different people, never committing to one person etc. etc. Well, um, have you thought about how YOU are hindering us from that? You complain on one hand that we are promiscuous but on the other hand you are fighting against our right to join in marriage. You want to protect marriage? Write in a proposition that outlaws divorce. Divorce is more damaging to marriage than, well, gay marriage. Do ya get it?
As a gay woman all I ask for is equality. I want nothing special, nothing more than anybody else. Just equal. I don't want to feel divided or separate. I want all of us, black/white/other/gay/straight/other/Catholic/Jewish/other/male/female/other, to come together as a nation of human beings and respect each other.
But do you see all of that written up there? *points up to entire entry*, it's full of anger and hurt and it is YOUR behavior that has made feel separated from all of you. And I now feel that it is us against you. I resent that you have made me feel this way. (even though I take ownership of my feelings). I listed some groups of people, SEPARATELY, because those groups of people want it that way.
*swoon* You're so cute when you're being smaht.
You know, this has got to be one of the most logical arguments I've heard in a long time in support of gay marraige. I'm just sad that the morons who voted for Prop8 won't see it or hear it.
And by the way, I like my gun rights very much :) I'd be glad to share them with you if it'd help. Yeah...not really funny was it? Unfortunately, I agree with you. That's probably what it would take for some people to wake up and realize that ALL people should have the SAME rights regardless of age, race, skin color or sexual orientation.
I've sent you an email. *smooch*
But I forgot to say something about this: "Write in a proposition that outlaws divorce."
OH.HELL.NO. Let's not go to extremes, 'mkay? I cannot imagine what my current life would be like if I was still legally tied to that SFB I married.
Fiesty one. I agree with you of course. I tried to explain this to Rudy the other day before the thread was locked, I don't know if he saw it or not.
Honestly, I think that a lot of people really overlook the fact that this whole thing is a denial of someone else's rights.
I used you this weekend Bravie. My sister was up and we (the family, who is evenly split between conservative Rep and liberal Dems) were having this discussion. The consensus from the Reps was "what's the big deal". So I used you (though I did not name names :) ). By the end of the conversation, I think people got it.
And I agree with everything about your post.
Well written, Bravie. Zombs quoted Niemöller, which was also very appropriate.
I hate that many churches take active political stances, and agree that if they urge people to vote in certain ways then they should not be tax-exempt.
Very well thought and and well said. I've been out of the loop I guess cause I didn't realize the Mormons were backing this. I agree that if churches are going to stick their nose in politics then they should lose their tax exemptions.
Well said.
I think you should pen a law that if only straight people can get married, then only gay people should be allowed to have guns. Seems fair to me.
What an incredibly well written post.
And more people should see it.
Have you thought about sending this into your newspaper as an open letter?
I totally agree with MC.
Well said, and I also agree with MC. Send the letter to the editor.
*waves to "Bravie the brave"*
That was very well written. I like MC's idea. Clean it up and send it to your local newspaper.
Post the clean version and let us all send it to our local papers. Not that H8 is a hot topic here in Canada, but I think the message of acceptance is bigger than just gay rights in California.
And don't worry - we wouldn't use your real name. I would sign it Brave Knockers from Frisco.
I love what Melissa Ethridge had to say on this:
"Okay. So Prop 8 passed. Alright, I get it. 51% of you think that I am a second class citizen. Alright then. So my wife, uh I mean, roommate? Girlfriend? Special lady friend? You are gonna have to help me here because I am not sure what to call her now. Anyways, she and I are not allowed the same right under the state constitution as any other citizen. Okay, so I am taking that to mean I do not have to pay my state taxes because I am not a full citizen. I mean that would just be wrong, to make someone pay taxes and not give them the same rights, sounds sort of like that taxation without representation thing from the history books.
Okay, cool I don't mean to get too personal here but there is a lot I can do with the extra half a million dollars that I will be keeping instead of handing it over to the state of California. Oh, and I am sure Ellen will be a little excited to keep her bazillion bucks that she pays in taxes too. Wow, come to think of it, there are quite a few of us fortunate gay folks that will be having some extra cash this year. What recession? We're gay! I am sure there will be a little box on the tax forms now single, married, divorced, gay, check here if you are gay, yeah, that's not so bad. Of course all of the waiters and hairdressers and UPS workers and gym teachers and such, they won't have to pay their taxes either."
PAMF is what I say. I was so sad to see this pass.
I thought I commented on this earlier. Old age must be setting in.
This disgusts me as well. I love the Melissa comments. Thanks for posting that, Weltek.
No matter how hard I try, I can not comprehend how truly stupid some people are. WAKE UP AMERICA!
Nicely written, Carey. I forwarded this to Kelly, too.
Just popping in to say I love you, Careydoodle! We drove by the LA rally and took a few pics as we drove past and hooted and hollered, too! I wanted to go, but my step dad is still weird about it. It's all good, though.....he's coming around.
*raises fist in solidarity*
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