Monday, January 26, 2009

*Flexes muscles*

Ouch. *unflexes*
So Michelle and I joined a gym. It's a month to month deal so we aren't stuck in some long term deal. We had a freebie session with personal trainers tonight and fuckinA I have muscles that I didn't know existed. She kicked my damn ass. So we signed up for 6 more sessions each plus they are throwing in another freebie.
I have Celeste and Michelle has Brian. And they would like to rotate every other session so that we both get to be trained by two completely different styles of workouts. Yikes. What have I done?
I had my first bad stressful day at work today. I'll get over it but I was irritated. Related, the 27th is the end of my work probation. 3 months. I chatted with the boss and everything is working out and so it looks like I am there and part of them now.
Wii Music. Meh. I really wanted it but don't care too much for it.
I feel like I have PMS but the timing isn't right for PMS. I'm feeling all sensitive and whiney. *rolls eyes* It's sooooo annoying.
*flounces off to find something to whine about*

Friday, January 09, 2009

I hardly update anymore :(

With my new work schedule and with how busy I am at work it seems I never get to update anymore. Not that there is a ton to update. Really there isn't anything to update.
I still love my job. I hate that it takes me away from my play time though. That really bums me out. I don't get the time to hit every single blog every single day anymore. That bums me because I love keeping up to date with my friends. I hate feeling out of the loop.
I impressed my boss yesterday. *proud grin* He came in and was making some suggestions to me and Fred the Republican on ways to cut back on our prices. He made this one suggestion and I intervened and suggested an even better way. The cool thing is that what we were talking about was a very technical, industry specific topic and not something that generally falls under my job description. He was thrilled with my suggestion and told me to keep up that kind of thinking and that that's the kind of employee that he is looking for. Yay me!!! He also told us that he has included me in a certain incentive program that he has implemented. Another yay me!!!
Forget the substantial raise by taking this job, the pats on the back and the general feeling that I am a valuable employee is meaning sooooo much more to me right now. I know that what I do isn't curing cancer or anything but I'm feeling important and creative and productive again. It's nice.