Thursday, November 29, 2007

Buddy Lee

Not the greatest picture quality, as I took these with my phone. But here are a couple of the new boy.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Krz Cat Ladies

That's what they are going to call us. We're catching up to Nookie as far as the cat population in our home. I always subscribed to the believe that you don't have more cats than you do bedrooms.
Grrrr, I had an entire post about our new cat and blogger ate it. That pisses me off. All that got saved was the above paragraph.
So now you get the abridged version:
We have a new cat. His name is Buddy Lee. Michelle brought him home from work. He was a stray who attached himself to her. And now he lives with us at night. He goes to work with Michelle everyday. Other cats hate him but will adjust. He's mellow. He's beautiful. He's between 1-2 years old. I'll post pictures at some point. That is all for now because I'm frustrated over blogger eating my post. :)

Sunday, November 25, 2007

You? Can stay

We had a very nice Thanksgiving. There were 14 of us up at the new house. With 14 people (family) there is bound to be some drama and chaos. Nothing major. You know how it is with big families. So and so was too lazy, so and so shot their mouth off too much, so and so was so this or that. You know how it goes.
Anyhow, everybody else had left by 10:30am the morning after Thanksgiving. Everyone except for Michelle's parents and us. Once everybody left, Michelle and I just started to clean up the house. It wasn't bad but little things like vacuuming and and picking up here and there.
So Michelle was in the shower and I was downstairs vacuuming when Michelle's parents came down the stairs. Michelle's Mom told me to turn off the vacuum for a minute. As soon as I did, her Mom and Dad plopped down on the couch, took a big sigh and said "Now that they are all gone, I just want to say that you two can stay as loooong as you would like. You can stay all week if you want. How is it that you two are the only normal children in the family?"
*snort* And I did snort. I said it is pretty scary when Michelle and I are the normal ones. LOL
Anyhow, all their other kids and inlaws drove them insane. Between their laziness, their big mouths, their sloppiness and their loudness, the parental units were ready for them all to go home.
*pats self on back* Michelle and I helped cook, helped clean, didn't fight, weren't loud, didn't complain. We were the perfect little kids for the weekend.
Her parents spent the next half hour complaining about their boys and their wives and their other daughter. They kept wondering where they went wrong and were grateful that they had Michelle and I.
I said to Michelle "See? you can't dump me. I'm the only daughter in law that they like". *grin*
I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. We did. But I'm glad to be home.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving.

Friday, November 16, 2007


I don't have much planned this weekend. I guess I'll just have to hang out with Kimmer tomorrow. I suppose we could go to Lush and then attend Saturday church. San Francisco style.
The LUSH and lushie tour starts tomorrow. :)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Grandparents post

My grandparents are no longer alive but something happened that made me think of this and so I'm posting it.

Back when I was a kid my grandparents would come out here from Virginia every other year for Christmas. One of our family traditions was to get together with four other families and have a game night. At stake was a trophy which was just the back end of a horse. So every year, each family would compete for the horses ass award.
One year we played The Match game. A word or phrase would be read and then each family member would fill in the blank. This particular year the word was "Tape_______".
As we went around our family, first my mom said "recorder." Next was my dad and he said "recorder". Yay. A match. Then we get to grandma. We often laughed at grandma because well, she didn't always get things. If you know what I mean. So we get to grandma and she says "cod". HUH??? Cod? Grandma, what is wrong with you. You need to get your hearing checked. Cod? Really? Tape Cod? *giggle* Obviously grandma thought the word was "cape". We all laugh and move along. We get to me and I say "recorder". Then we get to Pop. (everybody called my grandfather "Pop"). So Pop is sitting there and there are tears rolling down his face. His rather large belly is just bouncing up and down and he has tears rolling down his face. We had no clue what was going on. So now Pop needs to show his card. And what did he write down?......You guessed it, Pop had written "Cod". LMAO. Those two old farts who had been married for over 50 years were now hearing things the same way. Incorrectly. But? It counted as a match. Those two deaf old farts may not hear well but they helped us that year to win the horses ass. *giggle*

Anyhow, a similar incident happened in my house last night. Too long to go in to but it totally reminded me of that Match Game and my grandparents.
I told Michelle that I knew that it was dorky of me but the fact that we had this similar incident happen made me want to say to her "See, we DO belong together". She laughed and told me that as soon as our incident happened, she totally thought of my grandparents. And she said to me "maybe you ARE my lobster". If you didn't watch Friends, you may not get that reference.
Anyhow, I haven't been around much lately. And when I have been, I have not exactly been positive or upbeat. So I just wanted to post my little story that made me smile. That is all. Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


My football team still sucks. Alex Smith is a waste of football field. My offensive line is a waste of football field. My offensive coordinator is a waste of airspace. Most pathetic team in league history. I should have gotten 50% off of my SF tattoo. Rat bastards. And? we won't even benefit from being in last place because we gave up our first round draft pick to New England. Yeah, um, NE really needs a first round pick. *rolls eyes*

Monday, November 05, 2007

My fancy poetry.

Football is nice.
My team sucks.
Bring back Jerry rice.
Even if it takes all our bucks.
Alex Smith is the worst.
I hate him, but don't want to see him in a hearst.
Will we ever be good? That I doubt.
Please football Gods, bring me something to cheer about.

Thursday, November 01, 2007


That is all.
Oh, and Breezy has replaced me with a new BFF. She is all buddy buddy now with a certain critter. *giggle*