Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I love this blog

If you want to see true and real bigotry, you gotta go here. He even references gay marriage as being the same as marrying children and animals. I love the ignorance. I used to get mad at his blog. Now I go there and read because he really does make me laugh. Gays wanting to marry is no different than marrying your dog. *snort* Classic. LMAO


Blogger frodis said...

There go a few minutes of my life that I'll never get back.

11/18/2008 8:25 AM  
Blogger Breezy said...

Sad, ain't it?

11/18/2008 10:20 AM  
Blogger maroonclown said...

Um, wow. Like, wow. Hmmmmm. Wow.

I had no idea. I mean, I knew about others Over There, but this one took me by surprise.

Like I said, Wow.

11/18/2008 11:05 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Part of what makes me laugh is that he has openly admitted to going to sex addicts anonymous because he uses images of women to satisfy himself.
Me thinks he should worry more about his own sex life and marriage and not other people;s.
You have to read his archives. they are a hoot.
He is also the one who preaches that marriage is for procreation. Weird since he and his wife have no children. So shouldn't they annul their marriage? I mean, we are going by HIS book, yes?

11/18/2008 12:09 PM  
Blogger Schnookie said...

Yeah, all that hateful bullshit coming from a self-confessed sexaholic. What a hateful man he is.

11/18/2008 12:27 PM  
Blogger frodis said...

This probably says something about me, more than anything else, but I sincerely have to remind myself that people actually think that way. I can be as big a cynic as anyone, but at the same time it doesn't compute in my brain that anyone actually believes this. That's why I am always slightly surprised that there has to be legislation against discrimination. I just don't get it. I really don't.

I have a hard time understanding that people actually believe that dinosaurs existed only 6000 years ago, too. Does. Not. Compute.

11/18/2008 12:55 PM  
Blogger Breezy said...

*blink blink*

*rubs eyes*

I thought I just saw Nookie.

*looks again*

Holy crap!!! Hi Nookie!!! *waves wildly*

11/18/2008 1:47 PM  
Blogger yvonne said...

Every fiber of my being was saying "don't click the link" and what did I do? I clicked the freakin' link.

Like Frodis, I am in mourning of those minutes I'll never get back and sadly wasted on his blog. ACK!

Also, like Frodis *waves to Frodis* I just cannot process that people think like him. It just boggles my mind. Truly it seems like people who protest that much and that vehemently (like Rudy, too) really are hiding something. Seriously, who cares if Joe is married to Sue or to Jim? What does it matter? But if Joe being married to Jim upsets John so much, it only seems to me that it's because John is jealous. YouknowwhatImean? *snort*

By the way, did anyone see Keith Olbermann's special comment regarding Prop H8? If not it's on his MSNBC homepage. Anyway, it made me love him even more than I already do. *swoon*

AND???? NOOOOOKIE! I've missed you. *smooch*

11/18/2008 2:56 PM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

Wow. I knew he was a bigot, but my eyes started to burn while reading that. I cannot comprehend the ignorance, self-loathing and warped fear that go into becoming that hateful. Does he really believe that the world would be a better place if everyone thought like him? Has he looked at history?

11/19/2008 7:02 AM  
Blogger Jen said...

My favorite part was when he said that the gov't was going to FORCE gay marriage onto HIM. WTF?? No one is going to force you to marry a man, you ignorant fuck. Besides, the gov't only likes to force religion on people. *snort*

11/19/2008 7:05 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

t's amazing to me that he puts so much effort into the anti gay movement. There must be some history with gays with him. I would not be surprised if he has some gay experience in his past and he feels this is his redemption.

11/19/2008 7:10 AM  
Blogger Seana said...


Cygnus was a friend to me after I quit my job and was so alone for a while. This has gone a long way with me. I have warned him before about how he chooses to say things, that he offends me, too, with his statements. I have been trying to come up with a way of saying goodbye without being offensive for some time now. I drafted a huge email last night, which I didn't send. It was easy to send an email the last time because I was upset. But this time, I'm just so disappointed, which to me is much worse than just being upset. And so much more final.

I'm going to have to bite the bullet.


11/19/2008 7:42 AM  
Blogger momma said...

I think I'm just going to sit on the couch with Frodis and Augie/Yvonne. Just wow. I cannot comprehend that type of ignorance, even tho my brain knows that there are people who think and believe that way.

11/19/2008 9:14 AM  
Blogger Tummy said...

I just started sporadically visiting his blog and I guess I was lucky as I stumbled into his talking about the Catholic church and his move.

I didn't know. Like MC, it took me by surprise. As I think you can be passionate about your religion yet compassionate to others. I don't understand the vitriole.

11/19/2008 9:25 AM  
Blogger CQ said...

Well I posted over there but the little warped bigot has to approve it.

My point: there is a big WORLD of difference between a traditionalist and a bigot. He and his fellow rigid Catholic pissants would be the latter.

Funny. Most of the Catholic people in the northeast understand the difference between a Catholic marriage and a civil ceremony of marriage. Most f these friends understand the notion of "live free and die".

If I were him I would more worried about Catholic Priests molesting small children.

11/19/2008 10:56 AM  
Blogger CQ said...

To add: if a church blesses a gay marriage in the house of God, then AMEN, AMEN, AMEN.

11/19/2008 10:59 AM  
Blogger Seana said...

I've commented too. I don't know if he'll post it. It was long and probably too harsh. It took me two days to write.


Just so very disappointing. I don't like having to cut people out of my life like that.

11/19/2008 11:27 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

He is probably the most offensive person I have ever come across.
I believe he hides behind his religion from something. He uses his religion to judge people which makes him a hypocrite.
Sharnina is very religious and in my opinion acts in a manner that he should follow. She does not judge nor act hateful at all. She may be against gay marriage but she is in no way hurtful or hateful about it and I would not consider her to be a bigot. Paul should take a lesson from her because he is what makes people turn away from religion.
He says he is catholic but I believe he is a cult member. Most of his links take you to websites that are very cultish.
Seana, I am sorry that you have lost a friend. I know it hurts even when it is someone as hateful as he is. I truly am sorry for you losing a friend.

11/19/2008 11:56 AM  
Blogger Swami said...

I was in and out of that blog in 3.2 seconds. I have trouble reading stuff that repels my eyeballs. Or even skimming it...

*jumps up & down* NOOKIE! NOOKIE! NOOKIE!

So this would be a bad place to reveal that I once had sexual fantasies about a golden retreiver named Loki? I was only 12, and it ws a confusing time in my life.

11/19/2008 5:28 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

see that he did post your responses. *sigh*
He is really a hateful and bigoted, self righteous man and he doesn't see it. It's too bad because at one time he and I were friends and I thought he was funny. It wasn't until he started to spew hateful words in the name of God that I could no longer be associated with him,

11/19/2008 7:13 PM  
Blogger byoffer said...

Yikes! That is awful. Sounds like some of you know him better than I do (or have read his blog more than I have).

I suspect Seana and I are the only ones around here who have actually met him. I had lunch with he and LadyCub a year or so back when they were in TO. I am very much at the other end of the religious scale from him. It boggled me when sitting down for lunch in a restaurant that he did a great long out-loud prayer. I have never seen that before in a restaurant. The waiter, who had come to take our order, was not sure what to do.

I am not one to talk negatively about people. I am all puppies, pudding and poots, right? But I can't help reading that blog and recalling that Paul was probably one of the strangest people I have ever met. He literally had little conversations with himself while sitting at the table that day.

I can see with an attitude like that how he didn't feel welcome in OT. Have I mentioned lately how much I lvoe OT?

11/20/2008 11:38 AM  
Blogger Glowie said...

yikes. *sits with frodis, Augie and momma*

11/20/2008 11:58 AM  
Blogger Seana said...

Yoffer: Lucky you. When I sat down for coffee with them, LC did all the talking. Even at Christmas over the phone, he always hands me over to her. Whatever. Now I'm all mad because he went all condescending on me again.

11/20/2008 12:08 PM  
Blogger DingusIsTaken said...

I'm sorry his words hurt you Bravie.

I tried offering an angle that at least understands where he's starting from, but when he tries to reduce the priest scandal to a "blemish" I'm not sure how much hope is left.

These are the people in the world that test our ability to love. (At times I've played that role personally.) I sorta think we'll be graded on how we treat the hard-to-love.

PS-started new blog. it's wicked deep-end. would love anyone's input. (happyjames.wordpress.com)

11/28/2008 9:23 AM  
Blogger sharnina said...

Bravie, I love you, I really do. I'm sorry his words hurt you. I've talked with him on several occasions about his harshness but he really believes what he does is right.

I've met him and LC and I enjoyed my day with them. I particularly enjoyed meeting LC - she's a considerably softer version of him. Byoffer, we prayed over our lunch as well but my DH said the prayer so it was short and sweet and to the point. :)

Cyg has told me that he prays for me regularly that I will convert to Catholicism. I told him that he didn't need to be praying for me because I was already a follower of Christ and that I was offended that he didn't respect that. It was almost a deal breaker. He called me later and apologized. He said LC's advice was that he was on his own on this one.

I noticed that one of the commentators on his blog suggested that she will be praying for the conversion of Obama and Biden. I'm wondering if she means to catholicism or to Christianity? I'm thinking catholicism because they truly believe that you can't be a Christian unless you are Catholic.

I'm sorry Bravie. Really, I am.

11/28/2008 11:27 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Thank you for the kind words, it means a lot to me.
His words no longer hurt me but I will admit that they do sometimes enrage me. More times than not, I pity him because rather than leaning on his religious views to spread love and understanding, he leans on his religion to spread hate and bigotry. I pity him because I don't think he realizes that his branch of religion is a cult. and I do believe that if his leaders told him to drink the Koolaid, he would. I am all for people believing in their religion and leaning on it heavily but there is a point where one can take it too far. I believe he is one of those. He doesn't understand that one can believe in their religion and their God without being hateful and spiteful.
I have to wonder why most of his speaking regarding religion are wrapped around the homosexual lifestyle. He seems obsessed with the gay world and that leads me to believe that something happened to him in order to get him to where he is.
I don't hate him although I do not like him. That has not a lot to do with his religion as much as it does with his personality. I have not had good experiences with him and I do not have respect for him. I pity him and his judgemental lifestyle.

11/29/2008 7:05 AM  
Blogger Pam said...

Total nutjob. Clearly he protests too much in an obvious attempt supress his own feelings. People like that don't realize how much they hurt their supposed cause with their bigotry.

Don't let him bother you, Bravie, he's clearly a loon.

12/02/2008 6:54 AM  
Blogger Lasann said...

I couldn't read all the comments.

I've always believed that "he who protests too much is one and the same of what he protests.

Sex addict is he. I think he is a supressed, hidden under the carpet of the closet guy.

Pity is what I feel for him. Anger is what I feel when I read his words.

God will judge him and in my beliefs he will be judged harshly. How suprised he will be.

12/10/2008 9:01 PM  

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