Sunday, July 31, 2005

I broke my own rule

And played the slots. I hate the slots. The slots take your money. Slots are the devil.

Friday. I teach my Mother the game of Pai Gow. She said that I have converted her from BlackJack to Pai Gow. And? I have to admit that there were some funny people that sat at the table with us. I TALKED TO STRANGERS. And enjoyed it. We had great dealers who made it a lot of fun too. Friday night I was up $200.
Then a man on stilts came and grabbed Michelle and told her that she was the lucky one of the hour. She was in the magic seat. She lives for this shit. She was the Queen of Millbrae (her hometown) when she was 5 years old and she still doesn't let anyone forget it. We must still bow to her. And in her mind, so should the rest of the world. Anyhow. She got to spin some whell thingy and she won $100. So far, so good. We fart around different casinos for a bit, grab something to eat and back to Pai Gow. *looks at watch* Oh my, it's 3:30am. We should go back to the room. snooooooze.
6:00am, Carey's internal clock wakes her up. So I go down to the Pai Gow tables while the other three sleep. 10:00am. oops, I lost track of time. Better get some coffee for them. Oh, I won $100.
After 2 1/2 hours of sleep I'm not sure what most of the day entailed. Probably Pai Gow and booze and food.
Oh yeah. *snort* We were at the CalNeva club during the late afternoon. Michelle and her Mom were at one end of the bar and I was with my Mom at the other end. My Mom started to play video poker so she could watch the Giant's game. She sat next to some old fart who was there with his three sons. One of whom took a liking to me. So, after telling me that he would switch from a Republican to a Democrat for the chance to f**K my tits (I was wearing a very low cut shirt and my best cleavage bra. I kpet catching Michelle staring at them all day and my Mom said it was funny to walk behind me and watch the men notice them. *giggle* ) and telling me that he knows that because I am a Scorpio that I would much rather be pleasuring myself than watching his Dad pick up on my Mom, I realized that he was hitting on me. I think. *snort* I'm slow in this area. Michelle kept getting mad and telling me that he was picking up on me and I kept laughing at her and telling her she was nuts. Um yeah, he was trying to pick up on me and his Dad was trying to pick up on my Mom. I just find this amusing. I dont know why.
anyhow............. then we went to dinner and then guess what. Back to Pai Gow. I lost $200. *pout* Again, around 3:00am we decided that maybe we needed some sleep. I got up this morning at 6:30am and went back down to the tables while the others slept. I lost another $200. Then I played the fucking slots. Let's just say that I am down $580 for the entire weekend and I blame the slots.
What day is it? I think I am sleep deprived.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

On a lighter note

Michelle and I are taking our Mom's to Reno. Friday, 9am, 4 women on a road trip. If you're looking for me I will be at the Pai Gow poker tables. Why Pai Gow? Well, quite simply, I am a smoker and I don't like to socialize when I gamble. I want to drink my bloody mary or my beer, gamble and be left alone. Pai Gow is the game for me. Everyone is Asian so they smoke and none of them speak English so they won't be bugging me with stupid shit like "Oh, good hand" or "Where you from". Does it really matter where I am from? Don't bother me with your petty conversations: I'm drinking and gambling. *rolls eyes*
Michelle will be with my Mom at the craps table. That should be fun. My Mom is only 5' 1/2". Poor thing gets airbourne when trying to place a bet. *snort* Maybe she can sit on Michelle's shoulders. Michelle's a strong girl. Michelle on the other hand has tried to play craps a million times. She DOES.NOT.GET.IT. But God love her for trying. My mom swears she can teach this game to her. I learned craps at the age of 12. Problem is, well, there's that drinking thing again. I have found that it is best to remain sober while playing craps. And then there is that whole social thing. "Nice roll, where ya from" Piss off, I'm rolling the dice and gambling.
Michelle's om will be at a quarter slot. Until she gets low on money. Then she will move to a nickle slot. Now here's the kicker with the nickle slots and her Mom. She leaves the quarter slots, where it is $.75 per spin, because she is low on funds and goes to the nickles. The nickles, when you play the max bet is 45 nickles. Do the math. But she is only losing nickles. Oh, okay.
So, while I'm gone, be kind, play fair and most of all miss me. I'll be back on Monday.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

God Bless The USA

Unless you are gay.
I really had no intentions of using this blog for anything deep. But it's my blog and I'll do what I want.
But FUCK YOU Campaign for Children and Families in the state of California.
For the past six years California has extended what is called Domestic Partnership. As of January 1st, it extended us all of the same rights as married couples except for filing joint income tax returns.
I am not an activist for gay marriage rights, although I probably should be, but Michelle and I are seriously considering it. Don't get me wrong. I feel no need to get married. If it were to become legal, I have no intention of indulging. I'm happy with how things are with us. BUT, we should be granted the same civil liberties as everybody else. But that's another issue. Let's discuss my domestic partnership. Michelle and I are legal registered domestic partners.
Here is the romantic background to that. Michelle has shitty insurance through her work and wanted to get on my policy. She couldn't do so without being my domestic partner. So, papers in hand we went down to mailboxes etc where there was a notary and signed our lives over to each other. Don't worry, it was more romantic than that. We went to lunch too.
Now, we are very lucky. Our families consider the other to be immediate family and they would never deny us any hospital visitation rights nor would they try to claim the house that we own together if something were to happen to one of us. So that's not an issue. However, it could now become one.
Randy Thomasson and his cronies are putting together a petition to get signatures for some bill that would "protect" marriage and confine it to a man and a woman. The problem with the bill is that they are also trying to strip gays of our domestic partnership rights. That's right folks. No steps forward, 10 steps back. And? He is trying to hide that. He is upset that some are promoting this part of the bill. Says he it is being liberal biased by talking about this. Well guess what fuckwad, it's in your proposal. Why not promote the entire the bill? Gee, would this be so that you could try to fool the people again like we were fooled with Prop. 22 proposed by Pete Knight back in 2000? My guess is yes.
This bill, if passed, would deny us rights to visitation in the hospital if something were to happen to one of us. It would deny us the right to inheritence, it would deny us insurance rights with each other, it would deny us the right to adopt. We would once again be put back into our place.
Maybe, with any luck, we could get a measure on the ballot that would once again label us as mentally ill.
Oh goody. Canada is looking better and better everyday.

Monday, July 25, 2005

I'm stealing this post too. *grin*

1) My uncle once: was sleep walking and took all the doornobs off the doors in the entire house.
2) Never in my life: have I been bunjee jumping. *pout*
3) When I was five: I remember my Daddy going out on calls as a firefighter.
4)High school was: the shittiest time of my life! *sigh*
5) Fire is: fascinating.
6) I once saw: a car teeter tottering on an overpass.
7) There’s this woman I know who: Keeps me on my toes
8) Once, at a bar: Oh no you don't. And it was more than once, for the record.
9) By noon I’m usually: already awake for at least 7 hours.
10) Last night: *grin*
11) If I only had: Bought a lottery ticket with the winning numbers
12) Next time I go to church: I'm wearing something rubber so the lightening doesn't kill me
13) The best thing about my last relationship was: That she introduced me to my current relationship. *grin*
14) What worries me most: No, there just isn't enough room here.
15) When I turn my head left: I see what is to the left of me
16) When I turn my head right: I see what is to the right of me
17) You know I’m lying when: I'm not giving away my secrets.
18) What I miss most about the eighties: I can't even remember the 80's.
19) If I were a character written by Shakespeare, I’d be: The Shrew that needs to be tamed.
20) By this time next year: I'll be pushing 40 and probably be real cranky
21) I have a hard time understanding: Chinese.
22) You know I like you if: I tell you so.
23) If I won an award, the first person I’d thank would be: Myself for working so damn hard for the award.
24) Darwin, Mozart, Slim Pickens & Geraldine Ferraro: Want to know how to evolve classical music into country music and use it as a campaign song.
25) Take my advice, never: fart in church.
26) My ideal breakfast is: Sausage McMuffin without egg
27) If you visit my hometown, I suggest you go to: A 49er game and take me with you.
28) Why doesn’t everyone: bow to my every need.
29) If you spend the night at my house: Lock the bedroom door. *grin*
30) I’d stop my wedding: At any cost. *shudder*.
31) The world could do without: Dumbasses
32) My favorite blonde is: Besides me? Um, I don't really like blondes.
33) If I do anything well, it’s: bitch and complain and whine and worry.
34) And by the way: What the fuck are you looking at.
35) The last time I was drunk, I: Made an ass of myself

Sunday, July 24, 2005

The crutch

This is the only thing stopping my house from falling to the ground. *gasp*
The rebel in me wants to walk over and kick it just to see what would happen. But there is that whole TV thing. Michelle said that she was also concerned about the TV. We DO have our priorities.

Friday, July 22, 2005

I'm skeeeeert

My house is gonna fall down. They are down there banging the hell out of the support beams. The cats won't come down from upstairs and I don't blame them. The entire house is rattling, there is stuff falling off the shelves and they have some jack things holding up the corner of my house. Waaaaah. I'm gonna be really pissed if the house falls and they ruin my beautiful television.

Thursday, July 21, 2005


Grrrr. Good thing I came home early today. We are supposed to be having some termite and dry rot repairs done to the house. So the project manager said that we would be given a week's notice because part of the work is on the garage. One of the beams extends into the garage also.
So last week I come home and a bunch of the siding on the corner of my house is ripped off. So I ask the guy what's going on. Well this is the aspestos dude and they didn't need access so they didn't notify me. Now mind you, there is now a gaping hole leading into my garage. But it's fine because we had a panel of drywall on the inside so that nothing is exposed. I come home today and the repair guy is telling me that I need to give him access. Well, we haven't even cleaned out the garage yet. What happened to a week's notice. However, I am home and I don't want to push this work off another week. So here I am for the rest of the day. Just being here while my house gets torn apart downstairs. Michelle won't be home until later tonight so I was going to come home, check what we need and do some shopping. I guess I'll do more research for my fantasy football league. *shrug*

Fantasy Football update: grrrr. I have redone my team at least four times and still can't get under the salary cap. waaaah.

Monday, July 18, 2005


BIL, SIL and niece are okay. They ended up not being evacuated from the hotel where they were staying. They said that it was not as bad as they thought it was going to be and they really weren't all that scared. Alyssa (the baby) slept through most of it and had no problems. So now they just resume their vacation and won't be coming home until Wednesday, as planned. Kind of a suckass vacation, but being the thrill seeker that I am, I have to admit to being a little jealous. I've experienced earthquakes (man of them), A tornado and a blizzard. Never a hurricane. If I could be in one like they were and I got to come out of it intact, I wouldn't mind.
Speaking of earthquakes, aren't we do for a good little shaker up here in San Francisco? Not one that causes damage, just one that will scare the shit out of us.
Speaking of thrill seeking. Michelle is a poopoo head. She knows that I like doing crazy things. Here was a conversation we had once. You be the judge.
Carey: Honey, I really want to bunjee jump and I really want to skydive.
Michelle: You know that I love you, yes?
Carey: Yes, why?
Michelle: If you were in a car accident and were mamed, I would still love you. I would stay by your side and make whatever adjustments were necessary to make sure you were comfortable.
Carey: Your the best. I love you.
Michelle: If you go bunjee jumping, or skydiving and you get mamed, you're on your own. I'm not helping you through anything.
Carey: silence

Now. I have this great insurance policy. It even pays me $50 anytime that I go to the doctor for preventative care. Gotta get the coochie checked? bam, $50. Got get the oobies checked? bam, $50.
Here is where my insurance sucks dog ass. It agrees to pay me something like 90% of my salary if I am ever permanently "damaged" and can't work. Unless..............I am "damaged" skydiving, bunjee jumping or piloting a plane. *sticks tongue out at insurance company*
I can be a passenger in a plane but I can not be flying a plane. Nor can I jump out of a plane. Nor can I jump off a bridge with bunjee attached around my ankles. This is really poopy. Because not only will my insurance not cover me, neither will my girlfriend.
*note to self* check with the insrance people and see if this rule applies to all of their customers or if Michelle called them and told them to put this is the contract.
When I get that news one day that I really do have nasal meningitis or the bird flu or mad cow or west nile or whatever ailment that I am always sure will kill me, I am going to bunjee, slydive and pilot a plane. I'm gonna be dead, what the hell do I care if my insurance company pays for it or not. Hrmph.

Still waiting

We're still waiting to hear from Michelle's brother. He and his wife, the baby, his wife's Mother and his wife's aunt and uncle left on Wednesday for Cancun. The last we heard from them was on Saturday afternoon and they said that they were going to ride out the storm at the hotel. The last I heard on the news last night was that all tourists either got out of town before the airport closed or they are at shelters. Since they were going to ride out the storm as of Saturday it is our guess that they are in a shelter. That has to suck with a one year old baby. I guess I should go and check the internet for any updates on Hurricane Emily.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

neighbor rant

I need to move out into the country. Somewhere so that my nearest neighbor is far far away. I'm moving in with Breezy.
Let me quickly list the neighbors I have had.
Katherine, the 13 year old neighborhood slut. Eventually, broke into our house, the dog got out, the dog got hit and killed by a car. We moved.

Next....Chris. The vietnam vet who lived under us. Nice enough man during the day. At 2am, every night he felt the need to bounce off the walls and yell "I'll slit your fucking throats you cunts" and then he would spend the next hour yelling at us.

Next........the lady who kept getting mugged. She lived two apartments over. We were scared to death all the time. Until we found out that she was really stabbing herself. Big relief to us. Huh?

Then we had Virgil, the peeping Tom. He was right next door. Again, nice enough, but it made running around the apartment naked, a little uncomfortable. We moved

Next.......Les, the Polish exile. He was exiled from POLAND and moved next door to us. Oh, he was a homophobe. did I forget to mention that. We ended up having to get a restraining order out against him. The night that he moved, he was kind enough to pour save urnine, yes folks, I said saved urine, all over my car. What a nice going away present.

Next.......Chris and Lynn, the closeted lesbian, crank addict couple. We enjoyed the midnight phone calls on work nights asking if we could help their friends, who were passed out, up the stairs and into a bed. Oh yes, could I please get out of my warm bed to come and help you on a work night to put your drunken friends in a safe place. Could I please?

Next.......The family of 5 with the three pitbulls. We live in a townhouse you fucking morons. He was an ultimate cage fighter. She was an ultimate bitch. Oh yes, we had words many times. Finally when one of the pitbulls tried to eat the poodle up the street, they left.

But NOW!!! I'm really pissed off at the newest neighbor. Now this probably serves me right because I may have made fun of TXmomma today. But yesterday I spend $6.25 to wash my car. It's shiny and very purty. Now these little bastards next door are having a water fight and guess where they are doing it. Yep, right next to my once shiny purty car. Now it is covered in waterspots and soap. I may be eating roasted children for dinner tonight. Wash em down with a nice chianti. Where is Hannibal Lector when you need him. Hrmph.

Sunday, July 10, 2005


The party ended up being more fun than I thought. I drank enough for two, but that's no surprise. It was really more of a get together than a party. There were 11 of us for most of the party but it seemed like only 9 of us. Cathy and her GF were barely noticeable, as all they did was sit on the couch. Cathy is always worried that stories from the past will be brought up, which they were, and her GF gets all worked up about her past. So as a result Cathy spent the whole time worried about which part of her past was going to surface. They left early. *rolls eyes*
The rest of us spent the night having a great time. Telling stories and reminiscing (sp) about the past, dancing, singing, laughing, partying and enjoying each other's company.
Here's a picture of some of us getting ready to do a shot. From left to right:
Kris (who the party was for), Colleen (my and Michelle's best friend as a couple), Michelle, Me and Mike (Kris's husband) you can click on the picture to enlarge if you want to see the beauty that is me up close. *snort*

Saturday, July 09, 2005


Michelle is a Bingo fanatic. She loves it. If you are looking for her on a Friday night, go to the Bingo hall. Breezy calls her a Bingo dork and she is right. She has her bingo bag with here ink thingy's and her good luck charms. She has made friends with a group of women and they all sit together every week and now one of them emails with Michelle too. I make fun of her about her bingo the same way she makes fun of me about the computer. She has bingo nerd friends and I have computer geek friends. I'm glad that Michelle has found a hobby. I do wish that it didn't consume every Friday night though.
So I giggle and point my finger at her and call her a bingo dork all the time. There would be no occasion that could get me to go to bingo. I hate it. HATE IT. 4 hours of sitting in an uncomfortable chair just waiting to lose all of my money. Me? not so lucky. So it is not fun for me.
Michelle? oh so lucky. In the last 6 weeks she has won a total of about $3000. Yes I said 3 grand. Last night she won over $1200. Can you believe that there is such money in an old lady's game? The best part of this for me is that she tips me when she wins. Last night she gave me $200. I made $200 just sitting home. What on earth would motivate me to go if I can sit home and make money.
I do appreciate that she gives me cash though. She doesn't have to do that and she is being very generous with me with her winnings. I think I'll not complain about her Friday night outings without me. *grin*

P.S. I just might get her to post in my blog. When I told her about it and how she could get to know my friends better and interact with them without it being instantaneous, she seemed sort of interested. Stay tuned, Michelle may make her debut into my computer world just yet.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

I know I said this was supposed to be light

But I do have a couple of complaints today.
#1. My flip flops are NOT comfortable. I wore them because they match my shirt perfectly. My shirt is a powder blue with a navy blue stripe across the chest. The flip flops have a navy blue sole with the straps and the top of the flip flop being powder blue. But they are stiff and not at all comfy. I live in flip flops when applicable so it isn't that I'm not used to things between my toes or anything. this is going to prevent me from getting up from desk every half hour to go and smoke though. they are that uncomfortable. They will go in the garbage when I get home today.

#2. This zit. I know it is from stress. But it is right below my nose. I covered it with BM's this morning in hopes of hiding it. But it is growing by the hour. I hope it is a zit. It is in one of those spots on the face that is super sensitive. You know, where, if you touch it, it feels like you have plucked a nose hair or something. Just covering it this morning made my eyes water. At this rate, I will have a second nose by the end of the day. I guess it will be helpful in stopping and smelling the roses but it is not going to help me get lucky tonight.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Little rubber bracelets

What is it with these rubber "themed" bracelets. Why are these such the fad these days? I mean, let's face it, they are not exactly Saks 5th avenue. What I don't get is this: When I want to wear my bright red painter's pants with my orange "I cut the cheese in Wisconsin" shirt with my lime helmut green high tops, my GF shakes her head, tells me no way and reminds me of how I have no fashion sense whatsoever. Yet, everytime we pass a machine or a bin with the colored rubber bracelets we are running each other over to get to them. They are like wearing a bag of skittles on your arm. Pink, Green, Blue, Purple, Yellow, Multi-colored, none of them match each other and none of them match anything that I am wearing, but it's okay to wear these. If my orange shirt said "hope" and my red pants said "support the troops" and my green shoes said "pride" would I then be able to wear them all together?
*shrug* I really don't get it.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Maiden post

Thought I might have this blog, just to remind myself to live on the lighter side now and again.