Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Ok, ok, ok

I just finally brought the last of my company to the airport so I have a LITTLE bit of time to do some updating. Not a lot but I'll do my best with the time that I have right now. I won't have pictures until later though. I haven't had a chance to do any downloading.
Hmmm, where do I start?
Wednesday I picked Breezy up from the airport and we just sort of hung around town. She did call me fat though and then when we were at Target she tried to slice my wrist open with her bracelet. And she did call me a lot of other names that escape me at the moment.
Thursday we picked up Nookie and then we all went to dinner at my favorite Chinese restaurant. We then came back to my house and just sort of hung out.
Friday, we all went up to the wharf where we met MTW for lunch. I got to open a present and it was enough shot glasses for all of the OTers and each had a separate mini bottle of booze in them. We indeed used the shotglasses Friday night. *giggle*
Friday night was the party. Um...I will tell you what I remember of it. Breezy, Nookie, Michelle and I started out with a couple of drinks at my house. Mine was of course milk because I don't drink. Then we wandered up to the hall and got ourselves situated. And then everyone started to arrive. I think we had about 50 at the party so it was a good sized crowd. Immediately we all started to drink. (again, I was only drinking milk) I think everybody was really great about mixing with each other and by the end of the night everybody was friends with everybody. I honestly don't deserve the wonderful family and friends that I have. Such a wonderful crowd. I think everyone felt at home.
My Mother got up and gave a speach about me and did indeed embarrass me a little bit. But luckily I had had enough milk that I was in a happy state and didn't turn too red.
To be honest with you, the rest of the night is either a blur or I just straight up don't remember. My Mom said she has never seen anyone have so much fun at their own party. So I think that says it all. There was dancing and food and booze and of course milk for me.
I can only fill in the rest in bits in pieces. I did indeed makeout with Catt, twice. According to Arkie, Jimbo didn't seem to mind because then Catt and Jimbo immediately started to make out with each other.
At some point in the evening, I made some money. There are pictures of people stuffing dollar bills down my pants and down my top. Even my mother in law got in on the action. Rather than feeling humiliated that I may have been doing a striptease act, I am going with the money dance. I had a money dance at my party. Yep, that's it. *grin*
I don't even remember the cutting of the cake but apparently I had no problem singing happy birthday to myself and then doing the Superstar stance afterwards. There is a picture of that too. Yes, I will post pictures. I just need to get them on my computer first.
At some point I had spilled something on my lap and I made sure to tell each and every person at the party that I had not peed myself and then I made them all feel to see that the liquid was cold, proof that I had not peed. Because pee would be cold.
From what I am told, Catt, Jimbo and Breezy helped to carry me home. When I told this to my Mom she laughed and said that she didn't think Breezy was in any condition to help walk me home and she thought maybe Breezy would need a walking buddy too. Yes, there are pictures.
Then, from what I hear, the party came back to my house. Me no rememeber.
I do know that when I woke up in the morning that I had a black eye. I am going with the story that Breezy threw me into the wall and that's how I got the black eye. There is no way that I could have fallen into the banister on the way up the stairs when Michelle and Breezy where helping to get me into bed. Nope, I did not fall, Breezy threw me.
I believe that Nookie must have had too much to drink too because she ended up passed out on my couch. I think Nookie may have started the whole money dance thing. But I'm not sure.
Oh, at the beginning of the night, i got to finally meet Arkie in person. She is the only one who was there that I had not officially met in person. I think we may have intimidated her a bit because by the time she got there with Jimbo and Catt I was already about 4 sheets to the wind. From the tainted milk. Really be careful of the milk that they serve at the Elk's Lodges. It's bad stuff.
All in all, it was a wonderful and fabulous time. I can't remember the last time that I don't remember having that much fun. I am hoping that the others will be able to fill you all in on any other events at the party. Because honestly by about 9pm, I was 67 sheets to the wind and don't remember much. But I have been told that I had a good time.
I want to thank Arkie, Breezy, Catt, Jimbo and Nookie for being a part of my celebration and for coming all this way to be a part of my special day. It honestly would not have been the same without all of them here. Each adding their own unique and wonderful personalities to my party.
I promise to have some pictures up over the next couple of days so that you can see what tainted milk can do to a person.
*smooches* for being so patient while I had company and couldn't update. I want to thank all of you for being interested and for sending birthday wishes and for making me feel loved.
So far, 40 is wonderful. If for nothing else, it made me realize how lucky I am to have the people in my life that I do. I feel blessed and if it took turning 40 to make me see how blessed I am? I would turn 40 a hundred times over.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Drugs and Jesus

Just a quick update. At my age things need to be short and sweet so that I have time to take my naps.
We have indeed sipped tea but Breezy refused to put her pinky in the air. Religion was also discussed. I said that I was going to go to church on Sunday and everybody laughed.
Otherwise so far it has been pretty mellow. I think the partying will start tonight. They also laughed when I said that I wasn't going to drink tonight. I'm not sure what they think of me but I am sticking to drinking milk. That's what old people drink, yes?
We've had a wonderful time just visiting and hanging out. I love having my friends here with me and wish that all of my friends could be here this weekend.
By the time this weekend is over I am sure there will be plenty of pictures and plenty of stories and we may even be able to publish some of them here in blogger. *evil grin*
I want to extend my congrats to Zombs who is finally popping the bun today. We will be toasting her tonight.
I hope ya'll miss us as much as we miss you. *smoooooches*

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Well Kids

At noon today, I get to leave my little office job and I will be off until Wednesday. *hops*
Enjoy my time away and hopefully I'll be able to check in every once in awhile.
I'm sure we will talk about all of you while we are sipping tea and discussing religion. We don't like alcohol so there will be none of that, oh no there will not.
Mark, we will call sometime between now and Friday to make arrangements. I think we would like to shoot for around 1pm somewhere down near the wharf.
Zombs? I will congratulate you now just in case I don't get to check in. (because of all of that sipping tea and discussing religion) Congrats on the new baby. *smooch*
*smooch* to all of my bloggy buddies. I'll miss you while I am sipping tea and discussing religion.

Monday, October 23, 2006


This term is mine. If you people are going to run around using it, then give me my credit. Damnit. *grin*

A reminder to myself

Today is Monday.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

My weekend Randoms

I'm getting through my list pretty well. *proud grin*
We get to pick up the cabinets today around Noon. So once we get those, that's what I'll be doing.
Otherwise, let's see what I have left for the weekend. I'mnot going to worry yet about what needs to be done Monday and Tuesday. One (or two) day at a time.
Laundry-easy enough. I can do that while doing other stuff.
Clean my bathroom. Not bad, for the most part it's pretty clean.
I'll finish dusting the house this weekend.
I think I'll do some iPod stuff this morning while Michelle is still sleeping.
I may clean out the fridge.
Otherwise, this weekend won't be as crazy as I thought.

With a lot of my projects being done, it's giving me more time to be excited about next week. I've been trying to focus on what I have to do rather than what why I am doing it because otherwise excitement would take over and nothing would get done.
By this time next week, I will have Breezy and Nookie in my possession *grin*, I will have partied with Arkie, Catt, Ginger and Jimbo, I will be hungover and my party will be over. *pout*

My Mom called this week and wanted to know if she would be able to get up at my party and say a little something about me. I asked her if what she was really asking was if she could get up and roast me. She giggled and said yes, that was what she was asking. LOL.

This is big time thinking too far in advance but I really need to think of something special to do for Michelle when all of this is over. She has gone so far out of her way to make this birthday special for me and I want to do something to show my appreciation. I don't want to just take her out for dinner, I would like to do something extra special. going out to dinner just seems too much like a generic date or something. I would like to figure out something special. Suggestions would be nice, please and thank you.

I hope ya'll are having a great weekend.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I shouldn't be here

I have so many things to do before next Wednesday that I should not be here. But I need to sit down for one minute, have a smoke and chug some water. I ate some salami slices earlier and man am I ever thirsty.
I'm STILL waiting for the cabinets to come in. Michelle says we can't pick them up until Sunday. now we can get them on SaturdayI am not happy about this. So to get a head start, I am going to put all the hinges on today.
I need to get an anniversary present for my parents. Their anniversary is on my birthday. :) I went to get them a GC for their favorite restaurant but it wasn't open. *sigh*
I need to finish the project that I started in the 49er room. done
I need to clean my bathroom.
I need to dust the house.
I need to clean the guest room for Breezy. She said she wouldn't stay in a room that couldn't pass the white glove test. Picky bitch. done
I need to go and buy some sorta shirt to wear to my birthday party. I've grown too fat to fit into anything halfway decent that I already own. sigh, I tried. Nothing looks good
Shit, I forget to get the disposable cameras at Longs today. So I still need to do that.
I have a haircut on Tuesday. I'm having roots and highlights done so that's a 2 1/2 hour window in which I can get nothing else finished.
I still need to find another hour's worth of songs to download onto the iPod. (which I still ahve not totally figured out)
I need to straighten out my closet a bit. done
I need to clean my car. It rained a bit last week and now it looks filthy. done
I think Michelle is going to meet with the caterer on her own. So at least I don't need to make time for that.
I need to sit down and make sure I'm not missing anything. Exactly one week until Breezy arrives at my house so it's crunch time.
Okay, I finished my smoke and my water. Off to put door hinges on all the cabinets in the kitchen. *sigh*
I also cleaned the windows downstairs and cleaned the linen closet and straightened up under all of the sinks Why do all projects lead to another project?

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

17 years ago today

The San Francisco Bay Area had it's own little shaker. Today is the anniversary of the Loma Prieta quake. Maybe a good reminder to update your emergency kits. Whether for earthquakes or hurricanes or tornados or floods or whatever natural disaster can happen in your area.

Monday, October 16, 2006


I bought this iPod thing. I'm not really sure what to do with it. *head tilt*
I believe you need to have an IQ just above mine to know how to work it.
I went out today and bought it for myself and then two hours later Michelle called to tell me that her cousins were going to go in together to buy me one for my birthday. Just my luck. The funny thing is she had called two of her cousins earlier in the day to ask them a question about an iPod but neither of them were home. Me being the patient soul that I am went out and bought one after work. Had I been able to wait just one more day I wouldn't have had to spend the money that I did. Now her cousins are pissed because they have to come up with another wonderful idea for a gift. LOL. I'm always a day early and a dollar tall.<--I made that up as an opposite to day late and dollar short. Think it will catch on?
Anyhow, back to this little device thingy that I have. Everybody said it was easy. I'm so intimidated by it that I'm afraid to take it out of the box. I did download iTunes. I think that is the first step. Maybe one step per day and tomorrow I will take it out of the box.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Weekend Randoms

I woke up with a terrible lower back ache. I'm not sure why, I didn't do anything strainworthy.
(let me beat some of you to it...It's because I'm old, I know)

I think it's funny that people are coming out to SF and what they really want to see is our two story Target. LOL. Cheap and easy. That's how I like my guests. :)

I think I will be going to Target today. I ruined our kitchen garbage can ad need a new one. I forgot about some fish that I had in the fridge and I had to throw it out. I threw it out Thursday night and by Friday, then entire garbage can had absorbed the smell of fish and I can't get rid of it.

I want to go to IKEA but Michelle won't let me until after my birthday. I found a bunch of stuff in the catalog that I really want but she says I have to wait.

Final weekend random:
Last week I had asked Michelle "Hey, do you want to go see Chicago? Huey Lewis is playing the lead"
She said that she wasn't all that interested but if we were given free tickets, she would go. I didn't really press the issue but I was surprised because we both really enjoyed it when we saw it before and the movie is a favorite of us both. Still, I didn't really push it even though I really wanted to go.
Last night I just wanted to confirm so I asked her again. She said "Why are you so interested in this, I don't get it?" I said "Because we both really enjoyed it when we saw it before and we both love the movie so I thought you would like to see it again. Especially since Huey Lewis is playing Billy Flynn."
She got this weird look on her face and started to laugh. *head tilt*
As it turns out, she thought I was asking if she wanted to go and see the Rock Group, Chicago. And she thought Huey Lewis was opening up for them. She had no idea why I was so interested in going to see them because I had never showed a huge interest in Chicago. *snort*
So now, four days later, I got the go ahead. The only problem is that it is only playing for two weeks and I'm afraid that I may not be able to get seating where I want. I hate orchestra seating because you either end up in the front and tilting your head up the entire time. Or, you sit back further but have some tall bastard in front of you. I don't like the balcony seating because it's too far away. I will only see stage shows if I can get seating in the mezzanine/loge seats. So we'll see if those are still available. *crosses fingers*

Friday, October 13, 2006

HD, I need your help

Not just limited to HD but I figured he would know the most about this. So if anyone else can help clear this up for me, please do.

Since elections are just around the corner, I've been doing some research. I like to research all sides of things so I read the websites of Democrats, Republicans and The Log Cabin Republicans. I also spend a little time reading about Independents, Green Party, etc.
I've spent more time this year researching The Log Cabin Republicans and in doing so, I came across something that has me confused.
Governor Arnold has always maintained that marriage should be between a man and a woman. He signed a bill that keeps marriage between a man and a woman. But then I came across a bill, SB 1827 written by Carole Midgeon. An open lesbian in our state senate. Basically, the bill states that gay and lesbian couples are required to file their taxes as a married couple. We would be required to file as "married filing jointly" or "married filing separately".
Where I am having trouble, is I can't tell if this has actually become law. I can't tell if it passed or if it has become inactive. From what I can tell, it did pass and he signed the bill. Meaning that Michelle and I would now be required to file as a married couple. Oh, I forgot to say that this applies to registered domestic partners. (which we are)
From what I read on the LCR website, they are in support of Arnold? I'm a little confused. Please help?

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Mark my Words

Now that Google has purchased Youtube? Plan on Blogger, Gmail AND Youtube to suck even worse than it already does.
Google has way too much on it's plate already and now that they have added Youtube, their plate is just completely overflowing.
Google has enough problems with Blogger, Gmail and their spreadsheets. Funny how two days after their acquisition, Blogger goes completely down.
Mark my words, this is just the beginning of more problems.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Confession Time

I love Oprah Winfrey.
There, I said it.

Monday, October 09, 2006

New Neighbors

As some of you may know, I have had nothing but a string of bad neighbors. Well the new ones are starting off much better than ANY of the past ones.
At first I was a little leary. Three girls just out of college learning to be bartenders. Back in my 20's and 30's this might not have been so alarming. But I know what I was like when I was 22ish and bartending. And endless string of parties at my house at all hours. So I was worried.
As it turns out, they are three "good" girls. They have a very sorority look to them. Two of them are sisters and the third is a friend. They are all still in school and all are working.
One by one, Michelle and I separately got to meet each of the girls. Very nice girls and they didn't have the party look to them at all. I told Michelle that I wouldn't be surprised if they were cheerleaders and sorority girls who all got straight A's. I was damn close.
This weekend we went outside and the sister's Moms were out there. Yes, I said Moms. The two sisters were raised by a lesbian couple. Yay, gay friendly neighbors. Huge relief. The Moms are very involved in their daughter's lives. And in fact told us that if the girls get out of line to call them and they will come and kick them in the ass. LOL
They also care about their surroundings. Another huge relief. One of the Moms didn't like how dirty the cement was so she went and got her powerwasher (soooo dykey) and she powerwashed the cement area all around our houses. I didn't even realize how dirty the cement was until she cleaned it. Then we came home yesterday and they had dug out the area by the front door and they had planted all these purty flowers.
Yay for us. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that our nice new newighbors will stay just that. Nice neighbors. So far they are a huge improvement over the homophobic guys who were exiled from the Polish government, the crack addict lesbian couple, the ultimate cage fighter and his 3 pitbulls and 3 kids who were messy, rude slobs and the last neighbors who were nice enough but complete slobs. *content sigh*

Little People, Big World

The new season started this weekend. *grin* Such a great show and I'm so happy it's back for another season.
Premise: The Roloff family. Mom and Dad are little people and they have four children. The youngest is their son Jacob, then there is their daughter Molly and then there are their twin sons Jermeny and Zach. Zach is also a little person.
This show follows their lives on their farm in Oregon. Mom (Amy) is the one who worries about a steady income and having things fall into place and wanting them to be financially stable. Dad (Matt) is a dreamer who doesn't need the stability. But somehow he always makes sure that it works. They are living the American dream.
At first when I started to watch this program I was very hung up on them being midgets. But after watching the entire season last year, that is almost a sidestory and I'm not at all hung up on that anymore. This is just an awesome American family with all of the same problems as the rest of us and then some.
If every family in the world could be like the Roloffs, this world would be a much better place. They are interactive with each other, they love each other, they stick by each other, they work together to resolve anything that comes their way. They get along, they fight, they make up. And at the end of the day, they are a loving and supportive family.
Really, if you get TLC on your cable lineup, you should check out this show. It airs on Saturday nights. Check it out.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Weekend Randoms

Happy Birthday Tkit. I hope you have a wonderful birthday week while you are on vacation.

I have exactly 20 days left of being 39 years old. Then I will just be old.

today I will do some paint touch up in the kitchen. Our cabinets will be ready this week and by next weekend, my kitchen project will be complete.

I have to go to a wedding shower tomorrow. Normally this wouldn't be a huge deal but I was offered free tickets to the 49er/Raider game and I had to pass them up. *pout*

Michelle made nice with Breezy and told me that I too have to forgive her. So I guess I am back to speaking to her. Hrmph. I hate that Michelle is the boss.

I think I am going to make a lasagna today. Something made me crave it. I will be using all lowfat/nonfat ingredients and wheat pasta. I hope it still tastes as good as when I don't use the lowfat stuff.

Let's hope that the Yankees don't move on in the playoffs. But if they do, let's hope that the A's kick their asses.

I'm antsy today. I don't feel like doing nothing. Michelle has errands to run so she won't be around. After I do the touch up paint, I may try and find myself some other project to tackle. I just don't know what yet.

Hope ya'll are having a great weekend.

Thursday, October 05, 2006


My Mistress Dell has been returned to me. Safe and sound. She is more beautiful than before. She had her little face lift and now there are no more lines running up and down her face. She is just perfect.

And now I would like to take a little poll. I need your serious input on this because it is a very serious deal to me.
An incident happened today between me and someone who I considered to be very close to me. It was very upsetting and I'm not sure how to handle this. I would hate to overreact (snort) but on the other hand, I need to make it clear how upsetting this incident was. So how do I handle this, bloggers?
I am trying my best to write about this but it's so upsetting that I am having trouble. Okay...*sigh*
Today...*sniff* Breezy insulted my 49ers and even went so far as to threaten me by picking the Raiders to win against the 49ers this weekend. As punishment, I told her that I would not speak to her again until I pick her up at the airport in three weeks. Do you think I was harsh enough?

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

For Momma


That is all.

An observation

I always find it weird when people refer to adopted children as "their adopted son/daughter".
Why is it necessary to add the adopted label? Like with Tom Cruise/Nicole Kidman (sorry Augie). But the media would always say "their adopted children". Can someone explain why that happens?
Michelle was adopted and I have never once heard anyone refer to her as the adopted one. It's no secret that she is adopted and that her siblings are not. It's openly discussed. She has found her egg donor and found a half sister about 10 or so years ago. But when her parents talk about their children they never say "our three natural children and our one adopted child."
I dunno. It just seems like an odd thing to say. Your children are your children whether or not they are adopted. I have no problem with being open about a child being adopted but I don't understand why the label is put there so often when referring to children who are adopted. *shrug*

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Boring update

Nothing much to update. I'm bored and boring right now.

I spent a lot of yesterday sleeping. The bird flu is just killing me. I'm so tired of coughing and blowing my nose and sleeping. *sigh*

Michelle finally admitted that trying to carpet the house before the end of the month would be too much so we are delaying that.
The cabinets are at the cabinet place though. Having the 900 layers of paint stripped off of them. They go to the painters probably next week sometime.

Dell still has my mistress. I'm ready to get her back. Michelle's computer is an okay replacement for now but it's not the same and I want mine back.

Football will suck this week. I've already resigned to that fact.

I'm feeling blah lately. Not feeling overly social or peppy. No reason really, just blah. Probably because of the bird flu.

Heh, it's interesting what you find when you browse blogs. Like either hitting next blog or by clicking on your own profile and then clicking your interests. I came across a blog and it freaked me out. It was almost as if this chick took what was in my head and wrote it in her blog. It was eerie as hell. Eerie because it has been something that has been going on in my head for a couple of weeks but I have been keeping to myself. And then to read those thoughts in someone else's blog? Fucking freaky as hell. I bookmarked her blog and am going to lurk to see what other of my thoughts she writes about.

That's it for now. Boring. *shrug*