Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A poll

I am taking a poll. Your response will either be "yes" or "no".
Now answer my poll!!!!!!!

Edited to add: Shake, rattle and roll. We had us a good lil shaker here tonight. It was a 5.6 on the richter scale. Those are the ones that wake you up.
I'm writing this 10 minutes after the quake and haven't heard any reports yet about damage. So I hope nobody was hurt. Here at my house it was a fun one but no damage. *crosses fingers*

Monday, October 29, 2007


Only in the Bay Area. And Augie wonders why I am such a whimp about stomrs.
We just had a break-in to normal programming to let us know that there are thunderstorms.
Um, oh, okay. *snort*

*looks at watch* when is Michelle going to get home? I have been looking forward to my dinner at Harry's Hof Brau all day. *waits*

Okay, now that we all know there are thunderstorms, we return you to your regularly scheduled program.

It gets better

The night took quite a turn.
As it turns out, and unfortunately it was too late for us...there was NO costume party at the restaurant. Go ahead and laugh. Hrmph.

Friday, October 26, 2007

I'm a banana

*sigh* I am a gawd damned banana. Yes, you heard me. AFter searching and searching and searching some more for a stupid halloween costume, I am going to be a fvcking fruit. A gawd damned banana.
I'm standing in the spirit store getting frustrated. I call Michelle to tell her that I am frustrated. I see a banana costume. I laugh and say that I should be a banana. Michelle thinks it would be a good idea to bring a Sharpie and have people sign me. In some brain fart moment I think this is a funny idea and I buy the gawd damned banana. It can't be returned.
I hate making decisions when I am frustrated because this is what happens. And so, on my 41st birthday, I will be walking around looking like a banana.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Why do they have to make the yummy Fiber One, oats and peanut butter bars, taste like candy. Why? I can't stop myself. When I get my box of Fiber One bars, I just gobble them up. I have eaten three fiber One bars two days in a row. It is not safe. I just can't stop myself. Oh jeez, now my mouth is watering and I want another one just because I'm typing about them. I will not eat a fourth fiber bar. I will not.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A recital

One fish,
Two fish,
Red fish,
Blue fish.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Happy Birthday, Monsty

A great big happy birthday to the little green one. How nice that your team gave you the wonderful gift of the World Series. Go Sox!!!!
I hope you have a wonderful and fantastic birthday at Starbucks, today. Try and behave and don't do anything that I wouldn't do.
Happy Birthday, Monsty. I love you dearly and hope you have a truly blessed day. *smooch*

Friday, October 19, 2007

Rambling rambles that will make no sense

1. Hate me if you want to, Love me if you can.
2. Sacrificial lamb. Or sheep. I'm not reel gud with farm animals.
3. Deep fried turkey.
4. Misto is back. *dreamy sigh*
5. Chest pains.
6. Emma--the bitch called again last night. *sigh*
7. Confusion.
8. What to read next?
9. <--my favorite number
10. Sleep? What's that?
11. Big Girls Don't Cry.
12. Amy Whinehouse.
13. Pinball.
14. Pizza.
15. Compromise.
16. Inner Strength
17. Noble
18. Will end with 18 because it is divisble by 9.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I put the last post on a draft. We're unclear about whether that post was real or not so I have turned it into a draft just in case Swami isn't in on it. If so, I will put it back up and know that it was a joke. But if it wasn't a joke and Swami doesn't know about it, I don't want there.
Carry on...

Friday, October 12, 2007

Happy Bravie

Now that? Is the OT that I love and miss so much. *happy sigh*
Augie and Pooh and Buggy and True came for a visit.
We had major threadjacking all over the place.
Monsty and her absolutely silly threads that ALWAYS turn into monstah threads.
A little arguing, a little making up, a little accusing here and there.
Oldies interacting with newbies.
Newbies jumping right in.
The fun newbies getting fun attention.
The asshole newbies getting ignored.
Food, politics, games, people's houses, spammers...Ahhhhhhh the joy that brought me to and kept me at OT.
What a great OT day IMHO.
I even received an approval PM from Cod.
Today? I could not have been happier with OT. :)

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Augie is taking me shopping tomorrow.
We are going to 7-11 for a weiner and a Slurpee.
Then we are going shoe shopping.
I wonder if she is paying though? I forgot to ask.
I haven't bought new flip flops since my outing with MM so I am in great need.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Since Cod has taken over my blog

I thought I should show respect to my newest blog guest, Cod, by showing a picture of Kim and I at our church. And those are glasses of holy water in our hands.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Dear God, it's me Bravie

Dear God,
I was hoping that you could make some important changes for me. Consider this to be sort of a Christmas list for Bravie.
1. Bacon. Please make it healthy and in fact necessary to live.
2. The weather. Please make all days 75-80 degrees with relative humidity. Let it rain between 3:00am and 5:00am everyday. This would solve a lot of problems and depression.
3. Football. I won't ask for the impossible, such as making the 49ers win the Superbowl, or even go to the Superbowl, or even the playoffs. But perhaps add a day to the weekends. Just for football. Like we could have two days of weekend and then one day of football.
4. Geography. Please condense our country so that all of my friends live within a short drive from me. Make the rest of the people in the country be the ones who live so far away.
5. Sleep. Please change the average amount of sleep needed to about 4 hours instead of 8 hours. I never seem to get enough sleep and I'm tired of looking and feeling tired.
6. Work. Please make internet surfing, watching football and drinking tainted milk a viable career choice. And make all of those other people who you moved far away from me, the ones responsible for actual work.
7. Heavyset people. Please make us the sexy ones.
8. Flip flops. Please make them not flip and flop. The noise bothers some people and it makes me feel as if I shouldn't wear them all the time.
9. Poots. Make them the polite thing to do.

As you can see, God, I have not asked for much. Nine little requests in a sea of requests that could be made. I'm not asking for difficult things such as world peace, just simple little requests.
I will be awaiting your response.
Thank you,

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Pictures, get your pictures here...

Here we are showing off our smiles. We were overlooking Lake Ontario but the lake is facing us so you don't get to see it. :)

Here we were at the top of the mountain where we went four wheeling. Wheeee fun and such a beautiful view.

See how tall Breezy is? *snort*

Breezy pooping in the outhouse with Sanjana

We love Dusterboy. Notice that Boozy/Breezy has two drinks in her hand? Neither of those were mine. *grin*

These were taken at the waterfalls that are 5 minutes from Lightsy's house. Can you beleive she had never been there?

And finally...POUTINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

That's going to be the title of my next blog entry

Holy cow, where do I begin?
Let's see...new things I experienced in Canda. <--proper spelling according to Breezy.
I ate moose
I ate walleye
I ate rhubarb
I went 4 wheeling
I got to experience a raclette
I pooped in an outhouse. More than once. And it was fun.
Thursday, Breezy and I set out for our great Michigan/Canda roadtrip adventure. By hour 9 we were ready to be at Lightsy's. Boy oh boy were we ready. *grin*
We didn't spend much time chatting that night because we were so exhausted so we pretty much went right to bed.
Friday we got to get a grand tour of Lightsy's town. What beautiful country. I was just in awe of the countryside. Such wonderful colors that we don't get in California.
There was Sam the town drunk. And Darlene the town foul mouth. I tell ya, I love Quebec. Every other word is "fuck". *giggle*
Then we got to go and eat poutine. OH.MY.GAWD is that stuff ever delicious. I could eat that every single day. I think it was that night taht we ate moose and walleye. The days are kind of blurred. Then we played cards. and I have to say that Breezy and Lightsy fucking cheat, eh. But cheaters never prosper and I won. *grin*
Saturday was Breezy's birthday and we got to go 4-wheeling in some of the most beautiful countryside I have ever seen. Just stunning scenery.
We got to meet Lighty and Dusterboys best friends and let me tell you they were a hoot. Those people in Canda are the friendliest folks I have ever met. Everybody was so warm and friendly and inviting. I love Canda.<--still not misspelling the country.
I really have to do s short version of this trip or this blog entry could be 45 pages long. LOL
Lightsy did a much better job of condensing in her blog.
I'll post some pictures later this week and I will update more info there too. I'm still jetlagged and things are running together and blurred.
Anyhow, we got to go out on the boat at Lightsy's lake. Dusterboy got to pee off the boat. I couldn't bring myself to try so by the time we got back to the cottage I about peed myself. Did I mention the outhouse? I loved using the outhouse. *giggle* That sounds sarcastic but I really did enjoy it just because I had never used one before.
I'll end this blog entry for now with this...
I had a wonderful time. Loved the company, loved the country and loved all of my new experiences. Lightsy and Dusterboy could not have been better hosts. I felt right at home.
A friend asked me what my favorite part of the trip was and without hesitation and without even pausing my answer was "spending time with my wonderful friends." Everything I experienced on my trip was fantastic but nothing was better than the quality time that we got to pack into such a short amount of time.
Thank you Lightsy, Dusterboy, Breezy and the wonderful people of Canada. It was a weekend I will not forget. *smooches* I love you all dearly.